The most popular student activities that take place at the University of Washington would have to be the football games during the fall and also the Dawg Daze events that happen at the beginning of the academic year. I say this because the football games are huge and it is a chance to come together with friends and also meet new friends and watch the Huskies win some PAC12 football! The Dawg Daze events are awesome and have a variety of activities to do! It is a week long celebration of coming to UW and there is a small carnival with the live Husky Band and also a live band that the university provides for the students. As well as the carnival there are tons of little games to play and also just a chance to get to know all the new Husky faces that are joining the Husky family. There are a tremendous amount of "groups" around the campus, ranging from ethnic groups to just your typical math group. No matter what there really isn't a true "popular" group and there certainly is not a popularity contest that goes on. If you like a group or club, then try it out and join it, if not then move on with your day.
I tried to get involved with a bunch of different clubs and they were all terrible.
Business students often do not have classes on Fridays, hence "thirsty Thursdays". If you do happen to have classes on Fridays then you are cut off from a large chunk of the partying experience.
The dating scene is awful..
Athletic events are super popular at my school. Especially the football games. I am in a fraternity and i can tell that a large majority of the greek system attends the football games.
The best part about UW has to be the huge amount of diversity on campus. It is impossible to generalize all the students here. It is common to see Monks walking through Red Square, Christians handing out flyers for church events, and Mormons stopping people for a quick chat. Professors have German accents, Japanese, Russian, and Chinese too. The person sitting on one side of you might be wearing a hijab while the next person is wearing yoga pants or a dress suit. The vast majority of students are younger twenties but it isn’t surprising to have someone in there forties of fifties in a class either. Seattle and the UW combined harbors a very accepting and open-minded mentality that allows people of all different backgrounds to intermingle. Regardless, there are still tons of student groups on campus to help connect people from similar backgrounds and interest too so no one feels marginalized or isolated. Most people on campus tend to lean towards the left side of the political spectrum but the student government is incredibly democratic- it is hard to tell whether you are in Washington D.C or at the student senate- so everyone’s voices are heard. No one should feel left out at UW. If you do feel alone, you simply need help finding people you connect with in the sea of diversity on campus.
The most popular student activities and groups on campus are football games, zombies and inter mural sports. Everyone I know on campus attend football games and the only people I can think of that I do not see at games very often are international students. Second, Zombies has been a very popular activity on campus and is where students chase each other around campus with nerf guns and orange bandanas on attempting to turn each other into "zombies". I do not personally know anyone who plays this game but is very popular amongst students in dorms. Third, IMA sports such as basketball, football and soccer are very popular on campus and there are many different leagues and athletic abilities that play these sports during their respective seasons.
The most popular nights to hangout and drink with students are Tuesdays and Thursdays, and oftentimes you would find students getting late night food on the ave on the nights anytime from midnight to 4am. The weekends are a little more dull because there are so many local students that go home for the weekend to see their families, get home cooked meals and get their laundry done.
If students are looking for somewhere to party, the party scene in the fraternities and sororities is very prevalent and fun, where as in the dorms, there doesn't seem to be as much of a demand for partying/drinking.
The number 1 most popular group on campus is the Greek community. The UW has a very old and traditional Greek System that attracts a huge amount of the undergraduate student body. I was part of a fraternity for a couple of years, and it was the best way I found to make the UW feel a little bit more like my home. The Fraternities and Sororities are heart of the University's school pride and are way over represented at almost all the games and school festivals. They also have the highest average GPA of any community on campus.
If you aren't part of the G.S. there are plenty of other options for student activities and groups. Some other popular ones are, intramural sports at the GIANT recreations center, clubs, and on campus religious organizations. If your just looking for a place to go out at night, there are more bars and restaurants next to campus than any other place in Seattle. If your not in to the party scene there's plenty of options, from movies to bubble tea.
You've got the more traditional fraternities and sororities naturally, along with academic-oriented clubs revolving around specific departments of study. But there are also organizations for just about anything. At our initial student orientation, we were told there was a club which revolved around eating peanut butter and jelly. There are also clubs for ethnic groups, for comic book lovers, for religious folks, and for performers of every variety. One last thing: Only at the University of Washington do you see just as much passion for the football games as for campus-wide games of Humans Vs. Zombies.
The great thing about the University of Washington is that there isn't a single dominate student activity or group that hold the title as "most popular". There is literally something for anyone and everyone to do and be apart of. Whether that is by being involved in the student government, writing for the student newspaper, taking part in school sports, creating or joining a unique student club, organizing a student rally, or just being a observer. There is endless possibilities for a student to take part in.
Everyone really enjoys football and athletics here and there is a big Greek row life here as well. It's nice that UW is in Seattle so if you want to do fun activities that don't involve drinking you have a lot of options! There is a lot of beautiful scenery and downtown and Bellevue are close by so you can do a lot of exploring. It's really easy to meet friends in class and in quiz sections. The easiest way to meet people is in the dorms.
Clubs, ranging from sports to ethnic/cultural to clubs involving different academic fields. Exploring the area, parks, downtown. Coffee shops. The Ave. Parties, bars.
and with that in mind, the potential for nightlife is literally endless. Again, it's all about how much of an effort you make.
Dorm life varies from a wild party to completely anti-social and it all depends on you and your willingness to interact.
Meeting people in classrooms takes quite a bit of effort, but meeting people randomly on campus is a near impossibility.
Many of my closest friends I met through other friends. We would join clubs together and expand our circle of friends through each other.
If you can afford tickets to the Husky games, I recommend you go, because they are always wild, even when we lose. There is a fantastic Drama program and student tickets are cheap. Just keep your eyes and ears open, but college life is wild and spontaneous, you just have to be ready for it.
and with that in mind, the potential for nightlife is literally endless. Again, it's all about how much of an effort you make.
Dorm life varies from a wild party to completely anti-social and it all depends on you and your willingness to interact.
Meeting people in classrooms takes quite a bit of effort, but meeting people randomly on campus is a near impossibility.
Many of my closest friends I met through other friends. We would join clubs together and expand our circle of friends through each other.
If you can afford tickets to the Husky games, I recommend you go, because they are always wild, even when we lose. There is a fantastic Drama program and student tickets are cheap. Just keep your eyes and ears open, but college life is wild and spontaneous, you just have to be ready for it.
As a freshman at the University of Washington, I decided to live in the "Engineering Community." This is simply two floors in one of the dorm buildings that is reserved for students who wish to pursue a degree in any engineering discipline. I maintain that this was the best decision I could have made in my first year here. I met some of my very best friends on the floor I lived on. The wonderful part about this specialization is that we all share similar interests and all took similar entry level math and science classes. There was a great potential for study groups in some of the classes that are most difficult for entering engineering students. Another community such as this exists for Arts majors. I think it is a brilliant idea and would highly recommend it to any student wishing to pursue a degree in this area.
Depends what the individual is most interested in. A large portion of our school has great interest in healthcare. Thus, MAPS (Minority Association Of Pre-Health Students) is a popular club that many students join.
Outside of activities, students hang out on the Ave and grab a bite to eat. We've got an awesome school gym (IMA), with indoor basketball courts, gym, weights area, swimming pool, indoor track, badminton courts, and a lot more. That's where I go all the time!
Since the UW is located right in Seattle and close to other neighboring cities, many students commute outside the campus area to do things. The school also has a vibrant University District where many activities can be sought out. UW students are very proud of their sports teams and any games or competitions are heavily attended by all. There is also a large Greek system but it doesn't matter if you are in one or not. The dorms are pretty populated and could get loud and since I like my personal space, I am living in an off-campus apartment this year. But I am living with the roommate I had in the dorms and she is now one of my best friends so the dorms can be a positive experience and I recommend that a student live in one for a least a year.
I never dormed so I can't share my experiences with that, but my friends seem to have enjoyed it, although they did all get apartments for the second year. The greek system is big - thousands of students are part of that community and although not for everyone, it's a great opportunity to get to know people and have fun. I met my closest friends in my FIG (freshman interest group) and when I studied abroad - both things I HIGHLY recommend doing. Studying abroad is huge here - there are lots of scholarships and it truly helps shape who you are as a person.
UW is a huge school, make no mistake. However, there are so many ways to get connected, you'll soon find yourself surprised at how many times you say to yourself, "what a small world!". The most important thing I can tell you is this: get involved RIGHT AWAY. Every year, thousands of freshman come in, petrified of having no friends. This is when everyone is the most open to trying new things and talking to new people. I am not the most outgoing person around, but I made sure to try branching out right away.
I involved myself in as many activities as my sanity would allow. I talked to other students in my classes, found an on-campus job, joined a youth group, hung out with people on my floor, played sports at the IMA, etc. You'll meet friends who will then introduce you to their friends. Soon, you'll start to build some friendships that will last more than just freshman year. Also, try doing different things. Grab a few friends and take the bus into Seattle or Bellevue. It's a fantastic city with tons of things to do. Go to a Mariners game, watch a movie at Lincoln Square, hit up some coffee shops in Queen Anne.
But before you graduate, GO TO A FOOTBALL GAME!!! This is an opportunity that you won't have ever again: to sit in the student section. It is so exciting, that even if you don't like football very much, you'll enjoy the experience (just bring other people to sit with).
There are so many different clubs and organizations on campus, that it's really hard to pinpoint which clubs dominate campus. In terms of sports teams, the football and basketball teams are defiantly the most prominent. The basketball and football games are very well attended and it's actually really hard to get basketball tickets because they are in such high demand. However the crew team at UW is also extremely good. In terms of organizations, ASUW (Associated Students of the University of Washington) is very prominent because they are the voice of the students.
The Greek Community on campus isn't super dominate on campus, only 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body is greek, but it's one of the organizations that I'm involved with and it's how I met all my friends. If a student goes greek, they live in the houses at the beginning of freshman year. Even though I didn't get a dorm experience, I have met my closest friends living in a house with 100 girls for 4 years. If I am bored and awake at 2am on a Tuesday night, I can always find someone else in my house that is awake.
Most of the parties happen on Tuesday-Thursday nights at UW. It's a weird concept to get used to, but Thursday nights are definitely the biggest for parties. Since there are football games on weekends or people go home/do homework, parties happen on weekdays. There are a lot of students who don't party too. Since the UW is located so close to downtown Seattle, there are so many different activities that one can do that doesn't involve drinking. The music scene is really big in Seattle, so there are a lot of concerts and music events one can attend. Hitting the Ave and trying new food is also a student favorite. There are so many different types of food to try - my goal is to try them all before I graduate!
There are so many different clubs and organizations on campus, that it's really hard to pinpoint which clubs dominate campus. In terms of sports teams, the football and basketball teams are defiantly the most prominent. The basketball and football games are very well attended and it's actually really hard to get basketball tickets because they are in such high demand. However the crew team at UW is also extremely good. In terms of organizations, ASUW (Associated Students of the University of Washington) is very prominent because they are the voice of the students.
The Greek Community on campus isn't super dominate on campus, only 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body is greek, but it's one of the organizations that I'm involved with and it's how I met all my friends. If a student goes greek, they live in the houses at the beginning of freshman year. Even though I didn't get a dorm experience, I have met my closest friends living in a house with 100 girls for 4 years. If I am bored and awake at 2am on a Tuesday night, I can always find someone else in my house that is awake.
Most of the parties happen on Tuesday-Thursday nights at UW. It's a weird concept to get used to, but Thursday nights are definitely the biggest for parties. Since there are football games on weekends or people go home/do homework, parties happen on weekdays. There are a lot of students who don't party too. Since the UW is located so close to downtown Seattle, there are so many different activities that one can do that doesn't involve drinking. The music scene is really big in Seattle, so there are a lot of concerts and music events one can attend. Hitting the Ave and trying new food is also a student favorite. There are so many different types of food to try - my goal is to try them all before I graduate!