Utica College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Utica College know before they start?


Go to college when you are young and can enjoy the activities that enrich your life experiences. If you are not sure what your focus is you should definitely attend a two year school to help you establish an area where you will excell and be happy. College life is what you make it, it can be a big party but, trust me, that will catch up to you soon enough. It may not seem it at times, but hard work and perseverence pay off in many, many ways. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it, most schools offer many forms of help in all sorts of areas. Make your tuition count and last but not least, be on time.


When chosing a school i know it can feel like everything goes so fast, but visit the schools your thinking about look in at classes ask questions dont be afraid. when you do find the right school give it a chance, its going to be differnt at first but you go to work your way in, also be open to new people and ideas your goin to meet so many new people get to know them.


College is an important step in a young individual's life and must be taken very seriously. College will build the foundation for the student to succeed in all aspects of life. One would advise parents and students to visit as many different types of schools as possible. Experience a large school, small school, rural, or urban school and if possible, arrange to spend a night with a current student. One can feel that this is the best way to receive straighforward advice on the school and the students that attend it. The final advice one can give to parents and students about finding the right school is to apply to as many schools as possible, and do not be discouraged if you do not fall within the academic average of the school of your choice. There is always a chance for you to be accepted and the only way to find out is to apply. When the student begins school, get to know the campus and the services that are available. Go to your advisor and get to know him or her and find out about all the activities that the school offers.


The most important thing is to make sure that the school offers whatever it is your child is looking for. I would suggest your child make a list of the top 10 things that they are looking for a college to offer and then start looking into schools that offer those things. Then the child should visit the school and see what kind of financial aid packages would be offered if they chose to enroll there. The child should speak to students who go to the school and look at internships and post graduation jobs that are offered at that school for their specific major. Last but not least transportation and available resources is always important. Things such as shopping areas, bus services, and local college activities is always important.


Do not choose a school based on people you know who are going or close to people you. Be sure to research the extra curricular activities as well as the acedemic programs, but do not base your decision solely on the activities available


my advice to parents and their kids, is that make sure you do the research about the college/s you want to attend. also make sure that they have your major you want to do and they have your studies. when going to college make sure students especially that you take it seriously and do the best you can do so if you are reciveing money somewhere that your grades are where they should be.


Make sure to visit. Make a list of questions before you go to vist that you want to make sure to ask. Sit in on a class so that you can see what a class is like at the school. Be open to meeting new people as soon as you get there.


I would give the advice to apply for as many scholarships as possible during your senior year in high school. I would also reccomend to look at a lot of schools before you make your final decision.


I would look at every college and compare prices, living arrangements and availability to hospitals and such. I would talk to students already going to the colleges and see what they have to say about their lives on campus and off. Find or hire someone who can explain the finances to you, unless you already know how everything works. Trust me when I say though, that you really do not know all the ins and outs of college finances. If you do become depressed about any financial situation, talk to someone about it. Try and do any and all scholarships because they will save you a lot of trouble. Make sure you know what you want to do with your life at least by your Junior year. Have fun and stay safe. Always remember that what you do in college could effect what you do for life. So, choose wisely and make sure you know what you are getting yourself into.


Make sure that you know what you want to do and do not base your decision on getting out of your parents house. Explore your community colleges first. They are a lot less expensive, and they afford the time for you to decide what you want to major in.