Ursinus College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Ursinus College know before they start?


Looking back at the intimidating college application process, it is nothing short of amazing that I ended up at my dream school. I went against the grain by putting all of my eggs in ?one basket.? Hidden in the enormous piles of college mail was an aesthetically pleasing pamphlet by Ursinus College. After reviewing it, the school with the weird name seemed quite promising after all. I fell in love with Ursinus during my overnight visit. I was completely hooked on the school and decided that I would go forth with the admissions process. ?What did I have to lose?? This step eventually paid off when an acceptance letter came in the mail that next month. It was one of the proudest moments of my life. I was accepted to a school with a slim acceptance rate and a rigorous academic agenda. My dream school became a reality right before my eyes. In chosing the right school, go with your heart. A name will not guarentee you a successful four years, but a place that makes you happy gives you so much more! Remember to work hard and enjoy what should be the best four years of your life.