University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee know before they start?


College, an obstacle equivalent to slaying a dragon, is a struggle humanity has faced for centuries. Thus to my past self, know that the eradication of laziness to reconstruct our school mentality is a must! Procrastination is going to be the death of us if you don't formulate an antidote to conteract its deadly symptoms. Tuition will slowly but surely bleed us dry in the future if you don't start looking for a job and scholarships now. Please, for the sake of both our future, awaken the dormant scholar inside. Life is moving faster everyday, and stress is weighing more and more upon my shoulders. The force alone will evetually bring me to my knees. Our bright future is seemingly becoming more and more of a flickering candle. Know that the task at hand will be tough, but I believe in you, as you once believed in me. Take up arms to defeat this monstrousity, change our path, and alter our course in life. Make a great change so that we won't not find ourselves in the depths of night, writing a scholarship on what advice we would give to ourself past high school senior self.


Learning never stops. Being a high school senior may deceive you into thinking the contrary simply because it's your last year in school before you enter the "real world". It's your last year where you can make mistakes before you begin to actually pay for them. "Senioritis" may overcome you and poison you and your learning process to plateau, causing you to strive less in school and focus on having fun rather than on intellectually-challenging matters like schoolwork and college preparation. My advice for you would be to stop what you're doing and aim higher. College requires complete and utter concentration; your schoolwork will have new obstacles and challenges that you must work through to be successful. To be best-prepared for what's to come is to remain diligent and attentive to schoolwork all throughout high school so your coursework in college does not blind-side you while you're in the same mindset you were while slacking off in high school. Always remember that learning never stops and being a high school senior does not mean you are of any exemption.


Listen up I don't have much time but here is some advice about college. First remember to drink hot chocolate, maybe have marshmallows too, the reason being is that we get stressed out and having it around to drink before we go to bed will be crucial to get through finals. In regards to classes, you will make it through them; it may be tough at times but study hard and get sleep and things turn out fine. As I said before stress will get to us so make sure to get out of your room and spend time with friends every once and a while even if it is just to study in the library. Just because you go out to do something other than homework does not mean you are abandoning your studies, everybody needs a break it’s no different for you. Relaxing and spending time with friends is important and part of college is making new connections. One last thing you need to know before I have to go, you will meet great people in college and don’t be afraid to ask them for help; they will be happy to if you ask them.


Don't be scared. Yes, it is an entirely new experience. You're going to be away from Mom and Dad for the first time. You don't know anybody there, and you have no idea how hard it is going to be. You don't have a job, you're already broke and have no idea how you're going to pay for it. Yes you come from a small town, and have no idea what a big city has to offer. Of course you wan't to fit in and make friends but being scared will only keep you from doing so. Everyone else in your class is in the same boat. Make friends. Branch out. Be yourself. Confidence will only get you farther while your fear is going to hold you back from so many opportunities that you will regret not taking. Obviously its okay to be scared sometimes. Like when you drive for the first time, or during a thrilling movie, or even when you mess up. But college is all about making mistakes and taking risks and finding yourself. You can either be a big girl, or sit lonely in a dorm room. Your choice.


Senior Self, You may feel pressured into trying to find a social life and going to parties in the future; just know that you do not need that. You are smart and you are determined. You can and will do anything you put your mind to doing. Do not doubt yourself for being introverted, that is who you are accept it and embrace being just a little bit different than everyone around you. I know you have your parents nagging at you to find more friends, but we both know we are not very good at that. College will be a challenge for you but mostly when it comes to being in the new environment. I will not explain to you how to better deal with the struggles that will be heading your way because that growth and experience is something that you need to make you a better person. I just ask that you always have confidence in yourself and who you are; do not ever question that. While there are so many challenges, there will be so many more benefits and achievements. I am you; the future you. I know you will succeed. Your Future Freshman College Self


I would tell my past self to explore a lot of different colleges. I only applied to one college because I wanted to live at home back then or at least I thought I did. Two years later I regret that because I feel like I've missed out on the social aspect of school and also missed out on the experiance of living in a dorm and meeting new people. Another thing I don't enjoy about my college is the amount of students. I would told myself to look at schools with a smaller student body. Lastly I would tell myself to not fall behide and actually study. I've made plently of mistakes my first couple years that have hindered my graduation date because I thought I didn't need to try so hard. If I would of thought about my future from the very first semesters I would have so many more opportunties going for me then I do at the moment. Even though I got to where I want to be now, it would of been alot easier if I had a similar mind set from the beginning.


Lighten up and have fun! Yes, college is providing the foundation for your future career, but do not forget to have fun on the journey along the way. I still think the decision to become a commuter student was a wise one because of the amount of money it saves (plus being able to eat Mom's home cooked meals everyday is a plus). College can be a long four years if you do not open up and become vulnerable with those around, so quit being so shy and live a little bit. But remember, never take Mom's meals for granted, I laugh at the food students eat on campus.


apply for more scholarships while you can. and look into more colleges


Considering I already was taking a few college courses as a dual-enrolled student, it seems that it gave me a leg up on how college life was going to be. If I were to go back and tell myself about college life I would say, always come perpared, ALWAYS study, and just relax. In high school there was so much pressure to impress and be friends with everyone, but in college there is not that kindof pressure. You can strive to impress people and be friends with who you want but dont feel like you have too. You are doing your own thing and getting your own education so worry about yourself. Make friends, be a good student, and be yourself. There might be more homework than there was in high school and the classes are longer but you have more time to do the large amounts of work and you get to choose when you go to class and it seems that college is a lot like high school. They have their differences but they also have their similarities , which is going to make the transition a lot easier than you think.


Take school more seriously, and study harder. Make sure you are choosing classes that will get you in the college of your choice.