Ursinus College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Ursinus College know before they start?


Finding the right college takes finding a balance between gut feeling and practical concerns. Visit potential colleges before you apply, judging by that instinctive reaction you feel toward students met, classes seen, and buildings toured. Make sure the school offers the majors and programs you want; all the nice students in the world will not help you get a chemistry degree at a college of arts. Know yourself well enough to know whether you want to spend all your time with other students who like to study, enjoy interacting in small groups, or love to party. Once you arrive for freshman orientation and begin classes, making the most of the experience is up to you. Talk to the other freshmen. They are just as friendless and scared as you. People always respond to friendliness; if you approach with a smile, you will probably recieve one in return. Attend events, no matter how lame they sound on paper. Even if you don't love the speaker or performer, you might sit next to your new best friend. Armed with a smile and your unique personality, you will find friends quickly and together you can explore what your school has to offer.


Experience the campus


When choosing a college, it is important that you choose a college that will best accomodate your major. Thus, your major should help you to determine what kind of colleges you will be looking at. For example, I initially enrolled at a liberal arts institution as a business major. However, it is clear to me now that attending a liberal arts school was not the best choice as a business major. Another error that can easily be made is equating the cost of a school with its quality. Instead, visiting schools and staying overnight is really the only way you can truly learn what it would be like to attend that school. It is also the only way you can learn the opinions of students that actually go there. It is important to hear both positive and negative things about a school; the literarture you read from that school will never list the cons nor will it publish negative opinions harbored by current students.


You have to decide which college or university is best for you. You should not choose a college that you think someone might like to see you go. You need to go where you feel the most comfortable because there is no such thing as a perfect college environment. You have to go where you feel the benefits of that school outweigh the problems or issues that make the school less appealing.


No matter what anyone says, college is definitely the best (and most important) time in your life. You need to choose a school that either has courses directly related to your interests or has enough variety to allow you to find your own interests while you're there. Working hard is always worth it, even when there's a great party going on that you don't want to miss. It's not the parties you'll look back on when you're making a career; it's the things you learned along the way that will change your life.


To the parents of students going into college within the next year or so, please do not forget to keep your child's or children's interest in mind. If the school seems right for your child, please encourage them to go to that school. Do not let money become an issue, for your child being in the right school for them will mean more than money ever will. Also, do not be worried what your child wants to major in or get a job in, what's important is the fun and interest in their future jobs and careers, not the money. The money will come with the interest and the fun that comes with the love for their chosen fields of study. To the students who will be going into college within the next year or so, do not let college life dictate your actions or your thoughts. Let college education and other college students supplement your overall knowledge of life but never be dictated by them. Always remember to keep an open mind, an independent mind, and focus on your goals. Use college as an environment in which to grow smart, and most of all, understanding.


Travel to as many schools as possible. Always schedule an interview with your desired schools. Do not be afraid to make new friends at school. Do not keep an existing relationship with your girlfriend/boyfried from high school.


Do not base it on finances alone. Go with the right fit for your child. I went with a money choice and I regret it. I do not regret the friends or decisions I made while at my school, but I feel I could have made a more informed choice if I took the money issue out the decision. These are the years that have the strongest impact on your child's life. Dont let that be squandered by money. Debt happens to all of us, but a life experience is something imeasurable.


Research your schools and then spend a day (or a night if you can) on campus before choosing a school so that you can get the feel of the on-campus atmosphere. You should sit in on classes and make sure the school offers what you need. Check out the extra-curriculars, meal plans, and living situations on-campus. Also, go with what feels right for you; some campus' just feel like you're in the right place and some don't


Find a school that you feel at home at and that will challenge you to reach your goals while providing you enough support to do so. Always put yourself out there and take advantage of a variety of the opportunities your school offers.