Do the most research on each campus that you can, and have a large variety of schools. Visit as much as you can, and be sure to get a tour with a student on campus and not an employee of the college. When making the most out of the college experience, make sure that you meet as many people as possible and get close to them quickly, because they will be your friends for four more years. be open to new ideas and people and most of all, have fun!
The advice I would give parents and/or students about finding the right college is to make sure you have a guidance counselor or someone who is willing to help you explore your choices and to make sure they put your best interests at heart, someone to make sure that transcripts, paperwork , deadlines, etc. are all done on time. If these deadlines pass, there is a good possibility you will be stuck with whatever college is willing to accept you at the last minute, among many other problems which will create a domino effect. If things are left to the last minute, will not have much of a say in your housing arrangements, you may not be able to find a roommate who is compatible which can create a lot of problems. You may be stuck with the roommate from hell. You also may not have much of a choice as to the time and availability of classes. Please do not let deadlines pass, the amount of stress it creates will be overwhelming for both parents and students.
Make sure that your kids will recieve the best education they can without the most distractions and make sure you could always make sure your kid is doing ok.
My advice would be to make sure you have gone thought all the ways to find or get the extra money that is out there .Have a job will help with some of the extras.But sometimes it is very hard to keep up with school,sports and job.I guess i was not thinking how much school cost.
Always go and visit the colleges you are interested in when they are in session.
Pick your major based on your heart not on money.
Do not go home the first weekend you are at school.
You don't need half the stuff you think you need, so if you don't use it at home you don't need it at school.
Trust your gut, if you think it is wrong for you it probably is.
look at how big the school size is and if itr right for you. Also look at the available class sizes and the enviornment if it fits you or if you are comfortable with the size.
Finding the right college depends on what type of a learner the student is. When I was a senior in high school I wanted to go to a bigger school which means more of a social life. Yes having a social life is important but its not why you are going to school. I had my heart set on going away to this huge university but my mom influenced me into easing into it. Yes at the time i did disagree, but now that i look back on it im glad i ended up where i am. I am more at ease in a smaller classroom, able to learn easier, and there are less distractions. Plus I am extremely involved on campus with sororiety life so i guess i have the best of both worlds. My advice for people attending their first year is to check out as many campuses as possible and find one that best suits their learning ability, because if you choose a university that has a difficult learning environment, you are defeating the purpose of college.