Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University know before they start?


Out of my college experience, I have gotten a stronger sense of independence and responsibility. In college, no one is here to hold your hand or walk you through everything. A lot of college is all on you. Sure, there are advisors and professors to help you, but in reality, what you get out of college depends on what you put into it. I have found myself having more responsibilities regarding my education and my life. These skills will become valuable in the future after college. Without attending Virginia Tech, I feel like I would be t a serious disadvantage in the real world.


College has given me an enormous sense of independence and self responsibility. Really being on my own made me realize a lot about myself and what I was capable of. I had to be responsible for myself and learn to balance everything. Between school, having a part time job, and my social life, I was busy and was slowly learning how to balance my large workload. I have learned so much about myself in just two years in college. I've had my fair share of awful days. I've cried from being so overwhelmed with everything. But I realized what I was capabe of and simply got back up when school and life in general knocked me down. I know this is going to be so helpful and valuable to me later in my life. I know that I should only worry about things I can control, and to give my best in everything is all I can ask of myself. I know that the skills I've learned in college will stay with me way beyond college and I'll retain them in all my future endeavors.


I have grown as a person because of my college experience and that is something I truely value and cherish. Before enrolling I felt trapped and stuck, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, and I felt as if time was going to fly by and I was going to be stuck in the same spot that I was in for the rest of my life. That realization scared me and the fear motivated me to move forward with myself as a person. Every mentor I've had has told me the same thing year after year, "School is everything and without it you will go nowhere." That piece of advise rang in my ears each time I felt stuck in a moment of despair and stress while I was going through the college anxiety. My mentors were right and to chose to continue my education was the best decision I have ever made. I've made my self-discovery, I value myself more now than I ever did before, and I am determined to maintain that value.


I've discovered that networking is one of, if not the most, important aspect at Virginia Tech. The networking I do now will help me greatly in the future in areas like job hunting. It's a known fact that "Hokies hire Hokies." Meet as many people as possible when you first get to college - these people could open so many doors for you. Getting involved is another huge aspect at Virginia Tech. The more involved you are, the more you learn about the school, other people and yourself. Virginia Tech is all about "Discovery", (just watch our commercial). We're always researching and looking for new ideas. Tech isn't only about discovering new ideas and technologies but it's about discovering oneself. At Virginia Tech there are more groups and ways to get involved than anyone could imagine. There's something here for everyone which allows each person here to find what it is they're passionate about so that they can pursue it. Virginia Tech is also a very tight-knit community so everyone in Blacksburg is passionate about this university and passionate about seeing its students succeed. This makes for an excellent learning and growing environment.


Although I have only been at Virginia Tech for two summer sessions and the fall semester, I have already grown so much as a student, a designer and as an individual. Virginia Tech has given me a strong sense of independance and is allowing me to achieve my dream of becoming an industrial designer. In my opinion a college degree is almost a necessity in today's economy. Virginia Tech is allowing me to better my life and doing so in a beautiful environment under highly acclaimed proffessor's. I know that when I look back on my college years when I am older I will have great memories of learning, growing, and finding myself.


I have been accepted to Savannah College of Arts and Design. I decided I wanted my major to be Fashion design. I chose Fashion design because I want to be able to make clothes for people that are my size. I moved into my dorm room on September 10 and I started classes on September 13. On the first day of being at Scad my roommate and I made new friends and we got to decorate our room. Unfortunately I had to leave scad after a week because I had a 7000 dollar defecit in my financial aid. Even though I only got to stay for a week and, attend two classes i really enjoyed my time there. I made new friends and met most of my instructors and some of the shuttle bus drivers. I learned my way around the school and went to some of the on campus events. Because of my condition (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) when I was in elementary, middle, and high school I needed a para pro. So now that im old enough, I decided that I could go to college by myself, so being at Scad I felt really independent and mature. I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!


My college experience was honestly wonderful. Although the college I chose was only about thirty minutes away from where I grew up, I felt like I was in a different world. Southwest Virginia is very conservative, especially my hometown. However, Virginia Tech is a liberal, open-minded school with students and faculty from literally all over the world. I have met people from all backgrounds, religions, and lifestyles and been able to truely respect and learn from different cultures. One thing the Virginia Tech students and the community have in common is the love for the college. This love grew even more so after the tragedies our campus suffered. The horrific shootings and other events sadly that have taken place at our school have helped our school grow closer and prevail through unspeakable disasters. Watching the community rebuild after the events helped me solidify my career path. I am choosing to attend graduate school to obtain a masters in Social Work planning to work in Disaster Mental Health. I have been inspired by Virginia Tech in many ways and sincerely cannot think of a better college experience.


The diverse friendly atmosphere at my university has helped me open my mind and find what I want to do with my life, now I have a direction and goals for my life. Now I know what I want with my life and I am able to focus on achieving my goals.


The very first time I set foot on Virginia Tech's campus I was awestruck. The campus itself is laid out beautifully and each and every person, no matter where they are from, agrees. I was shocked at the amount of willing students, faculty, and alumni to offer help with directions. While in the bookstore I ran into a man that was from the class of 1959; he told me of his experiences in school and now that he was an alumni. I found that I was admiring him and wanted to have all of those experiences myself. Just being on the campus gave me a sense of pride and wellbeing. Virginia Tech has not disappointed me at all! The school has given me knowledge on an academic level that will help me with my future career, but it has also granted me social experiences that I am forever grateful for. Thus far, I have had one of the greatest experiences of my life. Deciding to attend VT was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The only thing I can tell people is that the "Hokie Nation" cannot be described, it must be experienced.


College has presented me with valuable tools and opportunities in furthering my personal and academic pursuits; it has also been an instrumental part of my growth as an individual. My first semester was difficult as I tried adjusting to a new environment. I noticed my grades began to suffer and I became increasingly discontent. For a while, I explored different options and eventually, with the help and support of my teachers and counselors, I found my niche-which was of utmost importance. Having developed an interest in writing, I decided to pursue English as a career. College allowed me to excel in all areas, academic and otherwise; it opened my eyes to a world of possibilities. So far, I’ve had a very positive college experience which is why I’ve decided to transfer to UC Berkeley and continue with the progress I’ve made. Before college, I was lost, confused, and unsure of myself. But now, I’m immensely ambitious, self-aware, and driven and I place education as my top priority. I’m glad I challenged myself academically and engaged in on-campus activities (tutoring, scholars program, Armenian club) for I’m now exceedingly well-rounded.