It is a time to stand out rather than fit it. Meet new people and become more independent.
Choose what you believe to be right for you, not what you can pay for or what your parents feel is best. Choose a place you feel comfortable the moment you walk on campus, where you can see yourself excelling academically, socially, and mentally.
It is vital to find the college that suits you best. Otherwise, you are not going to get the most out of your experience here , which should be the best years of your life. You should visit as many colleges as you can before you apply to see where you might want to go. Make sure you ask a lot of questions when visiting these campuses, especially from current students that you might see randomly around campus as they are usually the most honest. Once you have chosen the college that is best for you, make sure you get involved when you are attending. You will find that you will have a lot of free time and you want to make the most of it. (Don't just sit around and watch TV or play video games like some students do) Go out and join a club, fraternity or sorrority, and if you can, participate in a varsity sport. Overall remember that you take the time to study and get good grades because that is why you are here in the first place!
For students finding the right college can be a strenuous task, but find one that suits what you are looking for. Don't choose a college that your parents are trying to get you to look at because if you don't fall in love with that school then you may have second thoughts about your decision. To make the most of your college experience I have two words : Get Involved. Whether you get involved with Greek Life, Clubs, Sports, etc. just get involved because it exposes you to many great things.
Parents, letting go of your children can be a difficult task, you may want them close to home, but they have to find what college makes them comfortable and at home. This is where they will spending the next 4 years of their academic career. They may choose a college right around the corner from home, and they may choose one on the opposite side of the country. Money may be short or you could have an abundance of it, but I believe you should choose where to go because you feel comfortable there and believe you can suceed because it will be where your child chooses.
I think the student should make the decision based on what they feel they want to do as a possible career. Parents should support and guide the student through the decision-making process, as they can have valuable information from their own experiences to pass on. If the student is unsure exactly what they want to do, find a campus you might like for social life, with academics being a secondary parameter. It is easier to determine you found the right college when you know what you want to do. The college experience is NOT all about classes! It's wonderful! Get outside of your room, join a club or sport. Hang out with new friends you make from class. Explore your campus and the town surrounding it! You may be surprised at what you find. Colleges are great mixing bowls for all kinds of people. They are sure to broaden your perspectives on all aspects of life, so don't be shy! Remember, you're all there to learn, so you already have something in common. But above all, college is what you make it.
You need to find the college where you feel comfortable and at home and the people are friendly or else you will be miserable. I have never been homesick just because Virginia Tech is like that. Also choose a school that potential employers will know by name and they know that the program you received your degree from is reputable. Finally, make a lot of friends and be involved, but don't let your social life overtake your academic life. You are paying for college to learn and in four years have a good GPA and great experience for your starting job.
Ask around would be my first advice. I have lots of potential students and parents touring the campus asking what I think about the school. I would recommend this school to anyone anywhere and am proud to say it. As for manking the most of your college experience, get involved! I never joined any clubs and/or sororities, but wish I had taking that opportunity. It's a great way to meet people just like you. Looking back on it now, I would have even sat in on a few classes just to test the waters. There is nothing worse than starting out at a school and finding out it really just is not the right one for you. I would even talk to former alumni to see what they have to say about their past experiences with the school. The alumni at Virginia Tech will tell you what a wonderful campus it was was and still is. Get to know the college you want to go to because more than likely you will be there for 4 or more years.
The best advice for finding the right college is to just take a trip to the school and take a tour. On the tour, you will see the campus and the lifestyle and get the chance to meet full-time students there. When you find the right school, you will know it right away. You will fall in love right away with that school. When you first come to the school for orientation, dont just sit back and be shy. You need to be outgoing and make friends and be personable. Your life will be much easier if you take the time to get to know people. Find a group of people in your dorm or a class and go out to eat... Get to know people because these are the friendships and relationships you will remember for the rest of your life.
Find a college that has a good campus dining program, Virginia Tech is #1 in the nation. Also find a college that has a good layout and teachers focused on teaching and not just research.