If I could go back in time my first and foremost piece of advice to myself would be to pay attention to my finances. Be more cautious with my spending and think ahead for the future. Instead of wasting money on frivolous things put a little bit of money away every week. Don't get a credit card unless absolutely neccessary and only use it for emergency situations. Learn how to make a budget now so you do not become overhwelmed by bills and learn how to be smart with what purchases you do make. Next I would be sure to tell myself not to cram overnight, work smarter not harder. Be consistent in you study and practice. Create a schedule and adhere to it as best you can. Also don't be overwhelmed by change. Expect it but don't be shocked by it. No matter how hard it seems change can be good it causes growth. Stay strong no matter what and when times get tough remember nothing is forever. You are a smart capable young woman and when you apply yourself you can achieve anything so chase your dreams and let nothing stand in your way.
The advice I would give myself is to give myself the opportunity, the opporunity to apply or to even go to Texas State University. I didn't even give myself the chance to find out if I'd be accepted and until this day it haunts , I thought I'd never be good enough or be able to make it on my own. All I think is what if, what if I applied, what if I did get in, just what if? That's all I can ask myself. I wish I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior and tell myself: give yourself a chance, you deserve a shot at something new in life that could either turn out to be amazing or become an experience to learn from but atleast give yourself the opportunity to find out. Don't be scared and give it a try. Sooner or later you're going to have to leave the nest and stand on your own two feet, why not start now? Don't hold back because of anything or anyone, you deserve to do this for you, do it for you. Do it.
This is a tough question for me - shortly after I graduated from high school, I became pregnant with my daughter. If I could go back and speak to myself, I'd say "hey Meaghan, do your homework," because that was something I really fell short on while I was there. I participated actively in conversation, and teachers all seemed to like me, but I failed miserably when it came to doing my work on time [or sometimes, at all.] Going back to school as a 21 year old parent was a tough, tough choice for me, but obviously the right one.
I did my high school years in San Jose, Costa Rica. I would advise myself to work very hard in my future goals and be confident about my decision. I would tell myself to not be afraid to take risks and follow my heart. I would of learn English before I came here for College. I would probably suggest getting a job and save money for college.
As the human society moves along and ventures to new and exciting levels, it is important for individuals to tranisiton appropriately along the way. Assuming that I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, my transition into becoming a young woman would have been much different. Knowing what I know now about college life, I personally would have told myself to be more motivated and ambitious with my future goals. I would have asked for more help and more direction so that I could have better understood just how important college really is. Immediately, the first peice of advice I would have given to myself would be to get college applications out. Not knowing how to apply, nor having money should not have stopped me from delaying my education and settling for a community college. The transition and path that I chose was an easy route. Knowing what I know now about how college life really works and the strenuous amount of effect it takes to achieve such specactular goals, I would have told myself to buckle down. Venturing into my future college courses, I will become a young woman.
I would tell myself to go to college. Start at a community college for the first two years and then transfer to a bigger university. I would also look into scholarships so I didn't leave school with a lot of student loan debt. I would make sure attending college was the right decision so I didn't waste any money.
You are not crazy, you are just chronically misunderstood. You are so much smarter, courageous, beautiful than you could ever imagine. You are not fat or lazy or stupid. The world is open to you. You have so much to offer. It gets better. Way better. You could not ever possibly imagine what life will be like in 5, 10, or even 2 years from now. You are lovable. Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't believe the lies people tell you about yourself. You know who you are and what's important. Don't give any one person too much of your power or let them take it from you. Try not to put all your eggs in one basket, it is unwise. Never take yourself too seriously. Life is not nearly as serious or predictable as you would like to think it is. Accept your limitations. You will come up against them time and time again and it is wise to heed them and not to force your way through. That strategy does not work. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it, in fact this is a strength building strategy.
If I had the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I honestly would not change a thing. I am so thankful that I made the "mistakes" I did while I was still at such a young age. I am now 26, and only 2 years back into school but I have so much to be thankful for. When I was a senior in high school, I became pregnant with my first child. He is so beautiful. Only 18 months after his birth was the birth of my second son. He is adorable and hilarious. If I had not made the mistakes so young, I wouldn’t have been given these two awesome kids. I may have delayed school a bit but I feel that sometimes, when people enter college straight out of high school, they don’t take it seriously. I am now mature enough to realize the importance of doing well. I am able to set a goal and meet it without the distractions of a teenager. The only thing I would tell myself as a teen, is Dezarey; you are smart, learn from your mistakes and keep moving.
If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would say always staye focus. Knowing what I know, sometimes 1 day you blow off could mean the difference between a B or A. Get to know all your professor because in the end, they are recommending you. Always stay involved in school activities and document when you volunteer. I never documented when I volunteer and sometimes is necessary to show you actually did. I would also say use all the resources available like library and writing center. Lastly, I would say to myself, learn how to cook! It says money and you eat better quality food. Through my years in college, I was 12 hours away from my family on my own. Sometimes it was dificult to get through the month since my allowance was 100 dollar after paying rent and my bus pass. Making ones own food yields to saving a good amount of money, eating better, and staying healthy.
Go for a reasonably priced school with a program you love. Your education is what you make of it, and you will find incredible teachers wherever you go if you take the time to listen. Take a year off if you need to - it is better to know what you want out of your education before diving head first into it only to find it isn't what you really wanted to be doing. It is possible to work your way through school without accumulating insurmountable debt by paying what you can when you can, and taking out as few loans as possible. Learn about the capitalization of interest, and don't take the word of any loan counselors - read the fine print yourself. While you are in school join clubs, and make a club of your own! They are a great way to meet lifelong friends, and once you figure out how your school funds work, you may get the school to pay for your club snacks, or trip to the science museum, or the seeds and dirt for your community garden. Take the initiative and do what you are passionate about - it will lead to good things!