University of Wisconsin-Madison Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Madison know before they start?


My high school career was the best time of my life. I had the opportunity to participate in various clubs and academic honor societies. I also had the opportunity to explore my interests, but unfortunately, those four years had to come to an end. During my senior year of high school, I worked extremely hard to complete college admissions applications. I put work into making sure that I had strong letters of recommendation and a very well-written essay. However, I overlooked one very important process, which was the financial aid process, so if I were a high school senior, I would give myself advice about financial aid. Going through the financial aid process is one of the most difficult processes as a graduating senior. There is a lot to learn and understand about this process before going to college. I would advise myself to apply for scholarships that I am eligible for. Receiving scholarships would have allowed me the opportunity to study abroad for a longer period of time as an undergraduate. I am in a professional program now and funding is very limited, but having scholarships can undoubtedly relieve the financial burden of out of pocket expenses.


I have surprisingly few things to say to my high school self. The first thing I would tell me is to save the money on the application to my "backup" school because I knew all along I wouldn't go there even if it was my only acceptance. I feel as though I transitioned relatively well to college life. One thing that I would tell myself is to get involved right away freshman year. I would confirm that I should run track, but I would tell myself to not let that deter me from getting involved in other organizations - track doesn't last forever. Along with organizations, I would tell myself to not be lazy and join a research lab and/or find a good summer internship to give me experience for the future. I am extremely happy with how my college career turned out, but, when I look back, I feel as though I missed some good opportunities. If only I really could talk to my high school self. Keep dreaming, right?


Don't judge any person, any lifestyle, or any method. In a world where anything goes, you learn quick that those you once thought outcasts or losers will later become your best friends. Everyone does it differently, and there is no wrong way. High school taught you the basic pattern of how to get to an answer or destination. College will disect that method, introduce new ones, and leave it up to you to decide the best one for you. Not only in academics, but in relationships, work, and life in general. Open your door to new things. College is the time to try them. But! remember your limits. There is a fine line between immersing yourself in a new crowd and accepting their values; and becoming a part of something you will later regret.


I recently turned thirty and oh boy do i have a lot of advice for my stuck up know it all eighteen year old self!! My biggest regret is not listening to my mother and every other older and wiser adult that tried to tell me how important education is. I didnt have any college educated role models that I was influenced by. Neither of my parents went to college and both have job security and are financially stable. My nieve younger self thought I would have the same "luck". But times have changed and having a college degree is a must! Having twelve years in the work force, I have experienced first hand, that not having an education doesn't even put me on the playing field for many employment positions. My employment history has been by chance, who I knew, having a friendly personality, and a big smile! None of my positions offered job security, stability, or oppurtunites for advancement. Financially I have struggled, just getting by day to day. I now know that having an education followed by a career will enable me to be financially secure and allow me to live out my dreams.


If I could give my high school self advice it would be to take a semester off before starting college. Three weeks before I graduated high school, my older brother Tim passed away unexpectedly. We had planned for him to transfer schools so we could live and study together at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After losing him, I felt as if I needed to continue with my college plans. I struggled through my freshman year, and I found it difficult to share my story or pain with others. Three weeks into my sophomore year I was struggling yet again, but this time it was worse. I talked with my parents and decided to withdraw from school. After a semester off, I went back to school and I truly enjoyed myself. If I could tell my high school self anything, it would be to take the semester off. I thought I would be judged for leaving, but it was the best decision I could have made. I now enjoy school, and Tim would have wanted it that way.


I would advice myself to overachieve as a high school student and to be more active in high school sports. Overachieving would help prepare me better for my freshman year of college and being more active in high school sports may help transition me to play more in college, possibly on my schools sports team.


In the event that I could go back in time to talk to my high school self, one of the main things I would tell myself is to change my attitude towards classes I dreaded. I need to make the best out of those classes and do my absolute best. I would also tell myself to not to procrastinate on applying for scholarships and to apply for as many as possible. Another thing would be to tell myself to enjoy high school and not just rush to graduate. I would also tell myself to sit in the front of the class so that way I wouldn’t sleep and that I would pay attention more. I would need to get to school a little earlier so that I would have time to eat breakfast so that way I would be awake and have a good start on my school day. The last thing I would tell myself is to take the AP Statistics course test seriously so that way I could have received the college credit. In conclusion, I am following this advice now and it has made a major difference.


If I had the capacity to return to my days as a high school senior I would apply for more scholarships because the cost of college is increasing annually. Furthermore, the uncertain financial climate that we live in does not lend itself to a person feeling fiscally secure at any moment. Scholarships and grants allow students to attend universities that otherwise would be placing a greater financial strain on a student's family. Renewable scholarships that carry over for all four years of a student’s undergraduate career, are especially lucrative, and the particular kind I would have encouraged my high school self to apply for. As a result of the escalating price of college, I may need to take out loans that could be a fiscal burden until my late twenties. Had I solicited more scholarships and grants, I could have been relieved from these potential fiscal constraints. It is my hope that I can share this advice with younger students so that they can take advantage of all of the scholarships available for qualified students.


Nicole, Keep on going with your school and work. In the end you'll take something away from it for the future, whether it be friendship, knowledge, money, experience or a memory. Manage your time wisely. You'll do much better in school and otherwise if you do. Take the time you need to prepare yourself. Pick up extra hours at work. That extra income can only help you, even if you do have to sacrifice some of your time. When you move to college, remember that almost everyone else is just as nervous as you. You will adjust in time, but don't let that stop you from going out and making new friends now. Do something to get involved. Before you know it, your 1st semseter will be gone, so use it wisely! Stay Strong, Nicole


Dana, Develop in academic knowledge, financial wisdom, and social interaction. First I would like to encourage you to enter into this new world of opportunity and mistakes, called College, with drive and energy like none other. Know that you will make mistakes but when you do, push back harder. Concerning academics, your main goal is to exit college with a wealth of knowledge represented by an excellent GPA. Develop a true passion for your career at an early stage and find something to keep you going. Just know that there is an internship waiting for you. Find your balance early on. Balance is the key in time management. Keep your eye on the prize which is to be a successful engineer. Stay strong in your beliefs, values, and morals. Make a difference. Don’t fall behind. College is like the military. Weak soldiers don’t make it to the end. Engineering is one of the toughest fields of study with a small representation of students similar to you. Sleep less, study more! Beware of the allusion of time. Time seems so full but it disintegrates like quick-sand once you enter the world of college. Take advantage of every second.