If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what I do now about college life and making the transition, I would advise myself to take the ACT as many times as possible before I started college. I wasn’t aware of just how important the ACT was until the middle of my senior year in high school and consequently could only fit in two ACT tests before my college and scholarship applications were due. I would tell myself that the more tests I took the more likely I was to get a higher score which would lead to more scholarship money to help pay for college. Also I would teach myself the proper studying techniques to prepare for college level exams. My first exams were some of the worst grades I had ever received in my entire life because I tried to study all the material the day before the test like I had in high school. I would tell myself that it important to set aside time every day a week before the test to study a portion of the material in order to know all of the material well.
I would tell myself,” now Natalie you don’t have to know what you want to be when you grow up and it’s never too late to follow a dream”, your never to old to earn that black belt you want. Also there are plenty of adults that have no idea what they are going to be and you might never know what you want to do, but always follow your instincts. Then I would tell myself to not make the costly mistakes I made. For example when you go to Tulsa Community College for your first two years make sure everything will transfer and try to plan it out step by step and focus on scholarships, college is very expensive and doing it on your own will be hard so start now. Then I would end by saying “Hakuna Matada Natalie”, there will be a lot of ups and down, but always remember to love life and enjoy every bit of it.
Do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today. It may seem like right now the most important thing in life is to socialize with friends and to have a good time, but I assure you that it is not. A few more years of hard work will put you in a position to succeed both professionally and personally. Life happens, and no matter what your intentions may be for the future, you may not be afforded the opportunity to accomplish your goals. Take advantage of the time you have now as a young man because I assure you, responsibilities will only increase as you get older. It is much easier to achieve any academic goals you may have as a young man graduating from high school than it is going back to school later in life, with a family to support. Do your best in everything that you attempt. Be thankful for any opportunities that may present themselves to you. Most of all, know that a life lived without challenge is a life that will not live up to its full potential.
Dear me at 17,
you are about to embark on the biggest adventure of your life. You should take some fun courses and decide what you want to be before committing to a major that you may decide later you do not like. You know what you want to do with your future fifteen years from now, take the time to make sure you can get there without losing yourself in the process. You can only learn so much at a time, but you can do it if you pick the right things for you.
Also, I know you want to be as involved at college as you were in high school. I know you think you know how to balance personal life, family, work, school, play, and extra-curricular activities, but you need to think twice before you sign up for everything single thing that comes your way. I know you are passionate and I know you care about everything, but if things are worth doing they are worth doing well. Take time to do things well instead of spreading yourself too thin. Your happiness is important too.
All the best,
me at 20
Paying attention, going to classes, and meeting new people will help you with college. Don't procrastinate like you have done in High School it's always good to get your work done on time then late. It looks better on your character to show up to class on time and turn in the required work for that class. Meeting new people will help you realize thats its ok to be a little nervous everyone is there first year there is no problem with communicating that. Think about your financial future and a future family dont think about taking the easy way out its not always that easy.
If I was granted the opportunity to go back in time and talk to my high school self, I think the only thing I would say is to enjoy every minute of it and give it my all, in the classroom and in the social aspects. I really don't think I would want to be told what I should expect, because that is half of what college is about; brand new experiences, new trials, new friends, and new education. No if I could go back I would not say to do this, this, and this; or to change something. I would just say be prepared and open to new ideas and opportunities.
Dear Mary,
Please manage your time! Get in the habit of taking good notes and don't be afraid to ask questions in class. Those discussions definitely help you understand the content better. I know there are a lot of things that look so exciting on campus, but you cannot be involved in every one of them so prioritize and pick the ones that you really have a passion for. Last, but not least, go for you dreams and expect that the best is yet to come even if you do bad on a test or don'thave enough sleep. You can make it and you will make a lot of friends that will support you no matter what! Good Luck!
College is different. It’s huge! You don’t see the same people throughout the year. You won’t have the same teachers and the people in your classes will change every term. My advice is to start getting comfortable talking to people. Learn how to get know them in a short period of time, because in college, you won’t have four years to weed out friends and enemies (not that you’ll gain enemies, you probably won’t). This alone will significantly help. When you get sick, (like you do for a week every winter) you'll have someone to lend you notes (assuming you make friends with people who care for notes). This will also help you because communication with the instructors is a huge part in doing well. Quit being scared to ask questions because you think you’ll sound stupid. It’s better to sound stupid than be lost. With this comes answering questions. It’s good to be noticed in class. If you know the answer to a question or have something smart to say, speak up. Anyway, you’re a smart girl, keep doing what you’re doing, just stop being so shy!
I would tell myself that even though I am not at any disadvantage because I am a first year generation college student.
The advice I would give myself is start applying for scholarships earlier. I believe that was my biggest mistake. I waited until the end of my senior year to do it. i think if I would have known this at even the end of my junior year I could have been better off.