Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Commonwealth University know before they start?


Pick a school that a student feels comfortable attending.


Make sure that you read reviews on the school, visit the campus and talk to students who are just walking the street. Also talk to different professors, you will get many different opinions to make the right decision.


Make sure you tour every school you are going to apply to. Things are very different in person than on paper, and you only know how it really it is after you have been there. Also, do not let an application fee or tuition get in the way of your first choice. That application fee may be worth it, and there are all kinds of financial aid available. Do not be afraid of having to pay off school loans. You will have plenty of time and it is more than worth it.


At this point in time, with the current economy being so bland, I would highly recommend using resources available to create & give the student the most financially sound education. There are many resources available, both at individual colleges as well as websites, that provide scholarship oppurtunities. Additionally, it would be beneficial to sit down with someone with loan expertise and explain the different financial options that students have when attaining a degree. I would also suggest getting genreal education credits out of the way at a community college, then pursuing the rest of the bachelor's degree at a four year college. Not only will this save money, but it will also help the student grasp a better idea of which field they would like to pursue. While attending school, it's important to really understand and learn about yourself. You're on your own and figuring out the world, which can be both positive and negative but try to remember that balance is key. Don't be overly social & ignore your studies, but at the same time, you will make friendships that last a lifetime, so make use of social activities and events to network, make connections and friends.


I would tell the student to think long and hard about the major he or she wants to be. Don't go to a certain school based on what friends are attending or if your high school girlfriend is going. Do college for yourself, not others. It is an investment in yourself, and well worth every penny. Once you are in school, give it your all. Showing up just on test days doesn't cut it, and STUDY! This isn't high school where you can get away with not studying and do well. To the parents I would tell them to start saving for their kid's college as soon as possible. You would not believe how much stress trying to come up with college payments can be, mounted on top on school work and social lives. I'm not saying let them not have a job, but just make them worry about rent and food. Parents and students, work as a team to ensure success. That is my advice to you.


When you or your child decide to go to college, find the place that will define you and not necessarily what you wish to become. Do not choose a college soley based on the statistics behind them because that will soon lead one into a sea of doubt and quite possibly turn into a downfall. It is not to choose the best college but to choose a college that fits one as a person. Once you find out that this college will be what you want, whether it is greatly diversified or have small classrooms, it is the small things that truly will define how one would succeed in college. Sometimes the best colleges are not necessarily the best colleges for the brightest even though they say they are, because perhaps one will find a college that will fit them and truly make them shine in that field just because they found that particular professor in that small college who touched that student in a way that would truly lead them to develop to heights of their potential. College doesnt make leaders but they lay the path for potential leaders that can change the world.


Be sure to check out many schools and figure out which one you would feel safest attending, and what has the most to offer for your specific interests.


It really helps to know what exactly what you want to do for a career to find the right college. Instead of going to college to find out what you want to do, you should really find out what you want to do first, then find the right college that offers the best courses.


To find the best college one must definitely visit the college to experience the atmosphere and the place where one might stay for the NEXT 4 years of their lives. It is best to have a diverse college that provides the most opportunities as possible. College is a place of development and change, and without the option to choose a different path, one is trapped. Research some of the professors in your selected major if you have one and find if they are well-known. Join as many activities and groups as possible that you are even slightly interested in because it is a great way to make friends and find out who you really are.


To not pressure their kids and support them as much as they can