Valdosta State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Valdosta State University know before they start?


If I were able to travel back in time to my senior year in high school and talk to myself I would stress the importance of networking and being involved on campus. Valdosta State is a pretty big University, with many oppurtunities to meet people and establish relationships. Without any involvement a campus as big as Valdosta can seem to become very small. My freshman year I had a hard time adjusting because I was always in my room and I didnt seize the oppurtunity to go out and meet people, but during my sophmore year I made an effort to join a few organizations on campus and it had a vast improvement on my college experience. In a gist, college is more than just academics its an oppurtunity for young adults to build long lasting and beneficial relationships with people .


I would tell my self and anyone else to follow your heart. Your heart has a funny way of already knowing what it is that you want to do. Success is not defined by how much money you make but is defined by how happy you are and achieving the goals you set for yourself. Just be what you want to be not what every one tells you that you should be. Your career will take up a large part of your life so do what you love and don't settle to you find what you love.


I would tell myself to go into college undeclared, get my core classes out of the way then declare a major. Do not start college with a declared major.


I'd like to believe if most people had the chance to answer this question they'd say things like "Don't date that one guy" and "don't dye your hair purple, it was a mistake!" but I honestly wouldn't change those things about myself. There is one key thing I would tell myself. Take college classes! While being at the university I have met freshmen come in and immediately go up the ladder on to sophmore and junior while I have to slowly climb and make my way to the top. While there's no problem with either of these methods, it is fustrating to want to be successful and feel as if you are failing that simply because you did not get the head start you needed. Not only that but also if I would have taken college classes I would have had a better handle on what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, and I would have grown up a little faster, seen more of people, and understood what it meant to be in college and get a degree so that in the future I could have a fighting chance.


Entering college life the typical thought is “I am going to find myself,” but in order to find something it first must be lost. Losing yourself is not what anyone should ask for especially in the judgmental and challenging life milestone of college. If I knew then what I know about college life now I would tell my high school senior self that finding yourself is not the goal, but enhancing and revolutionizing yourself is the goal. Months in preparation for the first day off to college should be more than finding twin size sheets and Facebook stalking your new roommate, but about reminding yourself about who you are. In reminding yourself about who you are, you are reinforcing your self-worth and raising your self-esteem for those moments that will fail and succeed in shattering it. I would want my high school senior self to know that your personality and point of views will shift, but let those changes come from your learning experiences and not be shaped by the individuals that try and shame you for keeping what makes you value yourself the most.


Dear High School Jessica, Enjoy your life as it is right now. Do not rush things. Be smart when it comes to being in certain situations for you cannot trust everyone who calls you friend. Guard your emotions and your heart and think realistically. Do not procrastinate and always plan ahead. Step out of your comfort zone and try new things and don't be afraid of your voice. Make life long friends and memories and just always enjoy the little things.


When I was in high school, I worked full time and had very little responsibilities. I worked and spent my money as I pleased. If I could go back in time, I would talk some sense into my head about saving money. Going out into the real world and living on your own is not a very easy task. Then having tuition payments and needing things for school can carry a huge burden and load of stress on a student. I would love to be able to take a huge part of my stress away by going back in time and talking myself into saving money. I would also prepare myself for late nights studying, and very early morning class routines. College is not an easy adventure and I would love to be able to go back and use my knowledge now to put some sense into my head back in high school.


When you come to college, do not just stick to what you know. Get to know everyone and be open about what you see. Make more than one friend, even though she was the best! You want to be able to look back and say you made the best of your college experience and you didn't just survive. Get involved! Don't be afraid to stand out and be original! Stay focus on your studies like you always have but enjoy yourself at the same time. College is about finding yourself. You may think you have time to do what you want in four year but surprisingly, the time goes by in a flash and before you know it, life just is not what you imagined it to be. Keep yourself together! Make good choices about your friends. Do your best to get out of bad situations even when you’re afraid of the consequences because at the end of the day, you make it through! Do what makes you happy and get rid of the things that make you sad. Remember, never apologize for being you.


Looking back over time I would tell myself to study more and make school my number one priority. Often times, I got caught up in the social aspect of school and hanging out with my friends, versus focusing on what truly matters. It has been hard on my parents to pay out of pocket for school and I want to make every attempt to make their life easier. It is hard looking back on my mistakes but I know they've made me a more studious student now.


I would advise myself to go to VSU immediately after high school (instead of going to Georgia College, then transferring). Though I really loved GCSU and I miss it, I would want my high school self to know that VSU is the right choice for my career path. I would also tell my high school self to be super open minded about religion, politics, and many other things because you never know what might change your mind until you are open minded enough to listen to an idea or opinion. Probably one of the most important things I would love to go back and tell myself would be to stop being shy--"Get out there and make friends, ya big dummy!"