Utica College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Utica College know before they start?


Go to college because you want to be successful. Don't go to college to party and forget about why your truly there. Nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes. Just make your mistakes early enough that they can be fixed and you can get back to where you need to be academically. Have fun and make friends, just don't let it get the best of you.


If I could go back in time there are alot of things I would tell myself so that I would have been more prepared for college. I would say to look more into the programs and the careers to make sure I know exactly what I want to do. I have changed my major once already and it has put me a little behind. I would also tell myself to save up more money because college is very expensive and you don't want to build up loans. Something else I would tell myself is to learn how to have better studying skills because you can't treat it like high school and study just to pass the test because you need to remember everything you learned to use it in your career.


Find out more information regarding the college experience. I would tell myself to visit a college and shadow a person for a few days to get the full experience. I am an athlete and I would also talk to college students that are athletes on how they manage classes, practices and games. These are all things that I never thought about as a high school senior. Knowing a little more information on whats ahead in college would have made the transition a little easier.


If I could go back to being a high school senior I would tell myself not to worry and be confident. I would also tell myself to have a little more fun. I sometimes don't go out and have fun when I have the time to. I usually worry too much about my classes and getting good grades in them even though I almost always do. I would tell myself to take a public speaking class because during my classes I have to talk in front of the class a lot and I'm not confident in that area. Be confident in myself is the biggest advice I would tell myself because I always thought I wasn't as good as the other students and now that I have gone through most of the undergrade classes I know that I did just as good, if not better, then I thought.


Prepare to be challenged in college more than high school ever has


To go into Occupational Therapy from the git go, to not party so much and pay attention to your studies and participate in campus activities while you can


I would tell myself not to take time off during the summer. I would tell myself to take a couple of summer classes while working to be better situated for the upcoming years. I would also tell myself to consider grad school and not put off any part of education. I would tell myself that parties and hanging out are fun and necessary, but to put things in perspective. I can be proud of my acheivments in school, but there is a pretty good chance that I wouldn't be bragging about the number of keg stands I can do in one night. You pay for college; make it count.


First off, it is important to know what type of individual one is. One has to decide whether or not they want a small or large school. Then they have to go by what the school offers academically and the clubs and extra-curricular activities it has. The surrounding area plays a big part too. It might be important to the individual to have a lot of things around, such as stores, resturants, and bars. Once one picks the college they feel will benefit them the most, it is up to them to make friends. It is so vital to be oneself. Do not be fake and just have fun. Do not be afraid to even try something new like a sport or join a play. If one needs help in a subject go to the professor for help or get a tutor. Keep those grades up as best you can and the library is a nice and quiet place to go. College is what one makes of it.


If your child want's to go, let them go and experiance what there is to offer even if it is in a small city like Utica. You need to look for a school by your childs needs though. If they are from a fairly small area a four year school like Utica College is applicable, but if you are from a fairly large area and are looking for a big inner city pace Utica is not the right area for you. You need to find a school to match you needs and your wants.


Finding the right college should be based on a combination of many factors. The student's selection of major will largely narrow the choices, however such factors as financial aid, surrounding environment, personal preferences and personality should also carry some weight to the decision. While money is not everything and student loans are abundant, wisdom should preside to choose the more economical situation in cases applicable. The amount of debt should be proportioned appropriately to the average salary once established in the student's career field. Something else to consider is the student's ability to respond positively to the surrounding atmosphere the college provides. Being honest and choosing a better academic fit over social desires can aid, but not ensure, academic success. Making the most of the college experience is a delicate balance. Although academics are important, being involved on campus, and off, for passionate causes provide many opportunities to cultivate a well-rounded perspective. Carving out time for responsibilities such as studying and work can be held in balance with social events and relationships. Preparing for life beyond the classroom may seem pre-mature, however is crucial for setting the student up for success!