Tons of student clubs, a good house party scene, a lot of events that won't interest you, gotta find people who go hiking so they'll take you!
The greek system is a disgrace. All these people do is drink and party, though they somehow maintain a very high grade point average (even though most of them major in underwater basket weaving, probably learning how to legally drive under the influence of alcohol and 'legalized' illegal drugs). And what can I do on a Saturday night that doesn't involve drinking? Well, when I do have classes, I would work on homework. When I don't, I would just work on my research.
Greek Life: HUGE, if you're into that. I've definitely been to my fair share of frat parties.
Football: EVEN BIGGER, UW is an amazing school spirited community on game days.
Theater: I've gone to two plays and they were both amazing.
Music: I'm sorry to say I was only able to make it to one musical recital, a jazz concert in the spring, but I loved it nonetheless.
Although UW campus is a safe place to be, it IS located in Seattle, so it's not a good idea to roam around at night. However, in dorms, students do leave their doors open at times - but i do believe they lock their doors before they go to bed! i usually meet my friends during office hours or my new friends would introduce me to others. It's weird, but we all become really close friends really quickly. Somehow our personalities just all click instantly. I made a lot of friends during the past three quarters and it seems like we've all been friends since high school... it doesn't seem like we'd only met a few quarters ago! That's how close you'll become when you make friends here at UW. if i'm still awake at 2 am, it's because i'm still studying - another stereotypical story is you'll always stay up late to study. However, it's not always true, i stay up late because everyone knows i'm a hard worker who studies really hard. But if you don't have to stay up late...unless you're cramming for an exam the next morning. I don't go to much parties because the parties here are not really my kind of parties, however, i think there's parties every week. Most fraternities/sororities set up these parties.
There is a lot to do in Seattle. We usually go to bars and just socialize. Other than drinking my classmate and I usually take on sport activities (tennis, hiking, running, ect.).
There is always something to do regardless of the night of the week. Alcohol is not the only option campus even had an arcade and bowling if you don't want to go too far and there's always somewhere to find a live band or concert in the area.
There is a lot of school pride yes, and there are many activities to do on campus. Since I live OFF campus, it is hard to make many of the night ones.
lots of things always going on...great way to network
The football team is popular and most games sell out. However the basketball games sell out within minutes and tickets are very difficult to get a hold of. These are the most popular of the sports at Washington. I was involved in Water Polo which is a club sport not sponsored by the school. The cost of this sport is high, but those passionate about water polo find that it's worth the price. People leave their doors open in the dorms for the first part of the year until they meet their friends. I lived in on campus housing but they were student apartments. The doors opened up outside so leaving our doors open wasn't exactly an option. My close friends were met at church right up the street on the north end of campus. Since my dorm was at the south end, a group of us would get together to walk together since crime rates were increasing and we had to walk through some sketchy parts of town. This group along with some others we met on church retreats and through random connections became my best friends. We would do random things like walking all over town looking for firewood on a Saturday night only to find out that we couldn't use the fire pit outside the dorm without written permission and a resident adviser present. Many nights were spent playing cards and watching movies. Every Saturday night my roommate and I would make dinner from scratch for our weekly activity we called "Saturday Night Merriment" It was always nice to have fresh home-cooked food for a change. After dinner we'd play hearts and watch movies and if the weather was nice we'd walk to the park or bus somewhere exciting for another random adventure. A few "couples" formed within this same group of friends over the course of the year. When it comes to fraternities and sororities, they are a huge part of life on campus. There are 26 fraternities and 17 sororities if I remember correctly. You could find a party every night of the week if you had the right connections and if not you could probably walk around the Greek row area on a Thursday night and follow the noise to find one. Parties are not uncommon in that part of campus.