University of South Florida-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of South Florida-Main Campus know before they start?


If it was possible to go back and give advice to myself as a high school senior, I would not just tell but encourage myself to fill out hundreds of scholarship opportunities. Scholarships that students win are typically the easiest way for that student to pay off college. Loans are acceptable, but if a loan is accepted then the student will be paying off college for decades. One thing I lack as a college student is the funds from scholarships. Loans are accepted every semester so far for me, and it just makes me think. I really wish it was possible to go back in time. I would definitely make sure that scholarship essays will become a part of my homework. Knowing how I struggle to get books now makes me frustrated on the fact I never tried for scholarship opportunities. If only I could go back to put an influence on myself to go get the free money that would help me out in furthering my education, I most definitely would. I would inform myself on all the free time I wasted I could have been filling out scholarships, because now I never have that free time.


Knowing what I know about college life now I would I have put extra effort into my freshman year, so I would be able to take AP classes and be a little bit more prepared for my rigorous field of study in college. I would have told myself to focus more and ask more questions in class because I realized my high school chemistry class was my foundation for my chemistry class in college. During the time of filling out college applications I would have visited my college more than once so I could become more familiar with where I would be spending my next four years. Another thing I would tell myself is be mindful of what I bring with me to school and how long I am going to be there because over packing is bad when I leave a far distance and going back and forth from Tampa to Jacksonville will be a huge problem for my mom who does all the driving. The most important thing I would tell myself is to stay focus, work as hard as I can in school, and save as much money as I can for college.


If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to accomplish as much as I could. I would tell myself to rely on the advice of friends and relatives who have also had this experience and to never give up on goals that you set for yourself. I would tell myself to focus as closely as I could on my academic success and continue to do that while you further your education in college. I would tell myself to be as involved as possible because the more connections you make while in college, the easier and more enjoyable your time in college will be.


Dear high school Adam, the University of South Florida is an amazing school with great opportunities to pursue. Continue your athletic activities as they will help you meet new people and will present amazing opportunities otherwise not available. Continue with the studying habits you have been using, I have seen many people get content in college and begin to spiral downward as their grades drop. Getting a tutor isn?t a bad thing, that is the best way to get ahead. Without spreading yourself too thin, join as many campus activities and student organizations as you can. You will meet many great people and will see the university in a completely new way. Campus food is a great way to gain weight, so make sure to eat plenty and spend a lot of time in the gym. As always, stay focused with grades as your first priority, the rest will fall into place if you don?t have to stress about your GPA or falling behind in class. Have fun, this is college.


There are so many things that I would tell myself when I was a high school senior. Although I did not like participating in clubs and extraciricular activites, I would tell myself to participate in at least one club and or activity. I would stress that colleges look at what patiential students do in their spare time and if you are doing community service, it shows that you have a strong commitment drive. I would also tell myself to concentrate more on my acedemics and less on my part time job. The part time job only brought you extra money; better grades may have brought you a better college choice. I would also tell myself to forget about the drama with your classmates. You have your own life to think about and other people do not care or can live your life for you. I would stress to myself to think more positively and not to swet the small things in life. Knowlege is the ultimate tool that one can possess; it can make the difference between success or failure.


If I could go back in time and talk to my self when i was a senior i would tell hime to try to find more financial aid that is available to him so it is easier to get through college instead of just barely getting through it money wise.


Make sure you utilize all the free money scholarship, grants, and fellowship as you start to plan for college. There is no sense in having to pay for college and/or struggle to work through college when the burden can either be paid for or relieved.


If I could go back in time there is so much I would tell myself. The main thing I have realized my first semester is my really basic math skills. I wish I would have told myself not to rely so much on my calculator because I never realized how many little things I would forget. When I arrived to USF the policy is no calculators to be used on anything. This was sort of a shock because in high school I did almost everything on my calculator. I realized that I should have kept doing the little things like multiplication and doing fractions in my head because it was hard to get into the flow of doing it again. Although there are many things I would tell myself I think I would also say good job for all the hard work I did. I worked hard in high school and I do think it paid off because I am handling college pretty good. I also would have told myself to really enjoy my last year of freedom because college along with working takes up a lot of time!


If I could go back to myself as a senior at Winter Springs HIgh School, I would make a few changes and offer advice to myself for the future. In high school, I always got decent grades and made my dad proud. My high school life was very difficult in that my mother died during that time, and I was to face high school alone with a single parent, yet this part of my high school career did not affect my performance and outcome. I was always determined in life and in high school to get he best grades and to get into a university. If I could go back I would say to myself, "Don't always be looking to please others, people will accept you for who you are in college," "College is an amazing part of your life, study hard and you will get good grades, and that these grades and hard work this will make you the treasurer in the pre med club." But the part of being myself has always been trouble for me, but now that I'm in college I know that I am accepted for who I am.


If I had the opportunity to speak with myself as a high school senior, I would reassure myself that taking time off before beginning college is the right decision for me. Even though I am now a couple years behind my peers, I am taking my education more seriously than I would have if I had chosen to enter college immediately after high school. What I should have done differently after high school was to pursue more financial aid. Despite being academically qualified, I did not receive as much aid as I could have because I did not apply. Advice which I all students should adhere to is to devote themselves to their studies and future and to seek help (financial and otherwise) when needed.