Utica College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Utica College know before they start?


The advice I would give to my High School self is, appy for scholarships, save as much as possible, don't settle for anything. These tips are what I wish my High School self knew, I feel if I did my College experience would of been alot better. The 1st one scholarships are so important when it comes to college, because grants will only cover it so much, I would tell myself go out of your way to finds as many scholarships as you can in order to make sure you're not in debt for the rest of your life. Also to go along with that save every dollar nickel dime penny that you can because that adds up and you can put that into a savings account and put that money to good use for your future. Finally don't settle for just any colllege research, know what you're getting into, and love the school you're going to be spending the next 4 years at. In conclusion I wish someone gave me advice like this maybe my college experience would've been better.


Some very good advice that I would give to myself, is to manage my time properly. It is imperative to not add more pressure to myself because of lack of time for my studies. I would tell myself to take risks. It is ok to engage my instructors in constructive conversation concerning my grades as well as my progression. My highschool self should know that it is important to sleep. Everything doesn't have to be completed in one day. I want to make sure that my younger self understands that being a perfectionist, although it is noble, is very nerve-wrecking. There is absolutely nothing wrong with striving for greatness, but perfection within itself causes meltdowns, and is truly unnecessary. Priority is key. It is far better to have a well-rounded life. Obtaining an education is useless if it causes misery. Do what you love to do. I thouroughly enjoy my field now, however, it took some trial and error to get to this point. Most importantly, I would heavily influence my former self to never give up. Persistance is instrumental in accomplishing goals. Life happens to us all, but you must perservere, your success depends on it.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would tell myself to keep trying hard academically because it really does pay off in the end and literally, because it results in scholarships. I did well in high school and got a significant amount of financial aid for college, but if I had put a little more effort into my academics, maybe my grades and scholarships could have been even better. I would also tell myself to enjoy the things outside of school more such as sports, friends, and family. I would say this because I miss playing sports so much. It was such a large part of my life before I went to college and I never realized how much it meant to me until I was not playing anymore. I also do not see my friends and family as much as when I was in high school because I am not home as much. When I am home most of the time I am working and so are my friends and family. Overall, I would tell my high school self to just enjoy it more than I did.


This conversation is a warning so please take heed and listen, it will save you from a world of trouble in these upcoming semesters . First off study at least 45 minutes longer, everyday. Be sure to surrond yourself with positive influences that are all going forward, spend less time with those friends who don't have the same ambitions as you. Find a study group to practice for the SAT and ACT, high scores are what colleges look at. Ask your counselor about grants or scholarships that are available. Don't be afraid to ask for help, nobody makes it alone. Explore your options, fill out more scholarship forms to increase your chances of getting extra financial aid. Take dual credit courses to they will cut some of the credits you have to get in college while you saving money and time . Keep your eyes on the prize remember graduation is the destination. Don't allow outside influences to distract you from where you need to go. Your success is non negotioable and failure is not an option. No matter how many times you get knocked down, get up and try .. try again . Real life is coming so be prepared.


I would start by saying that a college education is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Obstacles and life events will come and go as your life goes on, but time will not come back, once you loose it, that time it's gone. Don't delay you school education, whatever it is you are going through, work around it to achieve your goal. The sooner you start your higher education the faster you will have a brighter future for your family and yourself. It will take much effort and dedication from you, but the end result will be satisfactory. If you are undecided of what you want to be in life don't stop there, read and educate yourself on all different careers until you find the one interests you. If you need help on anything, ask your parents or family members, they are there for you. Specially if the help you need is with support to achieve an education. Finally, imagine yourself having finished College, getting you degree in your hands making everyone proud. Imaging yourself working on the field of your studies and succeding, now don't stop until you get there.


If I can go back in time and talk to myself about comming to utica college, with the knowledge I now have about it, I would honestly reconsider comming to this college. Reasons I would reconsider is 1st off, because of how expensive it is to attend and how hard it is for me to pay off my tution. Secondly, becasue before comming to utica college I was undecided on what I wanted my major to be and once I made the decsion as I came to utica I found other schools that had better programs for my major. Overall im glad that I came to Utica college with the knowledge I had about utica when I first came, because comming here wasn't what I really wanted, but comming here made me learn a lot about myself and what I really want for my future.


I would of told myself to not procrastinate and take the SATs. Apply for the College of Charleston, Charleston Southern and for the University of South Carolina. That Trident is a great school but I regret not going to the college I wanted to. I would tell myself to study as hard as I could to make A's in everything and to participate more in extracurricular activities such as cheerleading, drama club, flag line, to stay in Chorus and to attend that meeting to participate in the Interact Club. This helped organizations and charities. I would of also told myself that having a boyfriend is great but I needed to focus on myself and get myself to where I need to be for my future. To not hold back and to give my all instead of just going with the flow of things. That starting college is a scary process but to take as many courses as needed but not to overload myself with too much. To participate in more activities that dealt with the school and community. To also get a tutor for Algebra since it’s my weakest subject.


I would tell my self to relax. Being a highschool student i was very stressed and nervous about becoming a college student, but my first year was a blast. The teachers we helpful and the students were very friendly and social.


I would tell myself that there are no exuces for not studing the maxium number of hours that are needed in order to do well, no matter what the subject matter is at the time. Not all things that we have to study in college are going to be our most favorite, like for me it was math. I had to learn the hard way, that even if its not my favorite subject i have to give my 100 percent in order to get to the other stuff that does interest me, in my case its biology. So my advice is that take the interesting and not so interesting and treat them just as important.


The advice I would give myself is to never give up on school and your studies. Don't listen to the other kids that don't believe you can graduate like them. Go to the library to do some research on public colleges. Never take yourself for granted. Just believe in yourself and have your friends support you in you're education. Be yourself and your dreams about finishing college and getting your diploma from high school will come true. Don't be afraid to make a big transition from high school to college. If you don't know where a certain building is ask a student that goes there to help you. Other advice that I would give myself is to try to have fun with the transition form high school to college because not alot of students can afford the college like some people. Apply for financial aid for college early and not when it's too late to qualify for a Pell Grant or a Subsidized Loan. This is the advice I would give myself knowing what I know about college life and making the transition. Please pick me for the winner so I could win. Thanks!