The number one piece of advice I would give myself would be to pack less when preparing to go to college. Looking back on my past self I question why I packed fourty or more shirts, and that isn't even counting pants, shoes, and other various clothing items. Two large bins just filled with clothes is extremely unnessary, which is obviously something I didn't understand when preparing for college. Besides packing, and on a more serious note I would make sure to tell myself to enjoy high school while I was still there; I would go to atheletic games, hang out with more friends, and not just focus on getting out of high school. Now that I am in college, far from friends and people I spent four years around, I really regret not enjoying my high school surroundings when I had the chance. I am glad that I focused on my studies as much as I did in high school, because it was a big help when getting into schools of my choice. Overall, I would make sure I spent more time with my peers, study hard, and pack a lot less clothes.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that high school and college are way different than you expect. In high school I never studied and got A's and B's all the time. College is completely different and you have to work for your grades as well as trying to include yourself into a new environment. I'd tell myself to take more AP classes and challenge myself because all those classes paid off right now and I came into college with 20 credits making me a junior standing in my sophmore year of college. I would also tell myself to keep the friends that I made in high school because college you can make new lifelong friends but it's difficult and once you aren't living in the dorms and near each other, everything changes. Having friends and family close to you helps the transition into college a lot easier and less stressful. If I could go back I'd tell myself that yes college is the best four years of your life, but it's also your hardest so don't give up.
3 things. First, stick to my old habit of not procrastinating and always doing all my work in a timely manner. Most student, particularly in College, gets sidetrack of a lot of activities resulting to procrastination. Secondly, always ask questions. I find this very helpful because a lot of student, specially freshmen, don't ask questions because they are shy or they're not use to their surrounding. Asking questions could really help a student in many areas such in class, social activities, and any other outside matter. And lastly, I would remind myself to never forget to have fun. College is one of the most precious things you could experience in life. Not many people get the chance to ever step on college. Don't sweat, remain smile, and have fun.
Save your money...
I would tell myself to learn how to find study tips that work for me and stop trying to be like everyone else. I would pay attention eariler as to how I did so well in school without really trying, but realize that college is different than high school and that even if you are naturally gifted, at Mount Mary they challenge you so much that you need to buckle down earlier and don't rest on your morels. Try harder ealier and I could have achieved even more. I would have made myself work on my time management and self disapline in my first year of college.
If I had a single piece of advice for my past self, it would be this; don't worry, you'll figure it out. Two years ago, I really didn't know what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I went to UWSP to begin generals with a vague idea of a career path. But my time there and the time spent with friends and professors helped me to choose a goal for my next year in college, as well as the upoming years of my life.
I would have told myself to stay in school and not have taken time off for myself. I also would have told myself that the earlier you get into college, the earlier you get out instead of sitting behind and looking at all of your friends who have graduated. Perhaps I would have told myself I was smarter than I thought and I had the potential to not let other's bullying get to me and to deal with the world on my own.
Enjoy every minute because you only get to live each day once. Never stop pushing to be the best you can be and you will be surprised at what you can accomplish. Use all the resources you have, because someone else already wishes they had. Don't be afraid to speak up-there's no such thing as a stupid question. Call your parents ! They will miss you , you will miss them, and they make really good care packages. If it all gets to be too much and you don't know what to do, stop and really think about whre you want to go. If your decision won't matter in ten years, don't sweat it and save yourself the cortisol. Never be afraid to let everyone see you try, because if you aren't trying at life, you aren't really living at all.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior I would reasure myself that going to a community college would be worth it. It not only saves money but it's a great transition into college life. Also to use every resource I can, the tutoring center or get to know the teacher if possible, it prepares you for any kind of homework or tests that get thrown at you. The biggest advice I would give to myself as a senior going into college would be to have fun with it and not to work so much. I felt like my whole community collge experience was full of two jobs, volunteering at the hospital and being a full time student. I am greatful I got to have all those opportunities but I wish I would have just taken some time to be a kid and have fun, but the college experience is not over. I will take all of this advice with me to the university and remember to keep my heads in the books and get good grades but not to be afraid to take it out for an occasional fun college adventure.
Dear 18 year old me,I know you are uncertain of what lays ahead, but I want you to exude the self-confidence that radiates through you, even when you don’t feel it. You will arrive at various forks in the road, hurdles in your path. I want you to hold on strong to your morals and have faith that you will prevail, even when it seems impossible. Stay focused, and dedicated. Keep your sense of good judgment and hold your standards high. Speak up when things bother you, dare to stand out, be the first and be a leader. Do something that scares you everyday, push through those uncomfortable experiences. I know you be tempted to quit, but endure because in the end the sense of personal growth and accomplishment is a high that will cause you to “raise the bar” higher, continuing to develop into a strong, confident member of the professional world. Relish the moments helping others, and recognize that it makes you feel complete. Overall, maintain your sense of humility, you’re going to be fine.Your Later Self.