University of Wisconsin-Madison Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Madison know before they start?


What I have gotten most out of my college experience were my hands-on and out of class opportunites. While I attended college I worked as a research assistant for the Wisconsin Twin Autism Project where I got to expand my knowledge of the autism spectrum. I also worked for an amygdale study where I got to trace the amygdala on fMRIs. Lastly I chose to do my last semester of college abroad in Seville, Spain where I made life-long friends and got to know very well a culture so different from the one that I am accustomed to. Had I not attended the University of Wisconsin- Madison, I might have missed out on these unique and culturally rewarding opportunities.


In high school, I took classes because I had to. In college, I take classes because I want to. Learning things in college has so much more of a point and a purpose. There's not as many people here just because they have to be - people want to be here. Madison is not only awesome in that it has so many different classes, but in that the professors for the most part really love the subjects they teach. You can talk to any one of them, and they'll enthusiastically tell you about all the research they're doing on their subject. I'm so glad I decided to come here.


The most important thing I've gotten out of my college experience is that I've learned who I am really am. When I got out of high school, I thought I knew what I believed in and who I was and that none of those things would ever change. But when I entered college, I was challenged by the different ideas I was exposed to in my classes and through the different people I met on campus. I had to work through my beliefs and figure out why I held the ideas I did. When I found that some of my beliefs did not have a firm foundation, I had to rethink them and rethink the way I lived my life. It was a difficult process at times--like a mini early-life crisis! --But I'm glad I went through the experience and asked the questions that I did. Now, I know who I really am and can take comfort in the knowledge that my ideas rest on solid ground.


I can say that I have learned how to reason on my own better than I could before. I've learned to tap into the different resources that I have when I want to investigate something. My writing has improved and I've also learned to really embrace the scientific method and use reason rather than emotions to make sound decisions. I'm still working on my general education, but I'm pleased to see that I have learned a little about everything and that all these other little classes are like little tributaries that will eventually empty into a bigger river; in my case animal biology. The whole experience has allowed me to see that all fields of study are interrelated, more than I ever could have imagined, and has opened my eyes to get a better look at the big picture. It's been exciting to put this multi-dimensional puzzle, I plan on always having something new to learn. Education has really enriched my life, this is what has made college worth every bit of time.


As a economics major, we often pondered whether a college education was a signaling device or whether it really taught individuals useful life tools. As I come to the end of my college career, I believe that my college experience has provided me much more than I ever expected. Perhaps more than the academic knowledge I gained, I learned life lessons that I would not have obtained otherwise. Most importantly, I learned that life is not a sprint, it is a marathon. Things will not always come easily. You will always be surronded by those who are smarter, faster, stronger, and more decorated than yourself. However, if you keep your eye on the future, and develope and use the skills that you were born with, while thinking outside the box, in the end, you will have won the marathon.


During my college experience, I have found many valuable lessons. It has taught me time management and that I needed to grow up in order to handle the classes, teachers, and fellow students. I found an inner strength that I had never seen before. It was suprising since it appeared randomly, but at a moment when I surely required it. I was having a hard time with my classes, juggling a job and family, but the sudden burst of courage and strength showed me that I am completely capable of handling whatever I get myself into.


I have learned to give life my all, and to suceed you must exert the amount of effort you want to eventually recieve back. in the workplace. I am also gaining a fund of knowledge about economics, finance, and business which i will later put to use in my personal life, as well as in the workplace (I want to gain a CFP and series 7 licenses). The college experience broadens and gives value to yourself as a person, which in theory transfers over the workplace if you apply yourself. This is very true if you choose to make that decision - but once you do, it is highly beneficial.


I have grown so much in the past 2 and a half years and I owe it to my college experience. I have learned so much about myself and what I am capable of. I become more responsible, more independent, and more confident with each passing semester. I feel that my education is invaluble and I am excited for my future. College life has also made me appreciate my home life and my family. I love being able to explore my interests and expand my knowledge in a place full of endless opportunties and resources.


Take the chance right away. Be outgoing and meet new people right away. There is no reason to be shy, because everyone is in the same place. They feel the same way. What others think about you is none of your business. Just be you and laugh and smile. Try new things. Be bold. Don't worry about who you were or what you want to be or how you want to be perceived. Just be you. Talk - say what's on your mind (unless it's mean or inappropriate). Laugh. Joke. Be silly. Take as many credits a semester as you can. Those counselors and advisors at orientation don't know a thing about you. You are a hard worker who got into one of the best schools in the nation. 18 credits a semester will be more than manageable - it will prevent alot of wasted time. Take the classes you want to take. Don't pretend to like or be good at math or science., because you still are pretty bad at them. Lastly, don't worry about the future. It'll come soon enough.


Looking back on my senior year of high school, I realize that there are numerous things I could have done in order for my transition to becoming a college student to have been smoother. The main problem for me was my dependence upon my mother. I remember there was a time when I did not feel comfortable with making a decision for myself unless my mother also agreed. When you get to college, most of the time your family will not be there to hold your hand through every situation and you are now in control over your future. I went from having my mother take care of everything to having everything put on my shoulders in the course of about two months. If I could go back, I would tell myself to take the initiative in learning all I need in order to pursue my major early, instead of my mother having all of the information I need, which led me to making wrong decisions early in my collge career. Being ignorant of the steps you need to take to pursue your goals is the worst thing a person can do in college.