Going to college is a milestone in every student's life, but this process doesn't have to be stressful. Just be organized and make a plan long before application deadlines. The key to success is to start a year in advance. Based on academic performance and SAT scores, one may realistically decide which universities one has a chance of being accepted to. With this in mind, think of one of two possible majors and research their curriculums at each of the schools' websites. Narrow down your top 12 choices and visit each of them, focusing on the campus, dormitories, meal system, academics, finances, and relative area as criteria for each school. There are numerous charts online to help you with this step. The earlier one starts, the more colleges one may see and experience. Once narrowed down, complete the applications to each university the summer before senior year to avoid last minute rush applications. Once accepted there is no set way to make the most of one's college experience since there are usually a plethora of activities at most universities - just focus on keeping your grades up and you surely won't regret it later on.
I believe in fitting the college to the student. If the student feels comfortable in big crowds and is a people person then a big college is for them. If they prefer a more one on one approach, I feel that a smaller college is the way to go. The more comfortable the student is the better they will do.
Start filling out scholarships for your children before they get to college.
go for what you want. not what your friends or parents want. this is your future and you are in control.
First thing you want to do after you make a list of colleges you want to consider is to take your top 5 choices (that fit with what you want to major in and the practicality of attending it) and visit them. You don't want to make choices on a place you've never been to, especially since you will be investing four years into it. Visit the campus, ask around, and see if the shoe fits. You don't want to be disappointed, college is supposed to be where you learn and have fun. This is where you grow up.
College is where you'll make mistakes, turn your socks pink, and stumble around in the dark. Can you see yourself growing up with the people around you? That's what you should consider after finding out they meet all your other qualifications (like what academic programs they offer and how they rank there).
If you have financial concerns just remember to fill out a FAFSA and try to find options that are instate as well. Try and also look up work-study programs or see if the area around your campus might hire students. Remember, have fun.
Student- Take time to evaluate your options and dont hesitate to change your options. Know that your parents may not be able to afford certain college educations that you may would like to recieve.
Parents- Teach your child the best from a young age, but as they get older use reserved guidance instead of hands-on parenting as they get older. Try to accept the fact that your little one is growing up and is becoming more mature and is leaving soon.
Parents/Students - live your life to the fullest everyday
Try not to make your decisions based on just the name and prestige of the school. Wile cost is an inevitable factor remember you will reap what you sew. Take the time do do some research about your school and visit the campus at least once. Talk to potential Professors and visit the carrier center. Talk to some of the students if you can, seniors will usually give you the most honest answers. Make sure that the school will be able to provide you with the resources you will need to succeed.
consider all factors, not just academics
My advice would be simply to stay positive. Keeping your head up and realizing that there is always tomorrow are good ways to go about school. If a school doesn't fit, you can transfer until you find one that does. There are always going to be days that everything is too much and you're overwhelmed but if you decide to think about things in a white light, they will always work out. Take every day as it is and study what you really want. Don't mix work and pleasure. Get your school work done and then take your time spending the rest of your hours with friends. Don't get caught up in grey areas that can distract you from your goals and don't ever let anyone tell you that your goals are too big.
It is extremely important to find a school where you know the area who would like to major in is specific. Also it is important to know whether you like the location or not; whether it is the city or country etc. But above all, think of where you would be the happiest, do not think about your boyfriend and friends, think about yourself first. After you get accepted and you start attending that school, things can be very rocky at first. Do not get discouraged because things will get better. Stay focused on what you want out of your college experience and it will happen if you chose the right school.