Go to the college that feels right. Trust your instincts, especially those feelings you get while visiting campus and talking to students. While at college, study a lot, but take time to have fun. Get involved in some organiztions, such as major/professional, special interest, or religious groups. Don't be afraid to ask questions in class or go talk to your professors. And don't be afraid to drop a class - it is much better than failing.
Choosing a college stressful and confusing for me, as it probably is for you now. In choosing the college I would attend out of my four remaining choices, the question that I found myself asking was "who do I want to become?" Needless to say, this is a difficult question to answer for a young adult, who may find answering the question "who am I now?" hard enough. But I believe that to answer this question and choose a school based upon it, you must contemplate the abstract as well as the concrete. Though I did consider major choices, clubs, activities, size, facilities, and location... I chose my college by looking at the big picture. I felt that I could belong there and matter, that I could be challenged and leave with valuable experiences, and that it could set me on the right path to becoming that person I wanted to be (both in an intellectual and character sense). Even if that inner vision we have of our future selves changes over time, the right school be welcoming and flexible, perhaps even cause us to reflect and reach new realizations. (But remember... there can be more than one right choice.)
cross your fingers and maybe you can still find someone who will loan you money
It is imperative to find a university that will accomendate all of you child's need whether it be academic, social and physical. Choose a college that has a strong academic background. College was designed to enrich a student's mind and to provide higher education. The atmosphere has to inviting and uplifting. It should be a environment that drives one to become apart of the environment and meet others. Universities are known for extra curricular activites if not academics. So, it is also important to get involved and have a sense of pride of the school. No matter what university is chosen make sure that the student's needs are met . It is nothing like loving the educational institution from which you have graduated!
Go with what you're most comfortable with and be social
Make sure you know that it's the place you want to go. If you get that feeling that you have found the right school, find a way to go. You may be paying loans forever but the experience will be worth it.
Find a college that fits your personality and has the degree program you want with professors who are active in their chosen fields outside of the classroom. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and don't let that first test sneak up you, it can be a killer. Get involved with activities on campus and find a way to balance work and play so you don't get overwhelmed, but don't be afraid to work hard to get what you want. College can be difficult, but the things that are the hardest are usually the most worthwhile, so get out there and do your best, whatever that may be. There are always people who have been where you are, so don't be too stubborn to listen to good advice. Make friends, have fun, and don't forget to study! Oh yeah, and find a major in a field you are passionate about, it makes life so much easier.
Go to wat u can afford
Go to a school in a city or town that you love and can see yourself living in after college. Because all the networking you do in college will be most effective in that town! TRUST ME!
It is not always about the name. While College/Univeristy notoriety often indicates a prestigious environment or strong athletic program, students should take the time to do personal research. There are several very important factors that should be explored in the seardh for "The Perfect Fit" college experience. First, you need to ask yourself some honest, probing questions. What pursuits are most important to me? Am I emotionally and physically mature enough to succeed in an environment that is academically rigorous? Are there geographical locations where I am happier or healthier? Am I more acedemically driven, or socially driven? Do I value personal interaction or thrive on independence? Your academic success is just as important as your physical and emotional health and all three are intertwined. Looking carefully at these questions can help you determine what school is most appropriate for you in every respect. Not everyone is cut out for the autonomy of a large state school in the same way that not everyone is equipped for the Ivy Leagues. Remember when chosing your school that college is about succeeding to the best of your ability and the right institution will enable you to do just that.