If I could go back in time and give myself advice in high school it would be to research more on what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Also I would tell myself to join more leadership positions on campus so that I could stay more involved.
I would give myself advice such as: Do the homework right a way so you do not get stressed when it comes down to the deadlines. You will not be able to just slide right through college like you did in high school, college is a lot tougher. You will have to do the complete homework, most of the material WILL not come to you, you will have to find the answer the traditional way. Take it one day at a time. You will be able to enjoy everyday much better because before you know it, it will be your junior or senior year and will wonder where did all the time go. Continue to be the person you are, people will enjoy that about you. Stay with the faith. Your faith is the basis of your life and it will continue to grow as you grow to be the man that God wants you to become. Lastly, go in for help. The professors really are there to help you know what you should learn. Do not think of it as they are out to get you or are scary because they encourage help.
I would tell my high school self that she should pray that God leads her to the school God wants her to be at, and to pursue the career field that he has planned for her. I would tell her that even though it is hard to be unaware of what the future brings, she shouldn't worry, because God has some great things in store for her. She only needs to be patient, walk through the doors that the Lord opens for her, and keep her eyes on him, because he will not lead her astray. I would tell her that she doesn't need to panic about her major, because God will make known his will for her in his time. I would tell her there will be struggles she will go through, but she'll make it out just fine. I would tell her that each year just keeps getting better, and to cherish each moment, because time goes by so fast.
If I could have given my high school self any advice, I would have said two things. First of all, I would tell myself that I shouldn't be so scared. I was so afraid that I would have no friends and that I would miss home so much. But I saw that if one tries, making friends is not so hard, and that as time goes on, you make new connections and reinforce the once that you started with until you build up some solid friendships. I also found myself hardly missing home at all; I was so busy in my new life with my new friends.
Secondly, I would also try to prepare myself for how busy I would be. I have discovered that it is nearly impossibe to have a social life, keep up with school work, and get enough sleep. At the same time, I would tell myself that everyone else is in the same boat, and we help each other and keep each other going. I would have shown myself how my great friends would make my college experience amazing.
If I went back in time and talked to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself a few things. First, don't ever choose a college based on where your friends. It is never a smart choice to make decisions that affect your life based off of your friends. Second, you should live on campus. It is crucial to live on campus freshman year at least, so you get the chance to experience freedom and are able to branch out and meet new people. It will help the transition immensely. Third, in college people will always change and you'll meet people that seem different but branch out and get to know everyone, as well as try new things. You should join many clubs and take full advantage of the resources and activities the university provides. Lastly, be yourself and don't do things because it seems as if everyone else is doing something. There are people who are great and share the same morals, values, and beliefs. Don't depreciate yourself to fit in with others. College is the stage of your life where you mature and succeed, so find yourself and enjoy doing it.
The advice I would have given myself would be to keep up the hard work and effort. I would have told myself that I need to recieve more college credit so I could save money and potentially have less classes to take to recieve my major and potentially recieve a minor. I would tell myself to get more involved with the programs that the college has to offer to set me up with an internship. I also would have told myself what direction I would like to go without having to deal with the hardship of finding the right place to go to; also to know what I wanted to do for the rest of my life by picking the right field of interest as well.
Look at many different types of school. Take note of the size of classes and the majors offered. If you do not know what you want to do, choose a school that has many options but is inside of your price range. Be realistic about how much college is. Look for an on-campus job that works into your schedule and that you enjoy. Take your studies seriously. Challenge yourself academically as well as socially. Do not judge people on their apperance. Be true to yourself. Find something you love to do.
The summer between graduating high school and beginning college was the hardest time of my life- that spring my parents announced to my 11 year old sister and I that they were getting divorced. I grew up fast. My mom moved out and I became the housekeeper, babysitter, chef, chauffeur, and shoulder to cry on. The summer was tough, but the transition to moving away from a family that so desperately needed me was hell. If I could go back I would tell myself that your family misses you, but they can get along with out you. They appreciated your help, but can handle themselves in your absence. Your dad is stressed now that you're gone, but is so proud that you're beginning your own life in college. I would emphasize that you have no reason to feel guilty. The guilt you're feeling means you love and care about your family, but is unnecessary. This is where you need to be, and you're going to have a great year. So call your family frequently, tell them you love them, and make the most of your year because it will go so fast.
I would tell myself to keep my focus more on school work and keep my values and beliefs strong, never let anyone get you down and always believe in yourself.
I would tell myself to not make the decision on where to go based on what friends are going to that particular school. Having your friends with you is great, but going to a school not knowing anyone forces you to grow up and figure out who you are. You are forced to make new friends and venture out on your own without constantly relying on others. This is ultimately what helps us survive in the real world, by networking. I have met so many new people without the influence of my friends. When I returned home for break, I was a different person. I was more outgoing and had grown more than my friends who had gone to school with their friends. However I would tell myself to develop a better sleep schedule so as to not get sick as much as I did here the first couple of months.