University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of St Thomas-Saint Paul know before they start?


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to worry so much about the adjustment. It is a very easy transition, and I will also still have the love and support from my family and friends.


Knowing what I have learned about myself from my experiences in my college career I would definitely have told myself to stay at my community college for two years and get my associates degree. My mistake was going away to a 4 year state college with no idea as to what my career path was going to be. I would have told myself that it is absolutely imperative that I be sure of what I would want to go away to school for. I took my chances and I am currently paying for them. I am currently in my fourth year of school and will be graduating with an associates in December. The problem with this is that the college I will be attending in the spring of 2012 only transferred 22 of my 75+ credits. I am completly starting my college career over again. I believe in my heart that I made the right choice this time, but if I were able to do it all again I know exactly what it would be that I would be doing from the beginning.


Dear Senior Self, Hello, this is you speaking. Although we are the same person, I, being older, know a thing or two more about life than you. Particularly, I have gained some wisdom that may be very beneficial to you when you go to college in a few months. Are you ready to here some advice from your older self? Ready or not, here we go! Your transition into college will be a bit more difficult than you expect. Hopefully, these two pieces of advice will help make the transition easier. First, stay on campus on the weekends. This is your time to meet new people, which is one of the best parts about college! Although it may be difficult, be willing to step out of your comfort zone; it will be worth it. Second, make the effort to get to know your professors. These people will be important in your life. They are here to help you, so let them! Go in during office hours to introduce yourself and ask for help on homework when needed. They will appreciate it just as much as you! Well, that’s my advice, short and sweet. Good luck! Sincerely, Your older self


If I could go back in time and talk to my senior self, I would tell myself to not be so anxious to grow up. College will come in time, but for now just enjoy being a senior in high school with the friends you've had since elementary school. I would tell myself to be involved in as much as possible and to risk trying new things while you are in your comfort zone. I would also tell myself that adjusting to college life will take time, it is not how movies portray it. Sometimes you will be homesick and miss your family, but it is part of growing up and finding yourself. Meet new people, try new things, college is this time to discover who you are.


I would tell myself that distance didn't matter. Don't pick a school that's far away just because you feel like that's what you need to do to "get away". You can still have the same college experience close to home. I would also tell myself that small classroom sizes are great! The fact the teachers know you by name and will meet with you at anytime really helps. Also, theres a lot of group discussions rather than just lectures. Lasty, I would tell myself that college is not highschool. People don't judge you, you go in with a clean slate, so get involved right away because it's a great way to meet new people and it's a place where you're going to find a lot of your closest friends.


I would tell myself to be more open to new things. In high school I was always a bit timid about "getting out there" and experiencing new things. Now that I've spent time at school I have become much more open to new opportunities, and I only wish I had always been open to them. New experiences are great and they add considerably to my overall education.


Work hard on school work. I had to transfer twice in able to get to the University of my choice.


Make sure you know to study. This isn't high school. You will have to try. Make friends right away and don't get too comfortable just doing homework and watching TV. Find the library right away.


This question hits home to me because there are alot of things I was thankful my older sister in college told me before I went to College. The main topic would be PSEO, DO IT! Post Secondary education option is a way to recieve college credits and a real University. Along with PSEO I would recommened taking the AP test if you are in an AP class. Coming into college with credits is becoming more and more common and high school seniors should be very interested because you are saving money and building credits towards graduation. Other than that I wish colleges would talk more with highschool students about what classes to be taking your senior year instead of slacking off. I wish I knew some of my PSEO credits would only be considered electives and someone had told me which classes to take in the first place. The other knowledge I would pass down to a current highschool student was to give it time, not everyone likes their first month at college because it is a whole new world.


Next time come to college a little more open-minded and just have fun. It's a great expierence, so just be yourself and meet new friends, but don't forget about the great ones back home.