I have learned more about myself as a person and have matured religiously, mentally, physically and emotionally. I have learned to study and prepare for class more rigoursly and take my education very serious. It is valuable to attend because it is helping me achieve my goals for my career path.
I have gotten a Bachelors of Education from my college experience and realized I can do whatever I put my mind too. I just need to focus and work hard. It has been a valuable to attend so I can support my family by having a good career.
College has been very important to me in that it has allowed me the time to develop skills that make me better at what I do. I work with people. I have worked with impoverished children, women coming out of prostitution, homeless men and persons with severe mental illness. For me school is a must. When dealing with the dynamics of poverty and mental illness one must be aware of what information and research is available to assist. Also, in being an effective advocate one must work hard at learning to express information, and develope processes and procedure for creating change. School teaches this and more it also helps me to better my interpersonal skills by working with teachers and fellow students. It is good to find other students with similar interest who are also working in the mental health field. I look forward to looking back on my education knowing that it was well worth the work and effort.
I am a single parent with with three kids, with low income, I am presently working for a hospital as nurse tech, and I will like to pursue my nursing, I have learned alot this past years, i am ready now. I have always like to go school.
My college experience has been a life long learning experience. I have met many new friends that I will know for the rest of my life and I have learned so many new things. College is something that has truly changed my life for the better. I not only get a degree but I have had a great time doing it. College was and still is a chance for me to be myself around people that do not know me and I don't have to be something that I am not because they accept me for who I am.
I have learned alot about responsibilty and the value of having a strong set of work ethics. My experience has also taught me to make decisions based on research, facts, and weighing out options. It has also helped me to learn how to interact with my peers and superiors.
I feel that there is so much that I have learned that it will be hard to get enough into only two hundred words. Not only have I learned many things related directly to my field; but I have also learned much in the basics of education from completing my core. I find that aside from the educational learning I have learned a good deal more about life in general. Going to college has also taught me a lot about respect, not only for myself but for other people as well. I have learned that there are others that need help in life, learing this was valuable to me because coming out of high school and going into college I had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life or what I would be happy doing as a creer, but seeing the lives of others through an adult's eyes lead me to persue a creer in the criminal justice field. Anyone can learn things in a classroom but it is those who take what they learn and apply it to the world around them, these are the ones who have recieved the true education.
If I could go back as a high school senior the advice would give myself is to not treat college like high school. The biggest mistake I made my freshman year of college was treat College like it was high school all over again. I had poor study habits, focused on having a social life, and was uncertain of the college life. Being an A/B student I thought I could use the same study tactics such as cramming days before an exam, not reviewing my notes daily, and that doing homework good enough to make the grades I desired. Sadly to say I didn?t realize that I was setting myself up for failure until the end of the semester. Not being mindful that college is a learning process of how to balance having a social life and school I focused on everything/anything but the school aspect. I went to socials, volunteered, and joined different organizations, because I was concerned with building a reputation and living the college life. Lastly I was uncertain with the college approach to things. I wasn?t aware of policies /terms such a withdrawals, drop/add forms, overrides, and et cetera.
Number one thing I would tell myself...DO NOT GET A TATTOO! It is something I regret everyday and I will eventually get removed which is going to cost me a lot of money. I would also tell myself to really think about the major you are choosing. Is this really what you want to do everyday for the rest of your life? Is there a job definitely somewhere out there for you? If the economy changes will you stil be able to find a job in this field? Will this make you happy? I would tell myself to make the right choices in friends, and really focus on school. Also, work to the best of your ability, because that is something to be proud of.
Be kind to your parents. They really are going to be some of your best friends. They are there for you no matter what you do and will support you in whatever you choose. Despite what you think of what they say, LISTEN! They really do have great advice and love you with every part of themselves. One day when someone says you 're just like your parents, you will honestly say thank you.
Going back in time the first thing I would tell myself is not to get caught up in the social life and try to focus more on the educational aspects, that is why I went to college in the first place. Although I didn't get scholarships, just a bunch of loans, try to strive for a higher gpa so you can try to obtain atleast one scholarship. O and please don't take a big loan out and give it to your mother!!! You will be the one who ends up in debt, not her. Other than that just make sure to stay school oriented and PLEASE MY GOSH PLEASE do not live with your friends in college. Trust me, it is not a good idea. You really get to know a person a lot better when you live with them and you might not like the person they truely are. O and make flashcards!