Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University know before they start?


If I could go back and tell myself one thing it would be, “You’re not as great as you think you are.” Grades have always come easy to me. From kindergarten through high school I never got lower than an A. In high school I started taking harder courses, thinking I would finally be challenged. I thought I might finally have to put some effort into maintaining my high GPA. But I didn’t. By my senior year, I had a pretty big chip on my shoulder. I graduated 6th in my class, and never studied for a single thing. My mom noticed my growing chip and warned me that college wouldn’t be as easy to coast through as high school. She told me that I needed to develop some good, or any, study habits or I was would be in trouble. But I didn’t listen. After all, I had taken AP and Dual Enrollment classes and aced those. I kept the chip on my shoulder right up until I got my first B. It really fell off when I got my second one. So I would definitely go back and tell myself a thing or two.


Don't be afraid about starting college. There will always be someone that you can become friends with and the homesickness does fade. Work your butt off doing assignments and studying for your classes so that you can reap the rewards of good grades. Don't be afraid to branch out and join a club or go out on the weekend with a group of friends.


I would tell myself to really take advantage of the AP/college accredited classes to save time and money while in college. Some counsolers might tell you to take your time and get great grades, but I disagree. I feel it is best for a highschool student to take on difficult classes as early as possible. It will make the transition to college smooth and rewarding.

De ' Ashley

Dear De ' Ashley, I know you have gargantuan dreams and goals, but at this stage in your life I want you to learn how to live a life about others, i.e. otherly. Right now, don't focus on your circumstances and how much everyone plays a part in your life and what part they play. As a person with high expectations in others, you are easily disappointed and look to others for guidance and self-assurance. Be thankful that people have had such a profound effect on you being such an assertive, optimistic, self-aware, and strong young women with great work ethic and integrity. Find a mentor, someone to whom you can go to for advice, who understands the versatile person you are, what you want, and where you are going; that can help you map out your college career and life plans. Also, show people who you are because they care and they want to know who you are as a person and the inspirational, unique friend who genuinely cares. In discovering yourself, know that everyone fulfills a different purpose and don’t be afraid to fail or admit faults. With all my heart, De ' Ashley Spain


My advice to my high school self would be to put more effort in studying the classes that do not come as easy to you.


First off I would apply to several more groups and organizations. I was so focused on classes and my senior year I made a decision I have always regretted. I chose to take a period off, instead of taking an extra class or organization I took off the class and used that time to relax and enjoy my day. Although I enjoyed the time I had I have always regretted the chance to use that period to is fullest potential. I wish that I used that class to go beyond my comfort zone and take a college course and getting ready for classes. My final bit of advice would be that college is not the scary and difficult study I heard about nor is it the crazy life filled adventure as seen in movies. Instead college is its own life style filled with times to prove maturity and to take chances. I would urge myself to focus on joining more organizations and taking a college course or two preparing for the future agead.


I would tell myself to not be as lazy. I was a horrible procrastinator and rarely took school seriously as I was able to skate by. Knowing what I know now I would tell myself that life isn't a joke and you need to be ready. Take your classes seriously and don't procrastinate. Also, get more involved in things.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to do several things. One main thing would be to start trying to get in the habit of being more studious. While in college, there have been many times where I have had to spend many hours in the library studying or doing homework. I would advise my high school self that by developing the patience and habits of sitting down, focusing, and completing what ever school work I may have, the transition to college would be much easier. I would also advise my high school self other things as well. Another thing I would advise myself would be to learn to effectively balance work/studies with enjoying yourself. Although one must spend many hours working and studying, you still need to have fun so that you don't get burned out. I would tell my high school self that I need to start planning out my time schedule so that I get all my school work done, but still leave time for me to relax or doing something I enjoy.


The best advice given to my high school senior self, Keep up the good work. Enjoy life and it's many offerings being the young enthusiacitc adult you are. Pass all of your AP exams. The mystery to getting a A is continous studying, participation, attendance, and homework completion. There is no room for laziness or the I wish I would have done that. For lunch, have a water with a cold cut maybe a piece of fruit from out of your lunch box. Never fail Gym, that's the easiest class to pass. Remeber aim for honor roll classes, talk to whatever counsel to get you squared away with your classes. Continue the day throughout unitl three o'clock, the most important thing. Respect each and every teacher in the entire school everyday, while trying to help one another. Try getting a job successfully on the weekends. During the week should be dedicated to homework and studying with friends. When graduation arrives have had the best four years of your life. Talk about when you remember like it was yesterday that you were entering the ninth grade. Prom, maybe a senior trip are all great. Just bravery and love.


Life is a disappoinment and even though you may find employment you stll may not find enjoyment. I know that you are feeling like you are the one god sent to get bent (drunk) and do things that makes no sense, but you dreams will escape. Everyday you will sit around and hope to be ok on a different date. Five years from now will wake up with your heart singing the blues, feet feeling like you are wearing two left shoes, and left with only a couple options to choose from. I need you to acknowledge that playing in the National Women's Basketball Association (NWBA) is your passion and that attending school for fashion is just temporaily relaxing.Your actions today will permenantly get in your way and all of the opprtunities you have now is not here to stay. College is hard, but it will be easier if you decide now to work hard, study, and get rid of your buddy. Not everyone get the chance to be told about their future, so lets make a bet. I promise to make sure you live a good healthy life if you stay away from the alcohol and cigarettes.