To find the right college, look at about ten different colleges. Half should have what the student/parent thinks they want in a school and half should have something that is different from what is on the "Ideal College List." Visit these colleges and do a ton of research to make sure this is the right college in which the student can feel comfortable and safe and the parent can feel that their child will be safe and happy.
To make the best of one's college experience, try everything. If one tries something new, he/she might find something that they really love that they hadn't thought of before. Don't do the nothing but studying route or the nothing but partying route. A healthy combination of schoolwork and fun makes the college experience enjoyable and productive.
Every person is different so it is difficult to say one way someone could find the right college for them. I would recommend getting as much information as you can, take tours of the campus, talk to students who currently attend that school, and try and focus on the schools where you know you would feel comfortable. I knew Virginia Tech was the school for me by the way my high school was. I knew I wanted something different and since I had always been a Hokie Fan, just learning more about the academics of the school made it that much easier to decide this was the place for me. As for making the most out of your experience, always remember that it is something different and takes some getting use to. But always remember there is another day and another chance to get out there and meet people and have fun. Everyone should try and surround themselves with positive people and people you can count on. Speaking from experience, it sometimes gets bad before it gets great, but I never gave up and I love every minute that I walk on campus and spend time with my friends.
The advice I would give to students about finding the right college for them is to really look for something that you love at that school. For me, I love football, and Tech is a HUGE football school, so it was the perfect fit for me. I love the school spirit the whole atmosphere and when I visit other schools, it is not the same and I know that I chose the right school. It just fit. To make the most out of the college experience is to try things that you have yet to do. You may have always wanted to try, but never got the chance or never even thought to try go do it! Academically, socially, career-wise, everything. Choose a school that is going to allow you to explore and build on your talents, hobbies, and interests and you will be guaranteed the most out of college.
I would tell the parents and the student to make sure he or she is going to their chosen college for the right reasons. Simply because if they are not going for the right reasons like academics and a future careeer in what they want in life, they will not last and be wasting both time and money. I am in Army ROTC and in the Corps of Cadets here at Virginia Tech and if you are not here for the right reasons you are weeded out very quick. I watched many of my friends fall out of this program for this specific reason. College is not for everyone. I realized this after my freshman year. Families should be aware of all the factors that come into getting a certain degree and what life will be like at their chosen campus. My overall statement is, make sure the student is going to their college for the right reasons. Set yourself up for success and everything else will fall into place.
Finding the right college is extremely important. Looking at a college for its academic standings and ratings is important, but you should never select a college for just that reason. If you dont choose a college in a place where you are comfortable, are able to maintain the best balance of social and academic life, and where you feel you will flourish, you will still have a memorable college experience, but for the wrong reasons. College should be one of the best time of a persons' life and is also one of the most importance times. For this reason my advice is choose the college thats best for you! Weigh all of the important factors and dont choose a school just because its one that other people approve of. Happiness is the best policy, and if your serious about your academics you can flourish at whatever school that you choose!
Don't let anything stop you from going to the college you want. Even if you don't get accepted at first you can always apply to transfer. The world is a big place so don't try and go to school that's 15 minutes from your house because you want to stay close to your family. Follow your dreams.
Be open to possibilities and doors that you may never have anticipated. Don't be afraid to change. I changed my college decision at the last moment, and this was one of the best decisions of my life. To make the most of your college experience, embrace the novelty even when it's scary and don't judge things by the surface. Seek out opportunities and make the most of them. And most of all, be friendly- the key to college success is friends.
I know that it is difficult to know exactly what you want in your future no matter what your age is, but the question that you have to ask yourself is "Where do I see myself in X number of years?" and take that information and figure out what school best coincides with making that goal a reality. There are other specifics that you should take into consideration as well such as whether or not you are willing to take out student loans, whether you want to have good football to watch, location, and how big of a school you feel comfortable going to. Wherever you go, it is up to you to make the most out of your own college experience.
The student has to be comfortable with the school. If He/She thinks it will be too dificult for them (either a school or a specific major), then it probably is and you shouldn't pressure them too hard into either taking that major or going to that school. Finding the right school can be tricky, and it helps if you look into what that school is known for. If your child wants to be an engineer look into schools with good science math and engineering curriculum. If your child wants to go to be a journalist, find a school with a good english or liberal arts curriculum.
Visit campuses - You must feel at home there. College is a time to learn about yourself and how you relate to the world. Pick a school that will nurture individuality and treat you with respect - the faculty is really important to your success, so form good relationships with them. You will make the best of wherever you are, but always surround yourself with intelligent, creative, hard-working, caring people. Make friends, and be open-minded when meeting people. If you end up disliking the college you are attending, don't feel locked-in but give it a chance. Transferring isn't a big deal Never close yourself off from opportunities. Study abroad - finding financial aid is not as hard as you'd think, and it is extremely rewarding. Don't stick too close to your parents, but don't cut yourself off either. You need to figure out how to support yourself. Work hard, not for your parents, for a grade, or for competition. If you neglect your classes, you are only hurting yourself by wasting your own time and money and depriving yourself of education. Time is precious. You are young. Don't waste a single second.