Reflecting on my senior year, in a way, makes me laugh a little. My time in high school was incredible and was easily highlighted by my last year there. Even now, however, I cannot help but to wish that I had had the opportunity to have some foresight in what is to come. Had I had the chance to offer ten pieces of advice to my younger self, I would stress some things:
1) Enjoy your time with your family now, because you will miss them more than you can imagine.
2) With that in mind, make sure you know how much they mean to you, every day.
3) Life at your high school moves on without you- coming back for Homecoming will only remind you how much you are no longer wanted.
4) Limit your visits home.
5) The first days of college are crucial, meet people and have fun, or else you will play catch up socially.
6) Not EVERYONE drinks!
7) Set aside time for your own personal time.
8) Don't worry about money too much- you will figure it out.
9) Communicate with your roommate.
10) Always give everything and everyone your best "You".
If I could go back to being a high school senior, knowing what i do know, and could give myself some advice, it would be to follow your instinct. It is important that you look at and apply to a lot of different types of schools to keep your options open. Be realistic about where you see yourself and what you want for yourself, not what you think others want for you. It is hard enough to be a freshman at any university and will be even more difficult if you are not happy or feel like you were pressured into a decision. After considering all your options and the financial situaiton you would be in at each school, pray about it. Your instincts will lead you in the right direction; listen to them!
You can make any school work, just look for the key things you are unwilling to compromise on in a school. Think in advance of what majors or programs you might be interested in and see how the school ranks in those areas. Talk to current students to get a more accurate feel of what campus life is like.
I would say to myself to just accept who you are. I spent a lot of time in high school wishing I was someone I wasn't, but I have now come to terms with the fact that I am who I am and I should embrace that. You don't have to be the most popular person on campus who has the most friends as long as you're happy with yourself.
The advice I would give myself is to come to college with an open mind and open heart. College life often leads us to re-examine our values, ideals, and beliefs. If one does not come with an open mind and heart, it will be difficult to see the two sides to every situation. In addition, I would tell myself to be kinder than necessary to everyone you meet. We do not know what each person has or may be dealing with and continually being kind to someone will allow you to gain friendship and trust with others. Finally, I would tell myself that no matter what the circumstances are, it is okay to fail or not succeed. As long as we are willing to try again or discover a better method or way, it is not a failure. It is a moment that can lead us to new and better successes.
The advice I would give myself as a senior in high school would be to really enjoy senior year and really live in the present. Of course, there is a time to work ahead and plan, but during your last year of high school, do not be to quick to wish it away and dream of being in college. Before you know it, you will be in college, but while you are still in high school, enjoy that last year. Come together with your friends, appreciate your teachers, and enjoy where you are at every moment.
I would let myself know that the first couple months of college can be a challenge socially. Before leaving for college, I was often told that I would meet the best friends of my life in college, and because of that I expected that it would be easy. The first semester of my freshman year proved to be difficult in that respect because it was hard to meet people whom I could really connect with. The easiest way to meet people is at parties, and that was not my style. I went to a few but did not enjoy them much or feel that I met people who would become close friends. The best thing to do ended up being to join groups that did things I enjoyed - especially one that went on a spring break service trip where I met most of my best friends from college. I believe the best advice for college freshmen is to recognize that making new friends will take time and to be active in finding people you enjoy spending time with in classes, organizations and in the dorms.
I would tell myself to take more honor and AP classes to help myself prepare for the level of the college classes. I would tell myself that college is much better than high school because you have more freedom, you can take more specific classes that your interested in and may want to have a career in. The professors here are great and they are always willing to help. The financial aspect is tight but you will make it by. Get more help when you need it, there is always help avalible when it is needed. Have fun.
I would advise myself to not hold back and be afraid. To just dive into the culture and meet as mant people as possible right from the get go. I would also tell myself to never give up and to expect that college will be harder then highschool was but still very managable.
The first thing I would say to myself is "It's amazing!!!!" College is so much different from high school there is just no comparison. Also, branch out! That's the number one thing you want to do! Meeting new people is by far the best part about college; knowing that the friends you meet here could be the friends that you will be with forever. And sit down and get to know just about anybody you can. Listen to peoples stories. Open your eyes and ears to find out more about them. Those stories could change the way you look at life as a whole, and make you a better person. And don't be hesistant to try new things. Experience college! Try a club or a sport! The people you meet in activities are the best people you will ever meet. The bond and relationship you share with teamates and coaches becomes a bond like family. College is short. It will go by fast. So live it up! Find out things about yourself you never knew were there, Allie. And most importantly, STUDY! Get to the library, girl, and get that homework done! :)