When looking at colleges, don't just look at the big name schools, also look at the smaller ones. Look for small class sizes, good financial aid packages, and most of all, the female to male ratio. Too many males results in a very aggressive atmosphere, too many females results in too much drama, a 1:2 or 1:1 is good. One more thing, look for schools who don't have a large emphasis on frats or sororities. The hazing is horrible, and most end up become alcoholics in the process.
Be sure to spend the night and get the overall exprience. Do notpick a college based on cost.
The advice that I would give would for students to get information from the HS guidance counsler on the colleges that the student is interested in. Once the information is recieved the student should make appointments with the schools so the student is able to go visit the college (see the classrooms, meet faculty, become familarized the with housing and surrounding community). While at the college, the student can meet with finicial aid advisors to see what kind of assistance the student would be eligible for at that particular school. I think that having a visit to the school before actually applying is important becasue usually the student can get a feel of whether or not he/she would like to attend that school by that first initial visit. This will allow time for the student to possibly look into other schools before the application deadline.
Really look at what you want, not what others want.
Make sure you visit the colleges to get a good idea of what they are like. Talk to students and professors and ask their opinions of the college. Check out the dining hall and dorms-sometimes the campus tour will only show you the nicest rooms, so ask to see a room in each separate dorm building, or on each floor. Remember that most likely you will change your major at some point, so be prepared to stay in college more than 4 years to get a bachelor's degree. Try to get involved in activities and volunteer. If you plan on drinking, partying or using drugs, don't waste your money, your parent's money or the financial aid-take a year or two off and go back to college when you are ready.
Don not ask to many questions or you may start getting answers you dont like.
Make sure you sign up for a college tour and research the college before you attend.
Make sure the circulum suits your learning style. If you do not do well doing work on your own, don't go for large class sizes. It's better to go to a school where your professors actually know your name.
If the college has an orientation during the summer, go to it. It gives you a good idea of how the campus works. Also, try to go on an overnight stay with currect students. That helps you get a realistic view of the campus, students and classes. Make sure you really like the school when you visit it. If you are unsure, don't go there. Chances are that you will be unhappy. Look at different types of school to see what type of atmosphere you like better. Try not to have a bad impression of a school when you visit it. This will hinder your opinion of the actual school. Make sure you want to pay the tuition and that it is worth it because if you do not enjoy it and all you do is worry about money then you will not do well and will not be happy. When you get there, be outgoing because everyone is going through the same experience and wants to find friends. It's easier than you think to find good friends fast.
It is very important for prospective college students and parents to visit a variety of different college campuses and speak with current students at the colleges. The prospective student has to like his/her college or he/she will not do well. It is also always a good idea to select a local, community college for the first year or two, in order to save money, figure out what direction the student wants to go in/decide what field to major in, and get acclimated to the college experience before moving away from home or spending a lot of money on an expensive college. In order to make the most out of the college experience, the student should be sure to volunteer, get involved in the local community and extra-curricular activities, study hard, stay focused, and not get caught up in alcohol or drugs, which can mess up not only your college experience, but your whole life. Students should realize that it is okay to be undecided, but if that is the case, they should take a variety of different courses to help them decide what they are most interested in.