Even though I am barely halfway through my college experience, I can certainly say that I have gotten so much out of it already. I grew up always being told that education is key to success, and at the University of Virginia, I see that success in my life already being built. There are an endless amount of opportunities for me here at UVA, and I am unbelievably gratful that I am able to attend such a wonderful University! My college experience also has made me realize, though, being a college student is no walk in the park. In order to achieve my life long goal of becoming a physician, I need to work EXTREMELY hard! But academic habits are not the only thing college teaches you. I have learned life skills that I never really crossed my mind until I found myself a good 160 miles about from home living on my own. Attending college, for me, is something very valuable that I do not take for granted by any means. Not only am I learning what it takes to be a prospective medical student, but also what is required of me as a person in general.
I am in the process of finding out who and what I want to be for the rest of my life. College is a stepping stone that is preparing and bringing me into the real world. I believe it is extremely valuable to go to college even though it cost so much money. It will bring me life long friends, an experience that no one can replace and of course most importantly an education.
The college experience has let me grow as a person, expand my mind, and truly interact with others. The University of Virginia provides me with the perfect balance of school and fun. After only a month and a half attending this school, I have bonded incredibly with my fellow classmates and continue to do so each and every day. The myriad of activities provided and events planned is mind boggling. I know that I will truly never be bored here. I can already tell that many of the people I have met here will undoubtedly be lifelong friends. The learning atmosphere here is also astounding. UVa provides so many resources that allow the student to keep up with the courseload and really learn the material. My professors are always approachable and helpful, and even the TAs are great! I have learned an incredible amount in only the few weeks I have been here. I know that when I graduate from this university, I will be prepared to take on the real world. The University of Virginia has provided me with the ultimate college experience, and that is something I value above all else.
Attending college has been one of the best decisions in my life. First and foremost, I am receiving an education that will allow me to have a successful career later in life. I have been exposed to limitless opportunities to get involved in volunteering, interning, and socializing. Independence is an inevitable aspect of college, I have been able to learn so much about myself, separate from my parents' influence. Coming to the University has also created an immense sense of accountability now that it is my responsibility to get to classes on time, turn in assignments, and contact teachers for appointments and guidance. Since I attend a liberal arts college, I have been able to study subjects that I had never even heard of in high school. Outside of class, as a member of the Greek life on campus, I have been able to get involved with several philanthropies as well as make connections with a network of employers and businesses. I feel that I have a promising future ahead of me, due to the experiences and preparation that this University has provided for me.
Though I am still early in my college experience, I have gained much knowledge and value from being exposed to myriad and varied people, professors, topics and experiences. Knowledge can be gained through books but college is about the experience in totality and how you emerge as a person at the end of the process. By taking advantage of all resources, activities and opportunities the potential for growth and enlightenment are practically limitless. Thus far I have immersed myself in my campus in an attempt to retain as much of this value as possible in these four years; there will be no other time in my life with so much freedom and opportunities and limited financial responsibilites and general obligations and I plan to continue making the most of this time. Carpe diem!
BANG, BANG, BANG! The gavel thumps as it hits the desk at the Washington Literary and Debating Society’s 3rd meeting. As I sit there, listening to one of the other members read poetry from Jalaluddin Rumi, I think back to my first days at UVa. I was a completely different person. When I arrived at the University I was Christian (like my parents), conservative (like my parents), and a carnivore (like my parents). Those first months at UVa changed me profoundly. I took classes on classical Islam, Nietzsche, and art, I met people from other countries and I talked animatedly with people of differing opinions, and I grew as a person and a student. My outlook on life shifted and I started to think about my choices in a way I’d never thought to do before. I started to swing to the left, lose my faith in God, and discover the majesty of a plant based diet. This school has not only given me a great education, it has changed my life and me significantly and for the better.
Academically, UVa pushed me further in my first year than I ever thought possible. I worked really hard, but I did so because I wanted to. I had small, intimate class settings with 15 people and large lectures too. But all in all, my professors were wonderful and always willing to talk to students. Even Professor Sabato, who has plenty of other things to do, welcomes students to have conversations with him.
It should also be noted that you don't have to go Greek to have a good time!
I have gotten a lot out of the short college career I have had. I have learned much about honor, rigerous education, and success. Honor is something that only you should know about. You should be able to look at yourself in the eye and know you are being the best person you can be. The education has taught me that nothing is impossible. Though it is hard at times, the amount of learning and work will prepare me well for the real world. The greates lesson I have learned is about success. I have learned that success is not about getting straight A's. It is about doing your best everyday. This is because it is better to try with your best effort and fail, rather than not try at all. I'd rather give my best and fail at something, than cheat and get an A.
I learned about many different cultures attending the university of Virginia. Our curriculum required us to take a certain number of cultural classes like Art History, Eastern Religion, Western Religion, European History, women's literature, etc. I took a course in Eastern Religion which exposed me to the culutres and beliefs of all different nationalities of the region. I found it fascinating how very different and sometimes how very similar certain belief systems could be. I also took a women's literature course called, "Japanese Women's Literature". This delved into the very reserved and oppressed lifestyle's lived by Asian cultures in previous centuries, particularly focusing on those of the women who seemed to suffer the most oppression and lack of personal expression. I felt like I had been opened up to a whole new world, where I could better understand the people of different cultures and societies. These courses made my education rich and well rounded. I not only learned the practical studies that are typical of college, but also the cultural courses that beautify the unique societies of the world.