University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of St Thomas-Saint Paul know before they start?


Knowing what I know now about collefe life and making the transition, I would tell myself to be more open to meeting new people. Walk around your residence hall and meet your hall mates! Don't be afraid to meet new people, as you may meet your lifelong best friend! Also, I would tell myself to try my hardest from the first day of freshman year in college. College is your last chance at school to apply yourself in order to start your career. Every grade counts, so don't go out the night before a test, and don't start studying the day before your test! College is much different and harder than highscool. Try your best in your classes, meet new people, explore the community surrounding your university, and most importantly, have fun!


If I could go back and have a discussion with myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to learn better time management skills. College is all about organizing your time and knowing how to focus on many different things at once. This means that you must learn to be responsible and make the right choices to keep up in classes. With excess free time in college from a more spread out class schedule, you may think that you need to participate in other activities that will only hinder you in reaching your goals and school deadlines. These activities may create distractions, which could cause you to fall behind in class and have your grades suffer shortly after. You should learn to be devoted to the real reason you are attending college: for school. Although, you should not be so devoted to class work that you do not see the light of day. I would instead advise you to have a healthy balance of these fun yet distracting activities and your studies. This will be the only way you can truly experience college life AND do well in your studies as the same time.


If I were able to go back in time I would tell myself just to relax. Your previous teachers have prepared you well and classwork won't be much different from High School. Though you will be living off campus its not as big of a change as you think it will be. No everyone in college does not party. There are other people out there like you that like to watch movies on friday nights instead of going out to drink. College life will be what you make of it so relax now and worry about college when you get there. Make the most of the rest of your senior year and don't sweat the small stuff.


I would tell myself I need to work on my time management skills. In college there is so much free time and you need to know how to manage school and a social life (and sleep). I would also tell myself to not be shy. There are so many new people in college and it will be a lot more enjoyable if you just put yourself out there and try to get to know a lot of people. Also, I would tell myself not to change who I am for anybody. It is very easy to get caught up in wanting to be liked where you change who you are to please other people. Do not do that. There are so many people you are bound to find people that like you for you.


Make a scedule a stick to it. It is to hard to keep up with homework when you do different things all the time. Don't just do the work that is due for the next class. Work ahead so you dont get boged down when work piles up in all of your classes. get to know your teachers if they know who you are you will do better in the class. When you need help dont be afraid to ask.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senoir I would have a vast amount of information to dispence. I would first tell myself that it is okay to be confused about college, that a lot of people are in the same situation that I am. When I was a senoir in high school I was very unaware as to what was to come. I was nervous and did not know anything about appplying for schools and scholarships. If I could, I would tell my past self that it is vital to get an early jump on things, including: finding a school that fits me and finding a major that suits me best. I would most importantly tell myself that I should be trying harder in high school becasue that is what represents you when you go to apply to other schools. Two years ago when I was a senoir I did not care about my grades as much as I do now. I still recived decent grades, but not as well as I have done in my first two years in college.


I think I would tell myself to focus more on honing my math skills because that is where I have showed a deficiency in the classroom. Also, I would say that even though college can be and is exactly like what is portrayed on television, it is just as easy to enjoy yourself responsibly. Also, I would recommend joining as many clubs/sports as possible because those are where I have met most of my friends. Essentially, I would tell myself to be open to new experiences but at the same time stay true to myself.


If I could go back in time, and give myself advice about college life I would say alot of things. First try and meet people who go your your college before you move in. In helps when trying to make new friends. Also I would say when you are in high school, live up those last years. It will be the easiest, time of your life with some of your best friends. Lastly I would say be prepared for the work load the college classes give you. Do not "slack off" your senior year. Try your best, because the classes only get harder as you progress. College is an amazing experience, but it just takes time to transition. Once your comfortable it will be the best years of your life!


You should take time and effort into working with the professors at the school. There are a lot of places to go in order to get help. When you feel depressed and isolated, there are the psychological counseling departments and also your professors.


Choosing a college is a life-changing decision, and to be honest, there is nothing anyone can say to make it easier. To choose a college you need to spend quality time debating elements you are looking for, and elements you wish to steer clear from. Every person is different, and luckily there are educational options for every person. My best advice is to visit any and every campus you have in mind. The feeling you get from the moment you step on to the campus is the most important indicator. It is important that you see yourself living, learning, and making memories at the school you choose to finish your academic career, and beginning your professional career with.