Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I am involved with Invisible Children, which I have found is a really incredible group and we have gotten a lot of amazing things done to benefit Uganda.


Basketball team is popular and Greek orgs. I'm in a Greek organization and it has helped me become a better leader and a better person. Closest friends are my sorority sisters and friends I met in class years ago. I'm sleeping at 2am. ICF every spring, greek week, vsa auction, fact events, homecomings, etc. i hope ppl party less often than i think they do. frats/sororities are important bc it brings ppl together of all sorts of backgrounds, ethnicities, races, etc and it basically forces them to interact. You'll end up losing the stereotypes, judgements, and prejudices of those ppl. Saturday night- movies, dinner, watching tv, reading, playing games (video games, card games, interaction games--twister, taboo, etc), just hanging out. I work, volunteer with my sorority, eat, sleep, and shop off campus.


I think the most popular groups or organizations here on campus is the student organizations..because there are so many and they can be just about anything and everything. Greek life is actually quite a small {4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} here at VCU but you wouldnt think that since you see someone wearing letters almost everywhere. I am a part of alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Inc. which is an asian-american interest sorority. We are fairly new still, we've been chartered here and established for almost 2 years now and remain active in our school and its community. A lot of students who live in dorms leave their doors open, I know that i used to from time to time just because its more inviting for people to come get to know eachother than if youre door is always closed. Im not sure how popular other sports events are but the basketball games are pretty popular among students here. The dating scene is pretty much people date within their own groups of friends or say groups they are a part of. I met my closest friends through my sorority and also my roommate from sophomore year and i became really close as well. Another close friend was from high school and we happened to go to VCU together. If im awake at 2am on tuesday im probably either in the library doing work or studying or at home watching tv. Events that happen each year include the Intercultural Festival, homecoming, greek week, etc. I think a good amount of people party every weekend or every other weekend depending. Fraternities and sororities like i said is a small {4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} but i think they are important because not a lot of people know what we're really about or what we do. I went to NY last weekend as a part of spring break. You can go see a movie, go to the mall, hang out with friends on a sat. night if you dont want to drink. I usually go downtown with friends or i go shopping


the most popular... tough im a sorority member. we think we are the most popular. but we rep 4{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the population. im an Alpha Gamma Delta. we hold the highest cum gpa for three consecutive years. we raise over $2000 for our philanthropy every year which benefits juvenile diabetes. our sisterhood is tremendous. our chapter back lashes against every greek stereotype out there. then again i am a little biased. i loved in a suite style dorm we never left our doors open. theft is a hugs problem on our campus. basketball games are popular. i dont think we have even 10 percent attendance to any game. my closest friends are my sorority sisters and friends from the greek community awake at 2 am on tuesday... trying to sleep? last weekend i was in daytona on spring break. before that i was at an alumnae tea event for my sorority saturday night no drinking... um go to a movie? maybe stay in and not drink? everything is off campus...


The most popular groups are SGA or religious, or anti-religious. Oh, Sororities are huge, Frats less so. Sports are big. The dating scene SUCKS. There is NO ONE single. Everyone has a boyfriend or girlfriend "back home" and the ones that don't are sex crazed fiends. Maybe it's just me. There is LOADS to do though, on and around the campus- Carytown, Short Pump - but you NEED a car.


Student Government is really big at VCU. They are very interested in making VCU better, and they work hard to influence the administration and show them what the students want. Fraternities and Sororities are fast growing on campus too. I am involved with the Greek Life at VCU. Last semester I joined Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and that is one of the best decisions I think I have ever made. The guys in my fraternity are really great, and they are helping me mature. Greek Life here is very diverse, just like the school. So chances are, anyone who wants to be in a fraternity and wants to form those bonds, will be able to find the right fraternity to do that! Yes students leave their dorm room doors open. That is a GREAT way to meet people. This whole year, most of the time i'm in the room the door has been open, and I have met so many people. I highly recommend it. Basketball games are VERY popular. They almost always sell out and the student sections are almost always full. It helps when we have a team that almost always finishes near the top of our conference. VCU is a big arts school, so there are usually several plays running at the same time. Both Main stage and small stage plays. They are usually very entertaining. There are lots of opportunities for dates in and around VCU. There are a veritable horde of restaurants within the reach of a long walk or a short drive. And there are a few movie theatres around, along with Belle Isle and the James River to go hang out at. Also since VCU has over 30,000 students, there is a rather large dating pool to pull from. I met most of my closest friends from joining my fraternity and from sitting in the dorm room with the door open, and the guys from my floor walked in. Personally if I'm awake at 2 am on a Tuesday, I better be studying. Every spring semester we have our Homecoming. And before our homecoming game we have a MASSIVE tailgate called Chill and Grill which a blast. Most people get so wasted they don't remember half of it though. So that is always interesting if you're sober. If you look hard enough, someone is partying almost every single night... But the big party nights are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Fraternities and Sororities are fairly important, and they are only growing in size and number. Right now about 3{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body is Greek. That's steadily growing though. Fraternities are generally the most consistent source of parties also. They have a few houses that are party houses nearly every week. Last weekend I hung out with some of my friends and went to the gym. And at night we went and partied with my fraternity. On any given weekend, there are tons of dance clubs you can go to, or you can go to a movie down in Carytown for $2. There are bowling allies, skating rinks and other fun places to go. There are even date parties occasionally.


The most popular organizations are probably the Greek societies. The most popular team is definitely the men's basketball team. I'm the vice president of an organization called SIGGRAPH, which is a student chapter of a large special interest group for 3D graphics and animation. We meet every two weeks to discuss 3D graphics and animation. We also have movie nights. From what I've observed, most students who live in the dorms leave their doors open. The only ones who don't are those who live in Brandt hall, because it is suite styled with four rooms per suite. They have their own bathrooms and common rooms, so usually those students just keep to their own suite. Athletic events are probably the most popular of those three, but even they aren't that popular. If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday night, I'm probably doing homework in my room. Every year we have homecoming in February, an Intercultural Fair in the spring, and events for freshman at the beginning of the year. It depends on the person, but my guess would be that there are students who party every weekend. Fraternities and Sororities are quite popular at VCU. They seem to be important, but most of them don't have their own houses. Last weekend I went to visit a friend at another school. You could go to the mall and the movies. I'm mostly off campus, since I live in an off campus apartment. I like to go shopping, but in order for a student to get to the mall, they'd need a car.


I could go on forever here. Basically, I loved being Greek at VCU and though we're a small percentage of students on campus that's what makes it so special! All the events you describe in this question are present at VCU and it's all great stuff. I think kids get more involved each year. And yes there are plenty of parties. I think being centrally located really helps activities at VCU. We're in the middle of the state and can get anywhere, to the beach, to the nation's capital, or to other colleges to visit friends. Downtown is a great scene too, drinking or not. Plenty of bars, but also plenty of festivals in the summer!


I'd say the most popular are with the Greek Life, or SGA (student government) I'm in a sorority, We focus on community service and helping out the arthritis foundation. I dont live in the dorms I dont know, but when id id yes we left out doors wide open. The only athletic event that is somewhat popular is basketball. Dating scene???????????? I wish we had a dating scene I'm lonely. I met my closest friends in the dorms. I'm awake on a tuesday at 2am i probably either drank too much coffee during the day or I have a paper/exam. We have the multicultural festival, greek week, step show, Halloween walk. People party almost everyday of the week..sad huh? Sororities and fraternities are 3.6{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the undergraduate student population. We just have two new sororites and will be welcoming two more fraternities. The greek commuinty is growing. Last weekend, my sorority became a chapter and we signed our charter


Muslim Student Association, various frats and sororities, Invisible Children, etc. I'm involved with the VCU Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. It's small because it just started out last year, but we've done a few really great fundraisers and I think the organization will continue to grow. Basketball games are a big deal, and yes freshman leave their doors open. Unless you live in Brandt, then you don't talk to anyone. LIVE IN JOHNSON! Sororities and Frats are a prescence, but because our school has a lot of art programs and a huge population, greek life only seems to account for about 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students. Movies, restaurants, other cultural things are always going on if you don't like drinking.