Villanova University Top Questions

Describe the students at Villanova University.


My classmates are insightful people. Most of them are kind and are fine in class. Most of them are also high over-achievers so it pushes you to do better as well. It becomes a friendly competition.


My classmates are the type of people who go to class if they have to and learn what they have to, while trying to have a good time along the way.


My classmates are smart, dedicated, kind and unique.


Well-rounded, upper middle class, fun


My classmates are motivated, hard workers who have excellent high school educations, but who enjoy partying.


My classmates are diverse, involved, hard working, and serve for communities, such as Philadelphia, Villanova campus, and areas where poverty exists, and serve for populations where help is needed.


I know some interesting characters including two guidos, a random guy with discreet baseball knowledge, a sex addict, a pyro, multiple high kids, a ginger with two modes: walk and suck face, a male nurse, this guy named the jizzler, and a host of others.


Villanova students are dedicated and aspiring people who have brought with them the morality that enables us to show the world our dedication to the communities we share.


My classmates are funny, smart, questioning, serious, driven, sad, angry, lost, happy, tenacious and diverse. I can't describe them all in one sentence.


Do not judge a book by it's cover.