Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University know before they start?


Visit the schools first. Talk to students about life there.


Truly take the time to evaluate you and the people that will be around you. Every school has "bad eggs", the people who go out of their way to bring you down and make your experience miserable. You have to do your best to look far into the depths of the school that you are researching and decide for yourself what you think will effect you. Do not let anyone else decide where they think that you should go. You are the one who knows you best. Be sure to look at how big greek life is on campus. Will you be considered an "outcast" simply because you are not interested in sorority life? How heavily are sporting events weighed to other students on game days? Will you be sitting alone at home most Saturday nights? If drinking is


When I was thinking about my options for college, it was definitely helpful to know what sort of major I was interested in. I chose an in-state college to save money, and to be close enough to home, but just far enough to get the whole experience. It's really important to choose where you want to go based on your interest in a major or field. I really enjoy attending Virginia Tech because it offers an outstanding engineering program, as well as a fun social environment. The pride in being a Hokie is something that I hope everyone is able to find at the school of their choice. Choosing a college is really about finding a size and location that's right for you, as well as a program that will prepare you for a career in the future. I find that in order to make the most of my college experience, I have to maintain a balance between my academic and social life. Once you learn to live on your own, and adapt to your new environment, college is an unforgetable, rewarding experience.


Visit, Visit, and even more visiting! I have had some friends in high school that chose a college based on a lecture that some representative gave at my high school, and probably 90 percent of those kids are now transferring or already have. My advice try to spend a weekend at different college's to see what it's like not during school hours. And take plenty of scheduled tours.


If I were to give advice to my parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience, I would first tell them to visit any college they have an interest in. The first initial visit will tell you whether the college is right for you. As for making the most of the college experience, I would say live on campus your freshman year and make as many new friends there as you can because those will be your friends for the rest of your life. Also, get involved in campus activities or go to sports games and support your school.