University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay know before they start?


On the finding a right college, I would advise them to choose a campus that makes them feel comfortable and at home. I would also tell them that they should choose a school that has the class propotions that they feel comfortable with. For the making the most out of their experiences I would advise them to have fun and meet as many people as you possibly can.


Look for a college that you could see yourself in, that has the kind of food you wouldn't mind eating, the living environment, the class curriculum, and the size of the classes are a great place to start looking.


If you go to a college that friends are going to and you do not feel like you could make it your home do not force it upon yourself. You need to feel comfortable. Look at as many colleges as you can- so you take some of your time and get some free stuff for checking them out and you get some inside tips about going to college. Once you do find that school that feels just right, apply as soon as you can to optimize your chances of getting accepted. To make the best of your experience in college make friends and try new things, you might just find somthing new that you are really great at. Keep a positive attitude, some times are difficult such as finals week and doing projects, but a good attitude will make everything go much faster and easier. Keep an open mind, many of the things you will be taught are things that you have never even thought of before, but try to relate them to the real world and you will see and notice things that you didn't see before. Most of all- have fun!


WHen I was searching for that special school that would change and expand my future forever, I looked at how personal the school would be, and how well would I be able to focus on my studies while still have a lot of fun at the same time. You need to look not only at class size and class diversification, but also the outlook of employment after school is done. Some people choose based on the prestege of the school or their amazing football team, but I think that the education can be just as adequate and rewarding at a smaller school as a larger school. You must think of your future and remember that this is a very important choice that needs time and consideration from many different possibilities.


I would suggest to tour any schools you may be considering. The campus tour could help make or break your decision. Be open to meeting new people, they will become life-long friends. When choosing a school, be sure to research as much as you can about the schools you are interested in. Use all the resources you can; teachers, parents, councelers, etc. Have fun while in school, but be sure to focus on your school work as well, though it may be hard.


You should visit the campus before you begin attending it, and make sure that you are going to enjoy yourself at the place you choose. Academically challenging schools are more exciting then schools filled with slackers. Having an idea of what you would like to become before college is a good idea, you don't need to know for sure but a good idea about it does help. Go to a school good in the feild in which you would like to study. Finding a place with things to do in our around it is a good idea; boring places generally don't lead to good times. Choosing a place not too far away from home might be a good idea, because getting to know your parents before they die is both fun and interesting. Finding a diverse place is more interesting then a place with the same type of people around that you grew up with. Going to a university that promotes travel abroad is a great idea, you should try to travel at least a little before you get tied down with a family and a career. Parties are fun, don't get addicted to them though.


In terms of finding the right school, students and their parents should not let the price tag decide where you go to college. There will always be scholarships and financial aid and maybe you wont be done in four years, but I would rather be happy and in school for an extra year or two than miserable and with a lesser education as a result of four or fewer years. As for making the most of your time at college, find out how much time and effort you need to stay on top of your studies as soon as possible. This will change every semester. Once you figure this out, and it doesn't take long to do, you can focus on what will make you happy. Like writing? Join newspaper. Like running? Get involved with sports. Have ideas to make a school better? Student government is calling. There are too many opportunities available to pass them up.


My advice for parents and their students when finding the right college is to go visit the schools. The worse thing to do would be to apply to a college and think the student will like it, when they have not been there to visit. It is better to spend a couple hundred on a trip to visit instead of a few thousand on a miserable year. Also I would suggest that they look at the area and majors the school offers to make sure that the child will get the best education possible while enjoying the area they live in. While attending college, I would tell the student to get involved. Whether in band, sports, or student council, getting involved allow students to meet others and form lasting friendships. Also, I would tell the student to keep up on school work. Even though it may seem better to go to parties and hang with friends, they need to know that they are here to prepare for their future. If they get ahead in school there will always be time for fun!! And another small piece of advice for all students - Connect learning to life!