I would not tell myself to select another school. I love it at Stevens Point. I met my boyfriend here and I would not give him up for anything. However, I would tell myself to not let boys interfere with homework. I struggled my first semester in college because I spent too much time with my boyfriend instead of doing homework. I would also tell myself not to room with my best friend from high school. I missed out on a lot of the college experience such as moving in with a complete stranger and a lot of social activities. I also lost my best friend because we ended up fighting all the time. We grew apart and realized it too late. I can't help but wonder if we hadn't roomed together, would we still be best friends? College is a place to learn who you are, to meet new people and to have fun. I missed out on all of that. I would also tell myself to not forget what I truely loved, to learn. There are times when I loose sight of this. I have waited for college my whole life, I cant loose that now.
High school is hard emotionally and mentally. Everyone is striving to fit in. College is a whole new ball game. You can be who you want and you are given a great opportunity to find who you really are and who you want to be. College is the best time of your life. Unlike high school, you actually have to study and do the homework, but its not all bad. Group study sessions are fun and you actually can learn while having fun. In college you make friends that you will have for the rest of your life, so enjoy it. Don't let the dramas of high school problems blur your vision of the future. In college you learn so much about the world around you and what you can do to improve and embrace it. Giving up is not an option. Keep pushing through, because in the end, all the big right now things will not seem so big or so life changing. Live each day to its fullest and do not forget to have fun.
I would remind myself that I have time to complete all my goals bescause I am young and I have my whole life ahead of me. I would tell myself to be rational and to look at all possible angles before I become narrow minded about my options. I would emphasize the importance of applying for scholarships, grants, and financial aid early as well as becoming involed in as many groups and community service organizations I could find. I would stress the importance of broadening my social circle but not forgetting to keep my current friendships intact. I would also advise myself to look into the availability of employment within the city where the school of my choice was located and transportation options incase I had no vehicle of my own. I would remind myself that life is a journey not a race and that sometimes I have to take baby steps to get to where I want to even if the baby steps seem futile. I would adivise myself to seek many advisors for information about studying abroad options and what it would take to do that. Overall, I would advise myself to be humble.
If I went back in time as a high school senior, I would give myself the advice that you aren't a failure in life unless you give up. I am a very studious person in college but during my sophmore year I had to withdraw from an organic chemistry class in the middle of the semester because of a very low test score. I was devestated and wanted to give up and change my major but my parents persuaded me to retake the course. I just finished the same organic chemistry course this past semester and received an A-. After this experience I learned the importance of staying determined in times of adversity.
I would tell myself to be more outgoing and enjoy things more, while still getting my work done on time. Things change, there's no way to stop, and you got to keep rolling with the punches with you're head held high even when people are trying to knock you down.
Have a clear head. You don't have to know what you're going to do, but be focused anyway. Join in on activities on campus.
Go visit alot of places and find the place that fits you best. I am so greatful that I went through such a long process to find the school that fit me best because I have had an AMAZING experience. I am in the theatre program and have had so many amazing classes, master classes, and hands on expereinces. The professors are there to help us acheive and have a great career. Also, if money is an issue- don't let this stop you!!!! It takes alot of time to apply for scholarships, but there is plenty of money to be given out and available for ALL. Please, think twice about college because it is such a great learning experience and step from high school to post school!
I would have taken more AP courses and not taken high school as seriously as I did.
I would advise myself to be more out going. My freshman year I was very shy and it took me a long time to get to know people because I was always stuck in my room. I wish I could go back and enter school with the idea that I was going to meet everyone I possibly could.
Be prepared, that this experience is not like high school. You have to work hard and study, and you will find free time to have fun. It's a great experience and everyone should try it!