Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Virginia Commonwealth University?


The most frustrating thing is when there are not enough group study rooms during finals week.


The only thing I could say was frustrating would be having to live in a dorm room. There was limited space and having to share a bathroom with a floor of boys wasn't very fun.


There is a lack of school spirit and overall sense of community. Because VCU resides in an urban setting and is a commuter school, students spread out through Richmond and the neighboring counties, which interfere with community cohesiveness.


Most of the other students are from major cities like Northern VA or Hampton area, so sometimes its hard to mingle if you are from a smaller city. I didn't know anyone else who came here from Harrisonburg, unlike most others who already know many people who will attend the same school.


Crime and keeping safe.


The walking to your classes.


One of the more frustrating things about my school is learning how to get eServices to work. I do not remember getting a tutorial or a quick run-through on how it is supposed to function, and I do not know who to go to for help. Another thing was that I did not know how to pay my tuition for school until it was too late, and I was slapped with late fees and holds on registration, which made it so much harder to find classes during registration time.


It lacks organization at times and paperwork is frequently lost.


Advising .


When I don't have any money, it is very hard for me to find a place to print out things from the computer for free. It is very rare. Everything on campus must be paid for in order to use.