University of Southern Maine Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Southern Maine know before they start?


The real trick is balancing social life with work ethic. If you have a good enough percentage of both, then you will enjoy yourself.


The best advice I can give to students going through the college selection process is, don't make this a life or death decision. An education is an education any way you cut it. Theres no reason to get all worked up and stressed out because you didn't get into a school that costs $50,000/yr. The way I see it, its better to pay an in-state tuition and graduate with less debt, then you can still walk away with a degree of some sort. When you finally get into a school, get involved. Every college or university that you will ever come across has a wide array of groups and activities, and theres something for everyone. You will regret it if all you do is lock yourself in your dorm room and fail to participate or socialize. It is important to do well in your classes, but dont get so comsumed by academics that you miss out on what the college atmosphere is all about.


What I would say to someone who is looking into schools is to always visit the school before you make a decision. If the campus doesn't give you a good first impression, you won't like it there. Also, look into what classes they offer, because you have to be excited about the classes in order to do well in them. Finances are also important, so if you are looking into an expensive school, try to make sure that the amount of money you would be putting into it is going to be worth it. I see so many people spend thousands more than I do in order to get the same degree I will be getting. The teaching quality is excellent at state schools, and you will learn only as much as you are willing to learn, regardless of where you are, so an expensive school isn't always the best way to go.