I never really understood what a life changing experience college can be. Perhaps at the end of my 4 years as an undergraduate, I will have a different view on what I have gotten out of my college experience, but as a freshman, the most valuable aspect has been expanding my horizons. Growing up in a small town, with the same group of friends through out my whole life, I never thought I would be able to break away from those habits. Well, I did. I have made some of the best friends that I will ever have and have been able to no longer be dependent on an adult for guidance regarding domestic activities or making personal judgments. College is something that everyone should get a chance to experience, not only because it furthers your chances at success; it also changes the way you view the world.
In high school I was always told that college would be some of the best times of my life. As a college sophomore I can see the truth in that statement. I have met many people of different backgrounds, interests, nationalities, and opinions. In my first semester of college I was placed into overflow housing because of the lack of space. Overflow housing was a study lounge converted into living space for six young women. What seemed like a recipe for disaster was a blessing in disguise. I started college with five awesome friends who were all amazing and unique. Our dorm room was a fabulous mix of African American, Chinese, German, Indian, Irish, and Japanese heritage. We had interests ranging from calculus to history and from Russian to chemistry. We could not have been more different, but it also could not have been more perfect. A year later we still celebrate each others’ birthdays and spend holidays together. College has taught me that you can take vastly different people and instead of creating a reality show you can create beautiful friendships. College is the perfect training ground for young adults. It's real life, but more learning friendly.
There are many experiences that I have achieved at the University of St. Thomas. I have grown spirtually, academically, and socially. I have grown at a Catholic University in my faith, and have learned many new experiences that open my eyes to my faith. I have grown academically. The University of St. Thomas has pushed me to reach my academic goals by myself, while still offering the needed support along the way. I have grown socially, I have made friends, that I know will last forever. The University of St. Thomas has been valuable to attend because the university has exactly what I need in all those areas, and well as what exactly I want out of a university. Even though, it's a private school, and has caused me and my parents more financial struggles, I know that going to the University of St. thomas will be highly valuable in the end, because of my growth in spirituality, academics, and my social life. In my opinion, a private college experience is like no other. It will cause more struggles, but in the end of reaching all of your goals, you know its always possible.
College has not only given me thus far the education that will aid me in the future but also the drive that I will use to keep going through everything that life brings. This drive will also come helpful when it comes to the workforce through which it will keep me going in order to always shoot for the stars and do better no matter what conflicts may arise.
College has also opened my eyes to new opportunities of what I could do with my life. I came into college having an idea of what I wanted to accomplish and what kind of job I wanted at the end of it. Now I still know but I have opened my eyes to new options and have broadened my horizons in doing so. The location of my college, in the city, I believe has also brought me more opportunities in that there are so many groups and causes one can get involved in. As a political science / international business major it truly allows me to get involved in the community by getting through programs like the legislator in the state capital.
In the end, I hope for more wonderful college experiences.
So far, I've gotten a great sense of independence. I'm on my own and making descisions that effect my life and schooling. At the same time, I'm also getting a great sense of being social; going to a college where I don't know anyone has made me become more social to get to know different people. LIving with someone I don't know has really made me grow out of my comfort zone, which has made me a very well-rounded perosn!
I have realized that I am at a college I truly love, I am at a place in life that I always hoped to reach, and I would not change a thing about my college experience as of yet. I have been as involved as I wanted to be and have met more wonderful people than I could have ever hoped to meet. I am blessed to be able to go to the University of St. Thomas and I would recommend the institution to anyone who listens and wants to have a successful and personal college career.
In college, I have gained so many great experiences and learned valuable skills that will make me successful in life. I have attained these skills in a combination of two areas. First in my classes, my professors have encouraged me to drive for excellence in the field of actuarial science. Also my advisor has given me countless oportunites to make connections with actuaries and helped me throught the steps of becoming a victorious actuary. On my athletic side, cross country running has taught me how to build life long relationships and how to balance a busy schedule. Which is extremely helpful in college and in a career. Also my coaches have encourage me to have a persevering attitude in a race, which also follows me into my daily life. My college experience has been challenging, but I knowthe journey will continue to be rewarding.
I have honestly gotten a sense of cultural awareness. Coming from "Suburbia," I was a closeminded individual. I had a very skewed view of the world and the people that live it. I thought people made and deserved the circumstances they were in. If you didn't like where you were, it was your fault and it was up to you to change it. Going to college and growing up changed that. I was able to meet all types of people, of all different colors, from different walks of life and with different dreams. I learned that everyone wants the same basic things: love, respect and a feeling of safety for themselves and their families. And, no, it isn't necessarily the fault of the idividual for being in whatever siuation they may be in. I have learned humility and have humbled myself. Ultimately it's not where we come from, but it's where we are going and the path that we take to get there. This has been one of the most valuable lessons I have learned in my life and I am more greatful for learning it than I can express.
College to me is a once in a lifetime experience. Attending college has made me a stronger more responsible individual. I am a full-time employee and a full-time student, I am in college to have a full-time career. I have met people in school that share similar stories and lead similar lives. Those are the people that make my college experience what it is. There are time when I feel to tired to attend or too overwhelmed to continue; those friends I have in college help me stick with my plans and endure the struggle now. One day, I wlill be successful and have the career I earned. That is the most important reason why its important to attend school and struggle now. It may be hard and it may be challenging but one day I will be compensated for all my hard work. The experiences I have in college now and the people I meet, will be apart of my life forever. They say that the friends you meet are the people you will share a life with. I value my life and most importanly my education.