University of Washington-Seattle Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Washington-Seattle Campus?


registering for the classes i need


Not being able to get the classes I need when I need them. Not having the classes I need offered at the right quarters.


The price: it feels like I'm getting ripped off for all the textbooks. Also, housing and food is extremely expensive, but the food is not good!


The most frustrating thing about my school (and I believe most other colleges) is that college students still aren't quite old enough to realize alcohol is a horrible thing.


The most frusterating thing about my school is that it is very quiet during the weekends despite being a very large campus. The amount of activities that are available during the weekend are relatively low, which I believe leads to more students drinking alcohol. My friends and I are also frustrated with the fact that students must have a dining plan if they live on campus. I believe this allows the school to have lower quality food available because they will make the money regardless of student satisfaction.


The large campus and having only ten minutes to get to class on time.


The greek system's huge presence in the social life 30{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the students is frustrating to me because the people involved in these organizations are very cliquey and homogenous.


Most of intro classes are so big that the professor doesn't even recognize who you are. On top of it, its so hard to get into a class you want during registration


It gets pretty quiet on the weekend.


The most frustrating thing about the school is it averages about 500 per every undergraduate class.