Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Virginia Commonwealth University?


For some general education courses, where a lot of students are required to take it, the class size is very big. As a result, it's hard to have that one-on-one relationship with your Professor and there is little discussion. Also, for a school that has as many students as VCU does, I think there should be more dining areas. I am a transfer student from JMU where the food was fantastic. You would think that with a bigger school, they would have more locations and variety to their meals but VCU lacks that.


The class schedules every other semester conflict with religious holidays, forcing students to withdraw from the class or break the holiday. This results in more withdrawn classes on a transcript than for other students. Thus, it is some form of discrimination. Some professors' policy is to give an F to individuals who HAVE to miss a class or two (which may coincidentally fall on religious holidays). VCU should model after other universities, such as those in New York, which I hear have an official school holiday on these dates. If they argue, then take away Christmas and Easter break.


The most frustrating thing about my school is applying for on -campus housing after your freshmen year because you enter a lottery system. It doesn't matter if you enter the lottery system early or not, you are randomly selected a number which tells you what time and what day you can register for housing. If you have a really high number most likely you don't get the dorm you want or in some cases you are put on a waiting lists.