Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Sports teams are very popular on campus, and there are hundreds of clubs you can join. I'm involved with Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and it has given me a huge network of friends that I can hang out with or go out with whenever I'm bored. Greek Life on campus is generally exclusive and not as big as other schools with less than 10 percent of students involved with it, but it is a very prosperous organization. Guest speakers are seemingly always on campus, and theatre productions are always going on. Most events are free of charge and enjoyable to go to. I met my closest friends through Greek Life, my dorm, and people I met through my classes. 2 AM on a Tuesday I'm either out on the town, at a party, writing a paper, studying for a test, or watching movies with my friends. People party any day of the week, but the biggest parties are usually Friday or Saturday night. Last weekend I was in Pennsylvania for my fraternity's leadership school at Dickinson College in Carlisle. Without partying, on a Saturday night you can go clubbing, go to the movies, hang out with friends, go to a theatre production, see a concert, or go to a community event. The possibilities are endless. Off campus there are really good places to eat, there are dance clubs, concert venues, and everything else a city has.


As with you inevitable interactions with the student body, you'll also be immersed in ethnic experience as the local dining options are as diverse as the students: on grace street alone you'll be able to get vietnamese, korean, chinese, italian, and no less than 2-3 vegan places within two blocks. I didn't participate much in the way of extra curriculars aside from sporadic attendance to some young democrat meetings, so I really can't speak to that, but know that you'll make good friends even if you don't do much in the way of extracurriculars. As for non alcoholic activities there is plenty to do, though in my experience it chiefly involved food and friends, and in some cases this will require being over 21 simply to attend. Same goes for the club/music scene. But there are cool events all around Richmond: the Grand Illumination in December is when they turn all the lights on on the downtown skyscrapers and is an excellent place to see and be seen and get into the christmas spirit. There's shopping at short pump and VA center commons, though public transit goes to neither. One of the unspoken rules of VCU is that having a friend with a car makes life 10 times better. When its warm it's nice to just walk around and take in the fan, which is a beautiful neighborhood right next to VCU. The shores of the James River, especially near Belle Isle, are also a popular destination for sunbathing/walking around, while the river itself is excellent if you're into rafting/kayaking. And Maymont park is a nice wide open space with a small zoo, makes an excellent location for dating ;)


Sororities and Fraternities are very popular. There are also tons of clubs to get involved with such as pre-dental club, photography club, ect.


VCU does try to bring a lot in the terms of activities and the social life. There are some speakers that are wasted however. They should get a consensus about what types of forums people want because when they are in high demand, there are usually people hanging out of the doors trying to get inside. Being that this is the capitol city, it is easier to locate and is one of the premier spots for entertainment. So if you're looking for something to do, you should be able to find something.


I met almost all the people I hang out with now in the dorms. Those are CRUCIAL to any incoming freshman because it is hard to meet people otherwise. VCU can be a little cliquey, so making friends right away, when no one really knows anyone else yet is very helpful for incoming freshmen.


Athletic events aren't popular. Guest speakers are cool if they have free food. I've never been to a theater performance. Dating is fine, everyone is a horny college kid. There are tons of people that are easy to meet. I met my closest friends from either living in the dorms with them 5 years ago, or from being neighbors once I moved out into the fan. It's the summer in the fan when you can go onto anyone's porch and have a beer with them...You can find a party any night of the week. Frats and sororities aren't that important. They occasionally throw good parties but they are usually really exclusive, except for pi lam who will let anyone it. Generally the people at fraternity/sorority parties range from 18-20. There are endless things to do off campus: go to Maymont park, Byrd park, walk around the fan, anywhere on the river is cool, there are tons of coffee shops, go shopping in carytown, check out a new restaraunt...


We have lots of fraternities, sororities, tons of clubs, events, activity, socials...etc I dont see a lot of students in the dorms that leave their doors open. Athletic events are really popular. Lots of theater shows. Lots of couples at VCU. I met my closest friends throught the dorms and through other people i met. If I'm awake on a Tuesday night, I'm probably either hanging out with my friends, or I'm out at a club. We have homecoming every year around February where we have a chill n grill and then have a basketball game. We have a step show at the siegel center every September that I look forward to. People party every night of the week. There is always something going on at VCU. Fraternities/sororities are a big part of VCU. I went to a Frat party last week and then worked last weekend and went shopping. We can go to the commons every weekend and watch free movies with free popcorn. Also sometimes there are sports events as well as social gatherings that students can go to...Every day there is something to do at VCU!!! lots of different things. I go shopping off campus and i work off campus, go out to dinner a lot and just drive around getting to know the city.


I live in a dorm and i really ike the building i picked. It is not hotel like, it is all centered around a courtyard that people hang out in pretty much all hours of the day. People keep their doors open when it is warm but since our hallways are outside, not so much when it's cold. It does get pretty loud because some people stay up all night and don't go to sleep till 5 AM on the weeknights. I wouldn't say that VCU is a really huge party school because most parties happen off campus. Security is really tight in the dorms and most of the time you can only have 2 guests in your room at one time. There still is parties, you just have to know people that have houses or apartments. I don't drink and there is till lots of things to do. I go see movies all the time and go to Carey Town which is right outside of campus to shop and go to dinner. There are also tons of art galleries and things if you're in to that. Also a ton of people ride bikes everywhere and walk around, so no matter what time you need to leave your dorm there will always be other people around too, even at 3 AM on a Tuesday...


most popular: basketball i'm involved: forensic science student club doors open: most of the time popular: athletic events, only basketball, very popular...guest speakers, not very, somewhat popular depends on type of production closest friends: they are my suite mates, or went to high school together awake at 2: just finished a movie, about to go to sleep traditions: fall fest, fashion week, homecoming week party: mostly thursday to saturday...but few are throughout week frats/soror: not very...don't do to much last weekend: gym, watched a play, did homework drinking not involved: dance, shop, movies, chill with friends off campus: eat


I think FACT is pretty popular, or I may seem bias, but I truly believe it is!