University of Tulsa Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Tulsa know before they start?


From my college experience, I have obtained life-long friendships with fellow students and professors; I have obtained work-related skills that will be useful when I begin my career after I graduate; I have obtained, and still working on, an amazing education that I do not know if I could find anywhere else. I did not grow up in the best family enviroment and would have never imagined attending college - let alone a private university such as the University of Tulsa. I have been encouraged to better my life, with an education, with the help and motivation of professors and counselors alike. I am proud to call myself a Golden Hurricane. If I had a chance to do it all over again, I would follow the same path.


When I began at TU, I wanted to learn why ankles swell when they are injured. My passion was to serve people. In the past 4 years I have learned what causes swelling along with many other processes and functions that operate in the human body. Outside of classes, I've learned that service can take as many forms as can be imagined. From baking brownies for a friend who is stressed about a test to taking a student without a car to the grocery store, many times service is simply an awareness of the people around me and a few minutes to show that they matter. Learning to be aware of people's needs is made easier on campus by living our lives together. In Athletic Training I have found a profession that combines these 2 passions. I work with people to help them recover from injury and have the opportunity to become a part of their lives. One of my teammates is my best friend and my professors are my mentors. College is hard, and at times seems it will never end, but I know what is important to me and that I can touch people's lives.


I have learned more about my self in the last 8 months than I even thought was possible. College gives you the opportunity to be out on your own and learn about yourself, but to still have a support system if you are looking for the help. College allows you to recognize what you want to do with your life. There are so many options to choose from and college gives you the opportunity to asses what you want and what you will succeed at.


TU has taught me to accept people and love them for who they are. I prayed a ton about where to attend college and God tugged on my heart and told me to go here; I wouldnt change it for the world. The Chi Omega girls here are so amazing and I can tell that God has placed me here for a reason. So far, my college experience has grown me closer to God, increased my confidence in addition to expanding my knowledge through the challenging course work. College is a time where a person changes the most so I want to make something of myself in these four critical years. TU has been fun with intramurals, friendly people, and a campus that is respected.


Hey Ce, let me tell ya some things about college. You think you have it figured out and its going to be just as easy as high school was. WRONG! You have so much more to contend against and you will literally grow up within the first semester. No one is going to make you get up to go to school. No one is going to make you do your homework. you can virtually do what ever the heck you want. The freedom you have,is so tantilizing,that you hardly know what to do with it. No curfews! No calling Mom every 30minutes! No boundaries! Believe me, you will miss the latter one. that's when you grow up...when you set your own and stick to them. Ceciley, you are just going to have to trust me when I say,it's not easy,it's hard. Even on the good days,it's hard to keep going because you're so tired,hungry,worn down,and behind in classes. Find a routine and STICK TO IT! No matter what! you can do this chicka, I know you can!


Choosing a college is a big decision and maybe one of the biggest decisions you will ever make in your life. I have found, as with every business or establishment, that the people really make the difference. Even though TU offers everything you could need in a college, my experience here wouldn't be the same without the great people I have met. When I studied abroad in Spain I made friends with the other Americans that were in my school. However, all I could think about was how I wanted to take my friends from TU and move them to Spain because my new friends just did not seem to be able to live up to my expectations. So please do not worry about sports, school colors, how far away you are from your family, or if your relationship with your boyfriend will hold out. Check out a wide variety of colleges and VISIT them. Get a feel for the people and the atmosphere. Trust your gut because you will meet the best friends you have ever had and they will support you in everything you do. Those people will make your college experience the best it can be.


Dear Senior Self, Don?t settle for the kind of work ethic you were able to get away with in High School: work harder, challenge yourself every day, look above and beyond the things in front of you for learning opportunities; never settle for less than your absolute best. Call your mom at least twice a week; this is very important. Know that you can always speak up and take responsibility for your own education. Search for scholarships once a week, you own it to yourself to accept as little debt as possible. If something scares you, push yourself in that direction, lean into challenges and trust that gut instinct. Go to every school play, go to every game, and go to every concert. Go through fraternity rush; just for the heck of it. If there are fountains on campus you must run through them. Experience everything. Buy warm socks for cold dorm rooms?rugs, lamps, and art are also helpful. Remember to eat and take your vitamins! Sometimes sleep is a completely valid choice. Ask questions. Make and keep friends; it?s very important. Remember to thank those that support you. Trust in yourself. Love, College Self


To be able to go back in time and give myself advice on the college transition would be one of the greatest gifts that I could ever give myself. Having to live my own from the age of 18 and try to support myself through the end of highschool and college was one hardest things that I've ever had to accomplish. When It comes down to making the money to pay for the roof over your head or taking a little extra time to study and get a better grade on the next test, the roof would win more often than not. That being said, I always tried to do the best I could with the resources and time that I had to work with. Knowing what I know now I would tell myself that taking a job that offers less money but more time for my education greatly outweighs the latter; because while the lower paying job would only allow me more humbling possessions and housing, the potential for a better GPA and greater educational success opens the doors for a future full of possibilities and accomplishments that would be nearly unattainable without it.


I would tell my senior in high school self that I shouldn't be so nervous to make the transition between high school and college. Although, I would also tell myself that I need to work on my study habits so it wouldn't be such a foreign thing once I got to college. In high school, I just coasted through without studying too hard and had my parents there to keep me from going out on school nights. Now that I'm in college, I have to study much harder and have to have the self-control to stay in and do homework when people are wanting me to go out with them. But more importantly I would tell myself to just relax and enjoy the time in college because it has turned out to be the best semester of my life.


I would tell myself that you are going to do bigger things than high school. You will make a difference in the world, as long as you keep on track and do the best you can. Never take the oppurtunities you come across for granted, you need to take advantage of them. Down the road you will be thankful you did. After you graduate life is just as fun as when you where in high school. Growing up is a journey that everyone must take and always keep your head up, you'll never get this time back. College is a big step in life. You have to make the best of it. There is no rush in trying to find out what you want to do for the rest of your life. Some people never find out. Ypu just focus on what you want right now. Stick to what your interested in and you will suceed.