Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Commonwealth University know before they start?


Some advice I would give to new students would be to get out and just try everything. Test out all of the clubs and try to get to know people. Not only could you find something you could really love, but you may make lifelong friends and get connections for after you graduate. Try to be as open as you can to new ideas, new people, and new places. I see some people who hole themselves up in their dorm room and play video games for all of their free time, and it makes me sad that these people aren't even trying to make friends and they seem to be putting all that energy into something that won't give back to them. I guess what I'm trying to say is to try to see what "college life" is all about. Try to make it the best years of your life.


For finding the right school it's very important to tour the campus. I can't stress that enough. I once was interestead in attending Randolph-Macon but, after the tour i realized the campus, and the school itself, was not for me. If you are looking for certain programs, if you want to know the nitty gritty details, DON'T be afraid to ask. Ask questions about anything and everything you want to know. Someone will either be able to answer you or they won't. And if no one can answer your questions I STRONGLY recomend rethinking your choices. As for making the most - don't be afraid to try new things. But, don't push yourself. There is nothing wrong with staying in your comofort level. Schools tend to offer you new chances and oppurtunities that help you to test the waters. Take advantage of them!


Don't let cost stop your child from attending the school that they want too. When it comes to college, its going to be the best next four or five years od your life, make the best of it because when its over its time to enter the real world.


Making the right choice in colleges first depends on the type of education the student wants to recieve. Research needs to be done about which schools provide courses of study in the student's interest group as well as what schools can accommodate any specific financial or learning needs. If the student has no desired course of study, then he/she should attend a community college to get general education classes out of the way before attending a more expensive school. After all these things are researched and decided, visit the schools the student is accepted to. Make a choice in school only after every school has been visited. Taking a tour of campus will make a big difference in the college choice. A school may sound good on paper and then be completely different in real life.


Research is key! Know what you want to get out of your college and what type of location best suits you and go from there.


Find the best professors. The ones that actually care.


Look at as many schools as possible. Take campus tours and visit the department you are most interested in applying too. Be prepared to face a lot of freedom and know that you will have to be responsible and place work before partying. If you're looking at a school with a city campus take a seminar on city living, how to protect yourself and what warning signs could indicate danger. Familiarize yourself with important buildings like the library, student commons, the campus police office, the gym, and student health. Call home often! :)


Spend the night there first. and explore EVERYTHING.


The best advice I would give parents and/or students for finding the right college would be to really research the universities they are interested in. Go to them and visit, through this they will be able to learn what kind of people attend there, what the atmosphere feels like on campus and if they would feel comfortable. They should also find a university that really supports and offers the best classes and programs for the students interests and major. Education is the main reason for college and it should be made sure that education is first in mind when choosing a university.


visit colleges and spend the night. spend at least a few days there, make sure that the campus isnt dead on the weekends. start planning your course loud early, as well as planning for your finances. take students loans, and don't live more than one year in the dorms.