The most important thing I would tell myself is to pursue a degree in engineering or business as these are the two majors that actually produce jobs after completing college. Other degrees can yield jobs but business and engineering really drive the economy. I would argue that not having a degree in either of these disciplines, as the reason I had to return for my graduate degree.
At all costs, travel and study abroad while in college, you will not get such a great opportunity to do have this opportunity once establishing a job. I did finally study abroad, as a graduate student, and looking back I wondered why I did not take advantage of such a great learning experience as an undergraduate student.
Take some big risks; you really have nothing to lose. This could be a relationship, future job opportunity or anything in between.
Lastly, I would tell myself to meet with guidance counselor and degree advisor right away the first semester of college to ensure that I could finish my degree in the recommended four years. The guidance counselor and degree advisor can really help with difficult situations or questions that arise during college.
If I was able to go back in time and give myself advices, I would have told myself to better prepare myself for college. It starts deciding what I truely want to major in, and then deciding what I college is right for me. That way, I would not have wasted many semesters on classes that was not as benefical. Also, I would tell myself to apply for financial aid and scholarships. Money is definitely something a college student needs especially if they are free money coming from the government. These two things, if I knew before, would have helped me now greatly so I would not be in such a financial crisis at the moment.
To never underestimate my potential and make choices based on my own judgement rather than let others affect my decisions. I would tell myself that I will need to work hard from the start so that it will become easier later. I would also tell myself to get a part-time job because that will always be good for me as it will give me a life experience that I can't get from reading a book. Finally the main thing that I would mention is to enjoy the college life more as there was times where I could have taken up a sports course or join an engineering group earlier and contribute to that group.
Take the time to actually explore the possible fields you can go into. Just because you think you know what you want to do, doesn't mean that there isn't something you don't even know about that could be a better fit. Also, be sure to attend classes regularly as skipping them is a slippery slope. Take time to stand out with professors by visiting during office hours as this will imply a greater obligation for faculty not to give you the run around.
If I could go back to my High School self the first thing I would tell myself is to not take anything for granted, especially time. Time is valuable and should not be wasted. I try to live by this principle now and not take anything for granted, such as my education. One moment you could have everything and in the next moment you could lose it all. I would tell myself that time is something that you cannot get back, so I should try to live each moment like it’s my last. This led me to my next point in that time is one of the few things that matter in life; the other important things in life being my family, friends, and love. I would remind myself to live each moment to its fullest potential, to love my family and friends as much as possible, and to do my best each day in order to become the best person that I know I can be. Life is too short so there is no point in not doing the best that I can and trying to be the best person I can.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself i would definitely tell myself that the work you do in high school definitely matters for moving on to college. I would tell myself to try my hardest in everything I did and not slack on anything. I would also try to prepare myself for the first year of college that I wish I could of done differently. I would tell myself that although having a social life is a very good part of college and a good way of growing up, but your school work should always be your first priority. Homework first then hangout time. And I would tell myself that as long as you try your hardest in everything you do thats all you can ask for. Everyone makes mistakes but as long as yo learn and grow from them; you will always be the best person you can be.
If I could go back I would tell myself to do many things differently. I would have told myself to be more involved in high school activites, I would also have told myself to try harder for scholarships. Plus, I would say to get to know certain teachers better because good letters of recommendation are very important and finally I would tell myself to truely figure out what I want sooner, and get into that program from the start.
The only advice I would give myself and anyone else in the future is to follow your dreams. Do what you love and Do not let anyone stop you or tell what is best for you. Only you can make that decision. I made the mistake of going into a particular program simply to please my family and it has taken me almost 7 years to realize that. Had I originally gone to school for what I wanted I would have saved myself and family time, money and finacial setbacks. However, who knows if things had been different I may not be the person I am today. Guess we'll never know.
Believe in yourself and trust your gut! Do not allow negative self-talk get in the way of pursuing the life you want. There will always be people who try to put you down or intimidate you, but know that they are doing this because of their own insecurities. Rise above the negativity of your surroundings.
Do something that scares you everyday! Step out of your comfort zone by challenging yourself to ask questions, talk to new people, and try activities that interest you.
The advice I would give myself as a senior, in high school is, some College classes are really tuff. I might get stressed out or frustrated at times, but just stick with it and believe in yourself. Once you do this, you’ll do just fine. Also listen to your parents; they really do know what’s best for you and good luck.