Utica College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Utica College know before they start?


When you're preparing for college, you just have to always be aware of your surroundings because which everything that's going on during high school is the same exact that's occuring during college. The amount of work load is that much, but it is a pain when finals week gets closer because some many projects is due in the same time frame.


From my college experience thus far, I have learned a great deal about myself as well as the world we live in. Going to college has broadened my horizons and allowed me to meet new people and take chances I never thought I'd be able to. I have met people from all around the world who have different backgrounds and experiences to share. The things I have learned from them are something I would never take back. I have learned how to look at life from different perspectives, and how to be an opportunist. After my first year of school I have found myself to be far more optimistic about life and my future than ever before. My communication skills have advanced greatly and I have been presented with opportunities to go new places in this country as well as globally to learn more about how other people live. Between the things I learned in the classroom and from the people I have met, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I reccommend college to everyone I meet because time is of the essence, and your life is not something to waste.


I'm the first of my family to attend college. My father never went to college, but he's still very succesful. My parents are seperated, and my mother doesn't have a job. It's hard for my to pay for school. With all of this under my belt, I still mantain good grades. During my first semester of college as a freshman, I achieved a 3.7 GPA as the top freshman of my department. I love school and I love learning. I would hate to not be able to return due to financial instability. I need to prove to my family that I'm worth it, that spending all this money is worth it. So far during my college experience, I've seen people who care so much and don't let anything get in their way of success, I've seen people who don't care at all, and I've seen people who are a mix between the two. I've yet to find out who exactly is better off in life, but I feel that if I win this money, I will be able to continue my schooling and discover just that.


I have gotten a better understanding of who I am from my college experience. I am getting an amazing education and learning things that will help me help others in the future. It has been valuable for me to attend because I have learned to be independent and get to know myself without the dictation of peers. I know what I want to do with my future and this college is here to help me atain that future in any way. College has helped me find my way back to god, back to happiness, and has given me the drive to succeed in life and overcome obstacles. I'm the first person in my family to be in college for more than a year and it feels great.


Since I have been in college, I have learned many communication skills that aren't taught in high school. I have made everlasting friends, and experienced team work. With the comminication skills I have learned, I will be able to obtain a job much easier, and get along well with my co-workers. Team work is something that students often don't grasp in high school, however in college I have found myself constantly working in teams. Which is a very good ability to have when entering the work force. This year in college, I have had a wonderful time and really experienced how fun and hared working it can be at the same time. However I also learned that if one can mix work and fun, it is much easier to get it all done and enjoy it too. It has been valuable for me to attend college because wuith the education I obtained from high school i would not have gotten very far.


I am a 25 year old single female who when graduated from high school didn't know what she wanted to do. I knew that if I didn't attend a community college directly out of high school then maybe I wouldn't have gone at all. Through high school I was an average student, nothing exciting. I went to Columbia-Greene Community college for 2years, then applied for the COTA/L program at Maria College in Albany. I realized what I could really do with my life, and wanted to make the most and the best out of my life. After going to Maria College, I graduated with honors and began working in my profession. 2 years later I went back to Maria College to promote my job, and answer questions for students who are getting ready to work in the field. Now I'm back working on my bachelors then my masters in Occupational Therapy. Going to college has been the best thing for me and my future. I'm planning on getting married, and having kids, something I thought I would never be finacially sound to do.


When I was in high school I never thought of my future school-wise. I only wanted to do my dream job. I figured I'd just go to colleges my friends went to, which I did. Now that I'm a little older and a little more mature I realize that the college I go to may help me reach my dream goal. College has taught me that your life and where you want to go with it should not be taken lightly, there are many opportunities out there but it's only up to you to see the and take on the challenges that lie ahead.


I've developed a great respect for time management and organization. If college teaches you nothing else, it forces you to learn these two skills, otherwise you'll never make it. I've been exposed to so many different people, views, and cultures. The ability to think critically and make informed decisions. It also gives you a greater sense of responsibility when you have no one to watch over and make sure you're doing what you're supposed to, versus making bad choices.


I have achieved a since of self-esteem that I did not have before I entered collage. I knew before I went back to collage that there was a personal need for myself to return to collage, not only to train for a new career, but also to keep myself mentaly sharp. I know at the momment that my training is not complete and there for I will not be able to enter into my chosen career as a CMA, yet I know that the field I am going into is a perfect fit for my personality, it is also one of the fastest growing fields in America. I can not wait to be able to help people and repay society for all the oppertunities that have been allowed for myself.


The biggest idea that I have gotten out of college is that my actions and my success is not limited to myself, I as a pat of society have a hand in where society is going next. I began as a mediocre student close to failing out to a campus leader because someone had the heart to tell me that people are looking at me for permission to be better even when I do not know their name or face, by me struggling and proving myself victorious I dare people to be something more. More than any string of words I can put together, it's the way that I carry myself through struggle and tribulation that proves that life is not always going to be easy but that does not mean the fight can not be won; failure is not the sin, continuous actions leading to failure is however. Be better than yourself, push yourself and in the end you will be proud of yourself - that is what I have gotten out of my college experience.