Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University know before they start?


Go to community college if you are unsure about your acedemic plans, it is a lot cheaper and you get to stay home with people you know for an extra year or two. Wait and see which college is right for you before heading off into something you are unsure of.


Finding the right college for you is all about diving into the unknown and letting go of your fears. It may not feel right at first, but stick it out for a bit. If you and your school end up just too different to date, you can always transfer to another. One problem for me coming out of high school was the extreme fear of what lied ahead; a fear that whatever I decided to do determined the rest of my life, and was absolutely set in stone. The best advice I can give to anyone is to live for today, but don?t forget about tomorrow. You may be shy and meeting new people may seem difficult, but you'd be surprised to learn that the president of that club you?ve thought about joining, is shyer than you. One day you?ll realize that nothing is owed to you, but everything is here for you. You just have to find it, grab it, and pursue it. College, like life, is what you make of it. So put your head up, put a smile on, and go make a life for yourself. It?s shorter than you think.


If I were to give advice about college selection, I would highly recommend that parents and future students spend a good deal of time at the various campuses they visit. Iteraction with current students and faculty is essential, as this is the most proven way to get a true "gut" feeling about the university. In terms of making the most of college, I recommend getting involved, and putting yourself out there. At a university such as VT, there are endless venues in which you can learn, grow, and flourish, and they are readily available for the taking if you are willing to make that first leap. Don't be shy, there is no need to be. Every other student at the school is in the same boat as you are, and the opportunity to reinvent yourself is one that happens very rarely in life. I recommend placing your grades first, because everything else falls in line with that. Diligent study is the heart of being happy at college, and taking advantage of the professors and peers in school will reap huge benefits down the road.


I would say that that single most important thing to do in picking a college that is right for you is to visit every college you are interested in, even in the slightest. If you are only a little interested in a college, visit it, take a guided tour, you may find that you like it better. Also, obviously you want to pick a college known for its scholastics in the area you are interested in. (Don?t go to a liberal arts school if you want to be an electrical engineer.) Make sure you like the campus and the way it feels. To make the most of your college experience you have to find a way to balance school work, fun, and maybe a job. This is not easy to do. There is a lot more work than in high school and it counts for a lot more. For the first few weeks, get into a rhythm with your school work, don?t worry about everything else. Once you get that on a regular schedule, then go out and have fun and find a job, while still keeping your school work on that schedule.


The most important things is to find somewhere you are comfortable. I am from NC and I didnt know a single person at Tech. I was a little uneasy about living with strangers because I am from a real small town. I came to Tech and visted and I know that this is where i needed to be. So always go viste and get a fill for your school. For the parents always sopport you kids becuase college is not easy and sometime we just need to here "hang in there or you can do it". Last but not least get out and experience life and the college life. If you have sports go to the games meet new people and have fun!!!


Most importantly, make sure the major they are interested in is provided and the atmosphere is one you feel comfortable in. The best thing you can do is to visit the school and stay overnight, thats the only way to gather a genuine opinion about it. After they leave for school it's important to break out of your comfort zone! You need to meet new people and make new friends. This can be hard in a big school so the best way to go about this is to join an organization of interest. Something else to keep in mind is to remember to balance the social aspect of college with the academic portion. You can't forget why you're really in college and it's easy to get too caught up in all the craziness, but at the same time don't forget to have fun!


Research EVERY school in EVERY state. I didn't initially know about this school when i was applying in high school and if I hadn't found out about it I would sincerely feel like I've missed out on a great experience of my life. I also think you should look inward at your personality and look for a school that matches your values and goals. Virginia Tech, where I attend school, is all about giving back to the community local and abroad, being a great person in this world, and making a difference. That's what I'm all about, and thus I have found the right place for me.


Whether you like your college or not depends mostly on the people and atmosphere of the school. If you prefer to be surrounded by academically driven and competitive peers, Virginia Tech is not for you. However, if you still want a great education while enjoying college in a relaxed and friendly environment, Virginia Tech is a good option.


Parents must let their children decide on their own. Children might want to get out and see a different part of the country and they should not be restricted to that. If you can't afford out of state tuition, there are so many ways for your child to get scholarships and grants, all they have to do is look. Students, do what feels right. Don't choose a college just because thats where your best friend or boyfriend is going. You will make a new friend everyday in college. Choose a school that can prepare you for your career to the level you want to achieve. To make the most out of your college experience you need to have time management. Monday through Friday should be school work days and the weekends free to do what ever you please. Don't allow your social life to take away from your academics. College should be fun so don't stress over every single little thing. Have fun and work hard.


Finding the right college is about visiting the colleges you're interested in and choosing the one that just "feels right". As for making the most of college, I would say to work hard, but don't let work rule your life. Get out and have fun, responsibly and safely of course, and just sit back and enjoy the ride that is college.