University of Washington-Seattle Campus Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Party Thursdays. 1 party all the time. Dorms are safe although some of the RA's can be mean.


great clubs, wonderful outdoor activities: skiing in winter, hiking and water-skiing in summer, great intramural club teams


I live off campus, and that makes it a lot harder to participate in the social life very much. Last weekend, I went to a horse show that had nothing to do with the University. I know some girls in different sororities and they're really great people. I've also met a few guys from frats and it seems to range a lot there. One guy in a class I had was so clean cut and always prepared that I was thoroughly impressed, while another would complain about being hungover or thoroughly tired throughout class. It really depends on what sorority or fraternity you belong to.


I am involved with Beta Alpha Psi. It is one of the largest student organization on campus with nearly 250 members. Football and men's basketball are very popular. I met my closest friends through the Greek community. This was the easiest way for me to meet a group of people. The biggest party night of the week is Thursday. Many students go home for the weekend and Saturday night can be kind of slow.


All for the kids in the dorms or the frat houses.


Social life is great. We have the Ave. right off campus with some of the best comfort food in the area. There are plenty of things to do in Seattle, among them skiing in the winter and hiking in the summer. We have boating opportunities right on campus, since we are located on Lake Washington. We have a great crew team that wins every time they go out to compete. Our basketball team is good as well. We went to the playoffs this past year but got eliminated in the first round.


There aren't really popular groups or clubs on campus that I know of... though the student government and administration put on movie days and activities often. There are no dorms on the Bothell extension. I met my closest friends in classes, most of them were team members that I did group projects with. People party post midterms and post finals. Last weekend I slept in on Saturday and went out to dinner with a friend from school. On sunday I worked on a powerpoint presentation for a presentation that was due on tuesday. On monday I met with my group to practice our presentation. On saturday, I often go out to eat or out for desert with friends or play video games on the xbox at my house. Off campus I relax, do homework, go out with friends for coffee or to eat, work out at the gym, etc.


Partying, drinking, sports, shopping, idk. You call it. :)


I like to party a lot at my fraternity. But I also spend a good 12 hours a week in the library. I take advantage of my free time. I have connection through 100s of brothers and alumni in my fraternity and have expanded my group of friends since moving to UW.


The UW is not as much of a party school as some of the other Washington state schools, but it can be pretty crazy.