Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University know before they start?


The right college can only be found by experiencing the campus and interacting with the students. Schools can look great on paper and just not give off the right energy in person so visiting each potential school is a must. Students should at a wide variety of schools, from the local community colleges all the way up to their dream university in another state and parents should be supportive no matter what. When it comes to making the most of "the college experience" the real key is to not let yourself (I'm talking to you students) get too overwhelmed with schoolwork. Get your work done but don't forget to meet people. You'll only have those quintessential experiences if you go outside your comfort zone and meet new friends. Once families find their student "that" school and he/she gets over any shyness they are going to have too many wonderful experiences to ever remember them all. And to me that's the key to having a great time at your college: having too many memories to count.


Choosing the right school is all about instinct. When you visit a school and feel like it is going to be a great fit, go for it! Factors like specific specializations and majors that only certain schools offer might weigh in if you are looking into an advanced field, but if you choose a school based strictly on these limited premises you could be miserable. Likewise, just because your parents or friends are going or have gone to a school does not mean that it is going to be right for you, simply due to the basic fact that everyone is unique. Another factor to consider in selecting a college is finding one that is financially feasible for your family, which can lessen the stress on everybody; however, if you truly want to go somewhere that your family will have a hard time affording do not let it stop you! Start you money hunt early and make it work by finding monetary aides such as scholarships, grants, and student loans. Ultimately, it will give you a greater sense of personal accomplishment and in return build a great deal of character. Let your gut feeling lead the way, good luck!


Take a chance, go somewhere interesting that you may have always wanted to. Don't be afraid to make a jump and leave the nest.


I think that the college experience is probably one of the most important things a person can go through in their lives. Finding the right college is all about what the student wants, and it should be researched carefully because it is where they will spend the next chapter of their lives and where they will develop not only mentally but physically and emotionally as well. Even if a student does not get into the college of their choice, they must realize that they will have a great time at college essentially anywhere they go and if they work hard enough, they will be able to transfer anywhere they please. Students must not forget to not only work hard with their studies, but to make sure they go out and meet other people. Being social and meeting new people is essential to the college experience and to make the years become enjoyable.


In the words of my father; it is most important to know yourself. The first thing to look for when touring colleges is to make sure the things you enjoy most are available to you. Determine what interests you most academically, and see if that program is a focus at the school you are considering. Then check to see that the school has clubs and activities you enjoy, whether that be watching football games or volunteering in the surrounding community. Many people think they can determine whether a school is right for them based on the tour or the people they meet one day visiting. The truth is that bad weather or one person in a bad mood could completely skew one's opinion on the particular school. More likely than not, if you choose a school which has the activities you enjoy, you will be with like-minded people who you enjoy spending time with in the fall.


Visit any college that you think you may want to seriously consider. Spend a night or two on campus in a dorm room or at a friend's place. You should also try to go to a sporting event if you can to really get a feel for the atmosphere at the school with the students and the alumni. Once you choose your school, get involved with something extracurricular. Involvement could be anything from helping a professor conduct some research, to joining greek life, to playing club sports. But whatever you do, GET INVOLVED.


Don't go somewhere because all of your friends are going there. Go to a college you feel comfortable with after touring the campus and one that is affordable to your parents. I made that mistake and my parents are struggling with tuition, so if you decide to go for an expensive college, consider help from the financial aid offices.


When entering into the college process I thought I knew what I wanted and my ego led me to believe I could have whatever I wanted. However, the reality was different for me . I did not know and there is no absolute control, only preparation. This is not just my reality, but it is the reality for everyone. Finding a school is about preparing as much you can then letting go and seeing what doors open. For there is no way to know for certain what is right. Once one's doors open then keep an open mind. Look at all the possiblities, because that is the true reality- a new world of opportunity. I am positive that amazing possiblities exists at every university, it just requires one to seek it out. Be honest with yourself and keep your eyes open and with these things your reality becomes guaranteed success.


Ask current or former students what the student and social life was like and be sure to visit and get to know the area before you decide.


Dont be close minded, comming from a city suburb I never thought i'd enjoy a southern atmosphere. I took a chance and went in open minded and could not be happier