Villanova University Top Questions

Describe the students at Villanova University.


Most students who go here are upper-middle class and white. There are always the exceptions though. Not everyone is white, and not everyone is rich. A large portion of the students here are from Jersey or Long Island. It's hard to make a generalization though, because my room mate is from Maryland, a girl down my hallway is from Texas, and another girl is from India... and that's only in my hallway. I've met people from California, Singapore, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia too.


There are virtually NO LGBT kids here, and if there are they sure don't talk about it. Kids dress pretty well in class, sometimes to the point that's a little ridiculous. The school isn't too cliquey and it's definetely not like high school, but it's certainly got social groups that don't often mix. Most kids are pretty wealthy and from the Northeast, and you can definitely tell.


nice people. of course wherever you go there are clique types of groups but everyone is really open minded here


i think that there is a very wide range of students here from all different backgrounds and from all over the world. it is a very diverse campus, and generally everyone gets along with everybody else. it is a pretty welcoming and close community.


Certain stereotypes about Villanova may be somewhat true, but I have found that all different kinds of people are accepted and can find a niche through some group whether it just be of friends or of an extracurricular, etc.


The school itself is primarily white, Christian, heterosexual, above average income students. Now that is not to say that all students are intolerant of people from other groups. I have never seen any racial crimes, or anyone harassed for being a certain race, or having a certain characteristic. In general the student population learns from St. Augustine and from the Christian church to be tolerant of others no matter who they are and to accept them as brothers and sisters. With that said students who are not white, Christian, heterosexual, or earn an above average income may find that there are less people like you at this school. However, you will not have problems making friends, because there are people at the school like you, you just have to search them out a bit harder. Most students are very dressed up to class here. That's one of Villanova's things, you can't walk out your door looking unkempt even if you are going to the store or the gym, you have to have makeup on, and look good. Most student at Villanova are from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York with other from the surrounding eastern coast states: Maryland, Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida, there is also a large contingent from Puerto Rico. Predominantly, students being more of the conservative Christian type are more right-winged politically. But that's not to say that left winged people are non-existent because they are as well.


Villanova is trying to become more diverse within their student population. Most of the students at Villanova are from New Jersey and surrounding areas. However, they are also trying to make this statistic more diverse by accepting people from Puerto Rico and Southern States.


This is a Catholic college so religion holds a strong presence on the campus. There are student-run Sunday night masses which are attended by an overwhelming number of students every week. In terms of race, the student body is predominantly white but there certainly is diversity too.


The student body at Villanova is awesome. Everyone is cheerful, friendly, and willing to lend a helping hand.


There is diversity on campus, but it seems that at least 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the students are white. I'm not sure what percentage of the student body is Catholic but I would say it may be around 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. There is a large puerto rican student presence on campus (I believe Villanova has a sister high school in puerto rico). As far as LGBT goes, I know there is a lesbian gay straight coalition (club) on campus but they aren't too vocal. There are a lot of kids from rich families that go to Villanova. In the winter a lot of students wear sweats to class but during the nicer months kids like to dress up, the girls especially. By the way, the girls at Villanova are by and large a very attractive group, who like to look good and do look very good most of the time. Most students at Villanova come from the Northeast, hailing from states like PA, DE, NJ, downstate NY, CT, MA, as well as from the midwest, FL and CA as well. The students are politically pretty mainstream. The kids I know don't talk about how much they will earn upon graduation, but I only know a few business students.