Don't rush the experience. When I started I had the mindset that I would just plow through and only focus on mystudies. Then last year I had the idea that I wanted to become more involved with this campus and once I did I fell in love with being involved and wished I had done it sooner and not had been so serious.
Our education isimportant yet if we are to focued on our goal and miss what is happengin around us then whats the point. Life is about all our experinces, so work hard in school yet enjoy it at the same time.
The advice I would give myself is keep pushing through all the difficulties. Save money because having no money is the most frustrating part of college. Dont try out for the soccer team. It is better that you devote all your time to your studies and not have to worry about practicing in the cold and dealing with the unsportsmanship attitudes of the team. Also, stay focused whenever you are driving; dont let anyone distract you. If you focus on the road you'll avoid an accident. Call mom every week. you'll find out over Christmas that things arent going well between mom and dad, so just call every week to remind them you love them. One last thing, an amazing girl, Kacie will walk into your life and be your best friend ever! She will help you get a new roommate and deal with all the stress at home, school, work, and with Alex. She will be the best thing that ever happened to you. You're going to be fine though. you're strong! Stay close to your family and choose your friends carefully. Love, me.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior, I would advise myself to listen to my high school teachers and guidance counselors. The amount of suggestions and useful material that was given to me was put to waste., including scholarship information. One of the most important things I was told was to set goals for my future. Another big piece of advice I would have given myself was to try your hardest in all your classes and on the SAT's. The effort put in your high school years really reflects upon your future. I wish I would have realized that my poor effort on the SAT's was going to have a huge impact on college.
If I could go back in time and talk to the high school senior self, I would tell her not to stress. I put so much stress on myself to get the most out of high school to prepare myself more for college. Well that didn't work, it discouraged my high school experience. On top of that high school did not prepare me for college at all. The thing that prepared me the most was my life experience. Before my senior I went through a divorce, living on my own for a while, moving to a town 30 minutes away and having to make that commute. It's those life experiences that gave me the head on my shoulders making me ready for the journey ahead of me. I would tell myself to stop worrying about self perfection, and recognition, worry about the life that is still being played around you, becuase it doesn't pause or slow down for you, it keeps going it's normal speed whether you are maturing with it or not.
If I could go back and tell my young and nieve self anything, it would be to stop, look around you, and enjoy it. Highschool is definetly the best years of your life. Don't waste it on stressing the small stuff or being sad that the boy of your dreams isn't asking you out. Don't worry that you lost that last game or you took a bad school picture. College and working is not all its cracked up to be. It's harder then I used to think and you have to work for everything you want. You can make some great memories in highschool and friends of a lifetime, cherish them. Follow your heart and dreams. Don't go into something you don't love. Find your passion. Experience it. Live it. Most importantly dont take it for granted.
I would tell myself to be smarter with money and to get tips from my mom about life skills. Go the grocery store with her and learn about shopping smart and how to save money while doing it. Watch and help her cook meals so you are able to cook and learn about basic sewing. The microwave will become your best friend and you will be awesome at using it, plus, when you go out to eat, always get the rest of your food box because you never know when you will want a snack. I would tell myself about how to stay active more and to try-out for volleyball right away and not wait till the next year to do it. Don't every go to the gym to work out in the morning or from 3-6 becuase it is really pack and hard to get weights or machines you want use. Lastly, i would let myself know to do the homework while listening to classical music because it helps me concentrate better and not procrastinate, have fun, relax, and join the engineering program because you want to be a mechanical engineer not a chemist.
The advice I would giv myself if I was back in high school would of been to apply for as many schoarships as I could, get better grades, looked into college a little bit more, and participated in more school activities.
Young Kathleen,
You're full of dreams but they all revolve around following the successful footprints of your family, most of whom are involved in the medical field. You know very well that this isn't the path for you, although sciences and medicine intrigue you, your heart lies in art. Your hands weren't meant to touch the hearts of others with healing, but with your creations. Art has always been your strongest subject, don't be afraid you aren't good enough, once you let go of your fears you will even start to impress yourself with what you can make.
You don't need to move away from home.. Listen to Mom, stay close to her. She keeps you motivated and out of trouble, she's your biggest fan and supporter as well as a fountain of inspiration. Not to mention that by staying home you'll save yourself money. You can keep working at your steady job, with your supportive boss who gives you free lessons in business, why would you think to give that up? Try to surpress your desire for new exotic people and places, there's plenty of time to discover them later.
If I could go back and time and talk to my high school senior self, oh there would be so many things I would tell a young me. I would tell him to get serious after high school, start working during the summer, so I could have many saved up for school and while then I would tell him to prepare to work hard and attened James Sprunt Community College and double major in both the Computer Information Technology field and in the Associate in Arts program, and when he would ask me why I would tell him its going to help you better help and prepare you for the future. With the knowledge I know now I would tell him community college would be his best choice, not only would he learn about computers andget his general courses out the way, so when he transferred to university he could go straight to his intended program of study which is computer science. I would also tell my younger self to enroll or transfer to UNC-Greensboro and enter their computer science program and try to do their accelerated BS and MS option in which you get bothe degrees.
I would tell myself to really focus and study. This semester I realized that I needed to buckle down if I really want to complete my degree. This is the only thing I've ever wanted to do and probably will. Just focus and don't dilly dally. Get your work done! Impossible is nothing.